Language selection


Application form

The application process for the Oceans Management Funding Opportunities is now closed.

The plain text form on this page is for information purposes only. To access the form, download the following Word document and PDF.

The Ocean Management Contribution Program, under which your organization is applying, has specific eligibility requirements that are articulated in the program’s Terms and conditions (See Terms and conditions). The Application for funding should clearly show how the proposed project meets these requirements. Also, applicants are to disclose previous or current financial support received from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and from other levels of government (federal, provincial/territorial and/or municipal).

To complete this application for funding, please carefully read the program’s Terms and conditions, as well as the Protocol and guidelines, which outline the program objectives and expected outcomes as well as eligibility requirements, eligible expenditures, how to apply, the assessment process and reporting requirements. For additional instructions on how to complete this application, please see General instructions.

Please note:

All sections of this application must be completed in order for your application to be considered.

Thank you for your interest in the Oceans Management Contribution Program.

You must download and save this PDF form to your computer before filling it out.
How to download and open a PDF form.

On this page:

Notice to applicant

As per the Personal Information Bank DFO PPU 047 (Grants and Contributions Initiatives), personal information is collected under the authority of the Fisheries Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-14) for the purpose of assessing the eligibility/merits of your application to receive funding under DFO’s Oceans Management Contribution Program. Failure to provide the information requested in this form and/or your consent to the present notice by checking the box below, will result in your application being denied.

Upon completion, this application will be administered in accordance with the Privacy Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. P-21) and the provisions governing the protection of personal information as set out in the Access to Information Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. A-1).

You have the right to the correction of, access to, and protection of your personal information under the Privacy Act and to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada over DFO’s handling of your information.

The plain text form on this page is for information purposes only. To access the form, download the Word (337 KB) or PDF (77.0 KB) version.

Part 1 - Identification of applicant

*Please note that all sections need to be completed for the application to be considered

Section 1 - Project information
Section 1 - Project information

1. Project theme: Please select the themes that apply to your project. You may select more than one option.

*Note: This program does not reimburse for expenses incurred prior to signature of agreement
Section 2 - Applicant identification
Section 2 - Applicant identification

8. Organizational status

Please note that the Oceans Management Contributions Program cannot provide funding support to projects led by individuals who are current or former Public Service employees. (Please see Section 8 – Disclosure for more details)

Please select the option that best applies to your organization:

21. Name and Title of signatory on agreement*

*The individual must be legally entitled to sign the contract

Section 3 - Organization contact
Section 3 - Organization contact
(This should be our primary contact person with respect to this application for funding)



Section 4 - Project details
Section 4 - Project details

35. Project goal and objectives (Briefly describe the overarching goal of your project and provide a list of objectives through which your goal will be achieved. Consider how your project aligns with the programs’ purpose, “to support the development and implementation of oceans conservation and management activities in Canada”, and its objectives: i) to improve oceans governance and co-management of marine spaces through consultations and engagement; and, ii) to increase marine conservation efforts, supported by science evidence”?). Please note that you will have the opportunity to describe all your project activities in: Annex - Project work plan/Project activities

36. Measuring expected results (From the following list of program metrics, please select all that apply to your project. Please provide a numerical target for each indicator, as applicable. Only include results that your organization will directly produce, i.e., not work led by other organizations)

Measuring expected results
Indicator Will this indicator apply to this project? Numerical target, if applicable
# of partners engaged and involved in the project (the Recipient and DFO must not be counted as partners)
# of Indigenous people trained
# of non-Indigenous people trained
# of Indigenous people employed
# of non-Indigenous people employed
# of new governance processes and/or frameworks developed
# of new research and/or technical products developed (i.e., reports, maps, tools, measures)

Describe in more detail what impact you expect your project to have on the Oceans Management Contribution Program in Canada, and explain how your project will contribute to the outcomes you selected from the checklist. Consider how your project aligns with the programs’ expected results: i) Enhanced relationships with, involvement of, and outcomes for Indigenous peoples, and ii) Negative impacts on Canada’s oceans and other aquatic ecosystems are minimized or avoided.

37. Language requirements

The Official Languages Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. 31 (4th Supp.)) requires that the Government of Canada promote both official languages and enhance the vitality of Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC) across Canada. It is recognized that projects or organizations funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) through a grants and contributions program may:

  • have an impact on OLMC; and/or
  • provide potential opportunities to promote the use of both English and French; and/or
  • make it possible to promote Canada’s bilingual nature.

Applicants whose project may be delivered in a geographic area with OLMCs or which includes any public events, signage, promotional or other communications may need to consider official language requirements, for example:

  • offer materials produced with project funds (brochures, kits, handouts, newsletters, reports, etc.) in both official languages
  • have directional and educational signs produced in both official languages
  • offer workshop facilitation in both official languages

Any cost related to official language translation is an eligible cost under the program and should be reflected in your Annex - Project budget.

Section 5 – Capacity
Section 5 – Capacity

39. Agreement feasibility (Outline any potential difficulties associated with achieving any of the proposed project’s objectives. State project risks, mitigation strategies and how activities will be monitored)

Part 2 - Applicant financial information

Section 6 - Proposed project budget

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans uses the information provided in this section to assess the overall cost of the proposed project, as well as the general nature of the expenditures to be covered by all anticipated sources of funding.

The applicant must provide a detailed budget of the amount sought using the form below: Annex - Project budget, by fiscal year (April 1 - March 31). It is recommended you use the list of eligible expenses categories as much as possible when detailing your proposed budget. In the same form, the applicant must provide information on any other sources of financial or in-kind contributions received or requested for the proposed project. This includes, but is not limited to, federal provincial/territorial or municipal government financial assistance (grants, contributions, contracts for services etc.), and in-kind contributions from partner organizations or from the applicant.

Will the recipient be seeking advanced payments?

Section 7 - Funding disclosure

a) Has your organization applied to the Oceans Management Contribution Program or any other DFO funding or contribution program for your proposed project?

b) If applicable, please provide a list of other DFO grant or contribution programs you are applying to:

The applicant must disclose all sources of funding regarding previous financial support received from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and from other levels of government (federal / provincial / territorial / municipal), within 5 years of the application date, for this or any other project. Use the form below: Annex - Summary of previous project funding

Section 8 - Disclosure

  1. Will this proposal include the services of a former public servant either as an employee or as a member of the Board of Directors who left the federal government in the last 12 months? If yes, please provide assurance that the public servant is in compliance with the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service, and the Conflict of Interest Act (S.C. 2006, c.9, s. 2) or the Parliament of Canada Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.P-1):

  2. Will this proposal include the services of a lobbyist? If yes, please provide assurance that, where lobbyists are used, they are registered in accordance with the Lobbying Act (R.S.C., 1985, c 44 (4th supp.) and that no commissions or contingency fees have or will be paid directly or indirectly to any person for negotiating or securing this request for funding:

  3. Will this proposal involve a departmental official or reviewer who may sit on an advisory committee or board for the proposal? If yes, please provide details:

Section 9 - Declaration

In order for your application to be eligible for funding, it must be completed in full and signed by the official representative(s) of the applicant organization in accordance with the organization’s by-laws or other constituting documents. The person(s) signing this form certifies the following:

  1. I certify that I have the capacity and that I am authorized to sign and submit this Application on behalf of the Organization named in Section 2;
  2. I certify that the information provided in this Application and supporting documentation is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge; and
  3. I acknowledge that should this application be approved; I will be required to enter into a formal grant or contribution agreement that will outline the terms and conditions for the project.
Section 9 - Declaration

Annex - Project work plan/Project activities


For each of your objectives, please identify activities, milestones and key dates below.

Objective 1:

Objective 2:

(Copy-paste fields for more objectives here)

Annex - Project budget

Please complete a separate table for each fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st). Copy-paste the table below for each additional fiscal year.

Eligible expenses for fiscal year 20XX-20XX

Detailed Eligible Expenditures by Category
Detailed eligible expenditures by category Eligible expenditures
Department of Fisheries and Oceans funding Other government funding Non-government funding and other Total
Administrative overhead up to 15% of eligible costs of project        
Salary and wages and other labour expenses; including contributions to Employment Insurance, the Canada Pension Plan, the Workers’ Compensation Board, the Provincial Pension Plan or other Employee Benefit Plans        
Professional services        
Materials and supplies        
Conferences and meetings (organization and/or participation in)        
Rental of office space, a room, set of rooms, buildings and/or facilities        
Purchase or Rental or lease of vehicles in support of project activities        
Equipment and gear purchase or rental        
Software and computer equipment        
Repair and maintenance        
Training materials        
Construction, infrastructure and related costs        
Printing and publishing        
Telecommunications, communications/network, data communication, image/video communications services        
Postage, parcel post, courier services        
Insurance expenses related to activities under the Agreement        
Monitoring and reporting        
Hospitality and related expenses in compliance with the Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures        

Honoraria for:

  • elders and/or
  • Indigenous knowledge holders in recognition of providing Indigenous knowledge or community knowledge relevant to the initiative

Ceremonial costs including services, where the funding recipient is an Indigenous group that:

  • possesses Indigenous knowledge relevant to the initiative or
  • where the recipient provides services to support consultation on impacts on potential or established rights or title
Federal and Provincial taxes, only after credits and reimbursements have been considered        
Subtotal - Financial contributions1        
Subtotal - In-kind2        
Total expenditures:        
  1. Financial contributions: actual dollar value or revenues/funding received
  2. In-kind: non-cash input which is given a cash value, such as services offered, and access to facilities and equipment

Annex - Summary of previous project funding

Please provide details of all sources of funding regarding previous financial support, received from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and from other levels of government (federal / provincial / territorial / municipal), within 5 years of the application date, for this or any other project.

Detailed Eligible Expenditures by Category
Project title Project purpose Year funding provided Amount received Name of government department/Agency Name of funding program
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