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2024-2025 Application Form: Habitat Stewardship Program for Aquatic Species at Risk

Form for applicants to submit a proposal to the Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP) for AquaticFootnote 1 Species at Risk 2024-25 Funding Cycle


The following form is your application to the HSP for Aquatic Species at Risk. Please refer to the HSP Application Instructions and the Program Guide as you complete this application. If you have questions, please contact the appropriate HSP Regional Coordinator.

On this page

Timelines and how to apply

Prior to submitting a complete application to the HSP, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via email to the appropriate HSP Regional Coordinator. Although the EOI is not mandatory it will give you the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback on your project and to verify that it is aligned with national and regional priorities and program expected results. EOIs are due November 10, 2023 (closing at 11:59 pm for your region).

Applications must be submitted via email to the HSP Regional Coordinator by December 15, 2023 (closing at 11:59 pm for your region).

Please note:

Extensions to the application deadline will not be granted. Applicants are reminded that they should receive a notification of a successful submission within five working days of the submission of their application. Contact your HSP Regional Coordinator if you have submitted an application but have not received this notification.

Unless otherwise indicated, all fields are mandatory. Failure to complete all mandatory fields may result in your application NOT being considered for funding.

1.1 Project management team and contact information

b) Duly authorized representative:

c) Project manager:

d) Address:

1.2 Organization type and business number

    Federal Business number and/or GST/HST number and/or band number % GST/HST reimbursable by Canada Revenue Agency % PST reimbursable by the province
Indigenous Group
Provincial/Territorial/Municipal/local government
Others (specify):

1.3 Program/project delivery experience

b) Team Members (max 25 lines):

Name Title Experience Previous HSP project experience?

1.4 Application to other DFO funding programs

2.1.1 Project overview (max 1 page):

2.1.2 Project description (max 3 pages):

2.1.3 Outcomes description (max 1 page):

2.4 Collaboration among multiple stakeholders or partners

If you answered yes, please complete the table below:

Stakeholder/partner Description of role in project Confirmed or anticipated

3.1 Project location

Habitat description (ecosystem type) Latitude (decimal degree format) (e.g. 43.09057) Longitude (decimal degree format) (e.g. -80.16062) Specific Location (nearest town or city)

3.2 Importance of site

3.3 TargetFootnote 2 and benefitting species

a) Target species:

Species name (common and scientific) Population/DU (if relevant) COSEWIC status SARA Schedule 1 Status Federal Recovery Strategy in place (Y/N)

b) Benefiting Species (max 20):

If applicable, please complete the table below:

Species name (common and scientific) Population/DU (if relevant) COSEWIC Status SARA Schedule 1 Status Federal Recovery Strategy in place (Y/N)

3.4 Recovery activity experts

4.1 Links to Recovery Strategies/Action Plans/Management Plans

4.2 Multi-species projects

4.3 Addressing threats to species and/or habitats

If you answered yes, please complete the table below:

Regional priority Project activity

6.1 Project work plan

6.1.1 Annual work plan for 2024-25
Annual work plan for 2024-25
  1. Activity 1: [Title of Activity]
  2. Estimated cost HSP: $[numerical amount]
  3. Start and end dates: [month-year]
  4. General description of the activity:
  5. Tasks:
  6. Deliverables:
  1. Activity 2: [Title of Activity]
  2. Estimated cost HSP: $[numerical amount]
  3. Start and end dates: [month-year]
  4. General description of the activity:
  5. Tasks:
  6. Deliverables:
[Add rows as needed]
6.1.2 [Two-year projects] Annual work plan for 2025-26
Annual work plan for 2025-26
  1. Activity 1: [Title of Activity]
  2. Estimated cost HSP: $[numerical amount]
  3. Start and end dates: [month-year]
  4. General description of the activity:
  5. Tasks:
  6. Deliverables:
  1. Activity 2: [Title of Activity]
  2. Estimated cost HSP: $[numerical amount]
  3. Start and end dates: [month-year]
  4. General description of the activity:
  5. Tasks:
  6. Deliverables:
[Add rows as needed]
6.1.3 [Three-year projects] Annual work plan for 2026-27
Annual work plan for 2026-27
  1. Activity 1: [Title of Activity]
  2. Estimated cost HSP: $[numerical amount]
  3. Start and end dates: [month-year]
  4. General description of the activity:
  5. Tasks:
  6. Deliverables:
  1. Activity 2: [Title of Activity]
  2. Estimated cost HSP: $[numerical amount]
  3. Start and end dates: [month-year]
  4. General description of the activity:
  5. Tasks:
  6. Deliverables:
[Add rows as needed]

6.2 Surveys, inventories and monitoring

6.3 Project evaluation

6.4 Project legacy

6.5 Permitting

If you answered yes, please complete the table below.

Project activity # Permit or authorization type Expected date of issue Issuing authority

7.1 HSP projected expenditures for 2024-25

Expense category Expense description $ Requested to HSP

7.2 [Two-year projects] HSP projected expenditures for 2025-26

Expense category Expense description $ Requested to HSP

7.3 [Three-year projects] HSP projected expenditures for 2026-27

Expense category Expense description $ Requested to HSP

8.1 Sources of support for 2024-25

Organization name, description of activities to be funded and Valuation of Support $ Value of Federal cash and in-kind support $ Value of other governmental cash and in-kind support $ Value other cash and in-kind support Total $ support Confirmed Y/N
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (HSP)          

8.2 [Two-year projects] Sources of support for 2025-26

Organization Name, description of activities to be funded and valuation of Support $ Value of Federal cash and in-kind support $ Value of other governmental cash and in-kind support $ Value other cash and in-kind support Total $ support Confirmed Y/N
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (HSP)          

8.3 [Three-year projects] Sources of support for 2026-27

Organization Name, description of activities to be funded and valuation of Support $ Value of Federal cash and in-kind support $ Value of other governmental cash and in-kind support $ Value other cash and in-kind support Total $ support Confirmed Y/N
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (HSP)          

9 Measuring program performance

Enter planned amounts in the first column.

Performance Measure Planned Actual
Area of aquatic habitat restored (sq. metres/km) [xxxx]  
Number of aquatic species at risk (species or populations) targeted by overall project activities [xxxx]  
Number of aquatic species at risk (species or populations) subject to mitigated impacts from threats [xxxx]  
Number of aquatic species at risk (species or populations) anticipated to have trends consistent with population and distribution objectives in recovery strategies and action plans [xxxx]  
Number of actions implemented from recovery documents for aquatic species at risk (species or populations), including from area or threat-based plans  [xxxx]  
Number of reports (e.g. studies, surveys, inventories, and research reports) completed [xxxx]  
Number of non-indigenous partners engaged and involved in the project (the Recipient and DFO must not be counted as partners) [xxxx]  
Number of indigenous groups involved as partners [xxxx]  
Number of outreach events conducted (presentations, workshops etc.) [xxxx]  
Number of actions likely to continue to occur beyond the Habitat Stewardship Program [xxxx]  
Number of jobs created [xxxx]  


Kristie Pearce
Telephone: 431-334-7210


Jackie Walker
Telephone: 506-377-8263


Lisa Paon
Telephone: 902-483-5495

Newfoundland and Labrador

Andy Porter
Telephone: 709-687-2951

Ontario and Prairie

Kristie Pearce
Telephone: 431-334-7210


Athen Yuen
Telephone: 778-955-8334


Élyse Leduc
Telephone: 438-340-9834
Appendix 1: Regional priorities
Region Species Areas Threats
Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Wolffish Species (Northern, Spotted, Atlantic)
  • Leatherback and Loggerhead Sea Turtle
  • Large Whale Species (Blue Whale, Fin Whale, North Atlantic Right Whale)
  • Atlantic Salmon (South Newfoundland population)
  • Banded Killifish
  • Fisheries Interactions (i.e. bycatch, entanglements)
  • Vessel Interactions (i.e. ship strikes, acoustic disturbances)
  • Pollution and Pathogens
  • Habitat Alteration
  • Migration Barriers
  • Atlantic Salmon (Inner Bay of Fundy population)
  • Atlantic Whitefish
  • Leatherback and Loggerhead Sea Turtle
  • Whale Species (North Atlantic Right Whale, Blue Whale)
  • Lake Utopia Rainbow Smelt
  • Habitat alteration and degradation, including climate change impacts
  • Invasive and introduced species
  • Fishery interactions (includes entanglement, bycatch and incidental catch)
  • Vessels and vehicles interactions
  • Acoustic disturbance
  • Atlantic Salmon
  • Brook Floater
  • Wolffish species
  • Leatherback Sea Turtle
  • Whale species (North Atlantic Right Whale, Blue Whale, Fin Whale)
  • Interactions with Vessels and Vehicles
  • Acoustic Disturbances
  • Fishery Interactions: Bycatch and Entanglement
  • Habitat Alteration and Degradation
  • Invasive and Introduced Species
  • St. Lawrence whales at risk (Beluga whale, Blue whale, North Atlantic right whale, Fin whale and Harbour porpoise)
  • All freshwater fishes of interest to the Quebec Recovery Team “l'équipe de rétablissement des cyprins et petits percidés du Québec” (Sand Darter, Northern Sunfish, Cutlip Minnow, Channel Darter, Bridle Shiner, Grass Pickerel, Northern Brook Lamprey and Silver Lamprey)
  • Copper Redhorse
  • Sharks and Skates (Atlantic White Shark, Atlantic Blue Shark, Atlantic Spiny Dogfish, Channel Darter, Atlantic Basking Shark, Thorny Skate, and Smooth Skate, Laurentian-Scotian population)
  • St. Lawrence diadromous species (Atlantic salmon and American eel)
  • Anthropogenic disturbance associated with commercial shipping, whale watching and touring, or recreational boating (e.g., approach, noise, collision, wake, spill)
  • Bycatch, entanglement in fishing gear, recreational and commercial fishing pressures on aquatic species at risk and the availability of their prey
  • Habitat destruction and degradation (e.g., destruction of seagrass beds, bank artificialization, wave action, soil compaction or erosion, alteration of shorelines and riparian buffers, water contamination)
  • Aquatic invasive species affecting aquatic species at risk and their habitat

Ontario and Prairie


  • Redside Dace
  • Pugnose Shiner
  • Pugnose Minnow
  • Black Redhorse
  • SARA-listed Freshwater Mussels
  • Lake St. Clair and contributing watersheds
  • Lake Erie and contributing watersheds
  • Lake Ontario and contributing watersheds
  • Lake Huron and contributing watersheds
  • Lakes and contributing watersheds of Upper (western) St. Lawrence River
  • Sediment/nutrient, contaminant loading
  • Habitat destruction/ alteration
  • Altered flows, water levels, or coastal process
  • Barriers to fish passage

Ontario and Prairie

(Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta)

  • Bigmouth Buffalo
  • Lake Sturgeon
  • Southern Prairie Species (Western Silvery Minnow, Rocky Mountain Sculpin, Plains Sucker)
  • Alberta Native Trout (Athabasca Rainbow, Westslope Cutthroat, Bull)
  • Mapleleaf
  • Peace/Slave River Basin
  • North and South Saskatchewan River basin
  • Southern Prairie Region (Milk River, St. Mary River, Qu'Appelle River)
  • Winnipeg/Red/Assiniboine River Basin
  • East Slopes Rocky Mountains
  • Habitat loss, destruction and degradation
  • Fish species with potential for introgression with native species
  • Disease and pathogens
  • Restrictions/barriers to movement
  • Loss of Indigenous Knowledge specifically related to aquatic species presence and utilization of important habitats (i.e., habitats used for feeding, spawning, nursery, overwintering, or as a migratory corridor)


(Northwest Territories and Nunavut)

  • Dolly Varden (Western Arctic)
  • Beluga (Cumberland Sound)
  • Bull Trout (Western Arctic)
  • Arctic Marine Fish
  • Arctic Marine Mammals
  • Foxe Basin/ Hudson Bay/Hudson Strait
  • Mackenzie River tributaries/Peel River System
  • Beaufort Sea/Amundsen Gulf
  • Queen Maud Gulf to Lancaster Sound
  • Baffin Bay/Davis Strait
  • Loss of Indigenous Knowledge specifically related to the utilization of important habitats (i.e., habitats used for feeding, spawning, nursery, overwintering, or as a migratory corridor)
  • Anthropogenic disturbance associated with shipping, small crafts, industry and other activities
  • Struck and loss of marine mammals
  • Impacts of disease, introduced and non-introduced species
  • Impacts of climate change, including habitat impacts
  • Cetaceans assessed as at risk by COSEWIC
  • White Sturgeon
  • Northern Abalone
  • Endemic freshwater species assessed as at risk by COSEWIC
  • Sharks assessed as at risk by COSEWIC
All aquatic habitat (marine and freshwater) within DFO Pacific Region
  • Fisheries interactions (including incidental/bycatch, entanglements, illegal harvest, prey availability)
  • Physical and acoustic disturbance (vessel based)
  • Habitat degradation and fragmentation (aquatic and riparian)
  • Water quality, including contaminants
  • Aquatic invasive species
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