Appendix A
List of Personal Information Banks for DFO (including PPU numbers)
- Application and Licencing Process to Fish, Harvest or Relay in a Contaminated Area - DFO PPU 100
- Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) - DFO PPU 020
- Aquaculture Licensing - DFO PPU 130
- Atlantic Salmon Recreation Fishery Licence Stub Return Project - DFO PPU 343
- Billing for Marine Ship/Shore Telephone Calls - DFO PPU 105
- Canada's Catch Certification Program - DFO PPU 080
- Canadian Coast Guard College Campus Facilities - DFO PPU 030
- Canadian Coast Guard College Officer Trainee Information - DFO PPU 012
- Canadian Coast Guard Competency Certificates - DFO PPU 115
- Canadian Hydrographic Services and Products- - DFO PPU 331
- Commercial Fishing Registration Cards, Certificates, Permits and Licence Information- DFO PPU 410
- Communications - Search and Rescue / Environmental Response - DFO PPU 106
- Conservation and Protection Ride-Along Program - DFO PPU 155
- Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) Permits - DFO PPU 780
- Designation of At-Sea Observers and At-Sea Observer Companies - DFO PPU 010
- Designation of Dockside Observers and Dockside Monitoring Companies - DFO PPU 015
- Dockside Monitoring Program - DFO PPU 060
- Financial Relief for Fishers - DFO PPU 036
- Fish Health Officials - DFO PPU 340
- Fisheries Improvement Loan Program - DFO PPU 435
- Fishery Guardian Services - DFO PPU 040
- Fishery Officer Cadet Records - DFP PPU 050
- Fishing Licence Appeal Boards - DFO PPU 490
- Grant and Contribution Initiatives - DFO PPU 047
- Habitat Management Referrals and Notifications - DFO PPU 680
- Harbour Authorities - DFO PPU 070
- Harbour Authority Recognition Program - DFO PPU 275
- Harbour Managers - DFO PPU 270
- Ice Assistance Emergency Program - DFO PPU 045
- Introductions and Transfers of Live Aquatic Organisms - DFO PPU 095
- Licence to Fish for Experimental, Scientific, Educational, Aquatic Invasive Species Control, or Public Display Purposes - DFO PPU 085
- Manuscript Reviews - DFO PPU 320
- Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) - DFO PPU 150
- Marine Mammal Fishing Licences - DFO PPU 165
- Marine Mammal Transportation Licences (MMTL) - DFO PPU 145
- Marine Protected Area Activity Applications - DFO PPU 500
- Marine Service Fees - DFO PPU 025
- Maritime Fleet Management - Seagoing Personnel File Information - DFO PPU 118
- Monitoring at Sea Using At-Sea Observers or Electronic Monitors (EM) - DFO PPU 055
- National Fisheries Aerial Surveillance Program - DFO PPU 125
- National Fisheries Intelligence Service - DFO PPU 140
- National Recreational Fisheries Awards - DFO PPU 416
- Nationally Regulated Recreational, Domestic, and Sport Fishing - DFO PPU 415
- National Response Team Members - DFO PPU 117
- Prince Edward Island (PEI) Aquaculture Leasing - DFO PPU 090
- Psychological Assessments of Fishery Officers in Armed Enforcement Positions - DFO PPU 110
- Recruitment and Staffing – Fleet - DFO PPU 119
- Reporting a Suspected Fishery-related Occurrence by a Member of the Public through DFO's Phone or Online Reporting Mechanisms - DFO PPU 075
- Seal Fishery Observation Licence to Observe a Seal Hunt - DFO PPU 135
- Species at Risk Act (SARA) Permits - DFO PPU 770
- Timothy R. Parsons Medal - DFO PPU 005
- Uniforms - DFO PPU 790
- Vessel Monitoring - DFO PPU 065
- Violations under Canadian Fisheries and Fish Habitat Legislation- DFO PPU 460
Application and Licencing Process to Fish, Harvest or Relay in a Contaminated Area
Description: This bank describes information related to the application and licence process to harvest and fish in a contaminated area. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, credit card information, date of birth, financial information, name, other identification numbers (lease number, Fisher Identification Number, licence number, BC Tenure Landfile number, DFO Aquaculture Facility reference number, and Aquaculture Tenure CFL number/AQSF number), harvest location and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name and date of birth. Information may be stored electronically in the various regional licensing systems. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Individuals and/or individuals representing a company applying for, and in receipt of, a licence to fish in and/or harvest and relay from a contaminated area and harvesters or pickers of the contaminated shellfish.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility to receive a licence to fish and/or harvest and relay in any area that has been issued an order prohibiting fishing due to contamination. Eligibility may be based on the application process which includes a decontamination plan and the payment of appropriate fees. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 4 of the Management of Contaminated Fisheries Regulations and subsection 22(1) of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with Environment Canada to assess the growing water quality and status in the harvest area; the associated provincial Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations (or equivalent) to assess the land status (tenure or vacant crown foreshore); and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to review and approve the decontamination plan or protocols. Information may be shared with Fishery Managers at DFO to review for stock conservation, management, and control of, fishing operations and with DFO's Aquaculture Management Division for compliance with aquaculture licences and site management plans. In the case of an emergency closure of a shellfish fishing area, information may be shared with other levels of government as per the Protocol for Emergency Closure of any Shellfish Growing Area. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime and/or investigative purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years after date of issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1 and DFO EFM 403.1
TBS registration: 20150121
Bank number: DFO PPU 100
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
Description: This bank describes information that is used to review and evaluate research proposals submitted under the ACRDP. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, educational information, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals and signature. In some cases, it is also possible that the following additional information may be found on some submitted resumes: citizenship status, employment equity information, language and photographs.
Class of individuals: Marine aquaculture producers (companies) and their employees submitting a proposal under the Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) and members of their project work team.
Purpose: The personal information is used to review and evaluate research proposals submitted under the Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 4.4 of the Fisheries Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with the National Technical Review Committee (TRC) of ACRDP to review and evaluate proposals. The TRC includes industry stakeholders, academics, members of Provincial governments, and DFO Regional representatives. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, audit and evaluation, statistical purposes, and awarding of funds to support scientific research projects. Names of the collaborators may be mentioned in scientific publications.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 20 years after superseded and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SCI 305
TBS registration: 20150059
Bank number: DFO PPU 020
Aquaculture Licensing
Description: This bank describes information related to aquaculture licences and conditions associated with licences including scheduled or incident-based reporting requirements. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, citizenship status (Canadian citizen or permanent resident), credit card information, date of birth, employment equity information (member of an Aboriginal group), employee personnel information, financial information, identification numbers, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their date of birth. Information may be stored electronically in the AQUIIS and Microsoft Client database. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Individuals applying for, or in receipt of an aquaculture licence, their agents or representatives and representatives of a company applying for, or in receipt of an aquaculture licence.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility for an aquaculture licence; to ensure that aquaculture sites are operated in an environmentally sustainable manner; and to regulate and govern the aquaculture industry. Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 4 and 7 of the Fisheries Act and section 3 and 4 of the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations.
Consistent uses: In BC, information collected via the Harmonized Licensing Process is shared between the participating agencies (DFO, province of BC and Transport Canada) to assess and process aquaculture licence applications. In PEI, information may be shared with the PEI Aquaculture Leasing Referral Committee (comprised of federal government, provincial government and industry representatives) to review aquaculture licence applications. Information is shared within DFO to manage facilities, to arrange for site visits, to measure compliance with the conditions of licence, to request information and/or to discuss site management issues. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime and investigative purposes.
Retention and Disposal: Records are retained for 7 years after date of issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 403.1 and DFO EFM 403.4
TBS registration: 20150076
Bank number: DFO PPU 130
Atlantic Salmon Recreation Fishery Licence Stub Return Project
Description: This bank describes information about individuals who participate in the Atlantic Salmon Recreation Fishery Licence Stub Return Project. This is a joint project between the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, Inland Fish and Wildlife Division. At the request of DFO, Newfoundland and Labrador attaches a DFO-supplied recreational angler activity report card (log) to the fishing licence (which is issued by the province) and also provides DFO with a copy of the angler application information. Personal information may include name, contact information, angler activity report, driver's license number, gender, and physical attributes (e.g. height, weight).
Notes: Some information may be stored in databases that are managed and housed at Salmonid Section, Science, Oceans and Environment Branch, British Columbia.
Class of individuals: Individuals who purchase an Atlantic salmon fishing license issued by the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Purpose: Personal information is used to support the scientific design of the recreational catch and effort project and along with other information, to assess the status of Atlantic salmon stocks for the provision of scientific advice regarding Fisheries Management. It is also used in the development and evaluation of management plans for Atlantic salmon related to the conservation and sustainable use of this resource. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Fisheries Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be used to process three mail-out reminders and a telephone survey of non-respondents to maximize the capture of catch and effort information. Information may be shared with the program partner, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, through an information sharing agreement. Aggregate data from the License Stub Return Program is also used internationally by the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO), and by scientists at the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) to determine the status of Atlantic salmon populations contributing to fisheries at West Greenland and St. Pierre et Miquelon. Information may also be used for program evaluation purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years following the date of issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SCI 303
TBS registration: 20091590
Bank number: DFO PPU 343
Billing for Marine Ship/Shore Telephone Calls
Description: This bank describes information that is used by CCG to support billing for marine radio- telephone calls. The personal information may include name, contact information, and credit card information.
Class of individuals: General public.
Purpose: Personal information is used to administer the billing for marine radio-telephone calls. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Oceans Act.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for financial reporting.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are disposed after six financial years.
RDA number: Under review
Related Class of Record Number: DFO CCG 103
TBS registration: 20110374
Bank number: DFO PPU 105
Canada's Catch Certification Program
Description: This bank describes information related to issuing catch certificates for Canadian processors and exporters of fish and seafood products. Catch certificates are required for fish exports to international markets in order to attest that exported products originate from legal fisheries. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information (including INMARSAT information), country of vessel, employee personnel information (Aboriginal representative), language preference, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (User ID, DFO Activation Code, Vessel Registration Number, Fishing Licence Number, Lloyds Number, Call Sign, International Marine Organization Number) and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the company they are associated with. Information may be stored electronically in the Fisheries Certificate System (FCS). The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Representative of a company requiring catch certificates including the applicant manager (authorized to sign on behalf of the company), operator of the FCS and data entry clerk, exporters, buyers, agents, processors, harvesters, masters of vessel and fishing masters.
Purpose: The personal information is used to administer Canada's Catch Certification Program and to issue catch certificates. Personal information is collected pursuant to Section 61 of the Fisheries Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with the Catch Certification Audit Office to conduct post-issuance audits of catch certificates. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, and investigative purposes. Information may be shared with CBSA Export Program CBSA PPU 1103.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years after the date of issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 20150066
Bank number: DFO PPU 080
Canadian Coast Guard College Campus Facilities
Description: This bank describes information that is used to book conference rooms, guest room accommodations, Canadian Coast Guard residence rooms and to provide access to the Wellness Centre and the cafeteria. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, educational information, gender, name, opinions or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (reservation number and room number), photos, signature, special requests, dietary restrictions and preferences.
Note: Some personal information may be stored electronically in the Five Star Hotel database. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Canadian Coast Guard College and Marine Communications Traffic Services and Officer Training Program Employees and their families, Fishery Officer and Cadets and their families, and individuals and supervisors of the individuals booking conference rooms, guest room accommodations and using the Wellness Centre and the cafeteria.
Purpose: The personal information is used to provide access to the facilities and to assign rooms. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 47 of the Oceans Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with other government departments for billing purposes. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, safety or security and statistical purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO CCG 114
TBS registration: 20150065
Bank number: DFO PPU 030
Canadian Coast Guard College Officer Trainee Information
Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of the Canadian Coast Guard College programs and assessment of student performance. The information is collected to enable the College to carry out its training mandate. The personal information may include name, contact information, date of birth, educational information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, place of birth and information related to individual student performance.
Class of individuals: The personal information relates to Canadian Coast Guard College and Marine Communications Traffic Services Officer Training Program Employees and their families.
Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the training courses offered by the Canadian Coast Guard College program or activity and determine eligibility for the students of the Canadian Coast Guard College to receive certification. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Constitution Act of 1867, the Oceans Act, and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: to respond to requests for college transcripts, diplomas and/or degrees. In addition, personal information may be shared with other colleges/universities and/or Transport Canada upon the request of the individual to whom the information belongs in order to facilitate other learning opportunities.
Retention and disposal standards: Records for Training & Development are retained for 2 years after the completion of training then placed in the employee's personnel file.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO CCG 112
TBS registration: 20110382
Bank number: DFO PPU 012
Canadian Coast Guard Competency Certificates
Description: This bank describes information that is related to certificates of competency issued by CCG, which include: Record of Canadian Coast Guard Watchkeeping Certificate and Operations Endorsement, Record of Canadian Coast Guard Command Certificate, Record of Canadian Coast Guard Logistics Officer Certificate, and Record of Canadian Coast Guard Electrical Officer Certificate. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, date of birth, employee identification number, other identification numbers (e.g. certificate numbers), photographs, signature, and employee personnel information.
Notes: PIB updated in 2010 and formerly entitled Record of Canadian Coast Guard Command Certificates. PIB now includes information formerly contained in Record of Canadian Coast Guard Watchkeeping Certificates and Operations Endorsement, DFO PPU 120.
Class of individuals: CCG personnel who have obtained the qualification(s).
Purpose: Personal information is used to administer the Fleet Operational Readiness Program. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, c. 26 and pursuant to the Canadian Coast Guard Fleet Order Number 530.00.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: to create an inventory of the number of certificates issued, date and to whom, and for evaluation purposes. Information may also be used or disclosed for evaluation and/or reporting purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 50 years and are then transferred to Library and Archives Canada as archival records.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO CCG 109.1
TBS registration: 001052
Bank number: DFO PPU 115
Canadian Hydrographic Services and Products
Description: This bank describes information that is related to clients, purchasers and users of Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) digital products and also those who are licensed to use CHS intellectual property. The personal information may include name, contact information and signature.
Class of individuals: General public.
Purpose: Personal information is collected to issue user licences for CHS digital bathymetric data sets used in academic and non-navigational applications. Additionally, personal information is collected to register CHS digital nautical products used for navigation so they can be maintained up-to-date via the CHS web updating service, and users receive technical support from CHS 24/7 support service in accordance with the end-user licence agreement. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: evaluation.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years after the license expires and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related Class of Record Number: DFO SCI 311
TBS registration: 20110288
Bank number: DFO PPU 331
Commercial Fishing Registration Cards, Certificates, Permits and Licence Information
Description: This bank describes information related to the issuance of cards, certificates, permits, and licences required to participate in commercial, emerging or exploratory fisheries. These may include but are not limited to: vessel registration cards, vehicle certificates, fisher's registration cards, permits, fish harvester registration certificates, commercial licences, and associated conditions of a licence or permit. Licences or permits are issued to fish for a particular species or bait, harvest marine plants, transport fish, and for special structures in the commercial fishery- including, but not limited to, a lobster pound, weir, berth, and cages. The personal information may include: biographical information, catch and landings, citizenship status, community, contact information, credit card information, credit history, date of birth, date of death, days/hours at sea/fished, dockside monitoring/vessel monitoring/at sea observer company and individual representing the company the fisher is associated with, educational information, employee equity information, employment equity information, financial information, fishing area, fishing logs, fishing status (full-time or part-time), funding information, gear type, gender, hail in and hail out reports, homeport, identifying numbers, labels, language preference, medical information, name, observer reports, online access information -including secret questions and answers for password recovery, opinions or views of, or about individuals, photographs of individuals, physical attributes, quota, signature, status of licence, tags, and vessel information. In addition, personal information may include information contained on government issued identification, including drivers licence, or on an invoice/bill showing civic address for verification of an individual's residency and/or authority to work in Canada.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name and date of birth. Information may be stored electronically in the National Online Licensing System, regional licensing, and catch and effort databases. The PIB was last updated in 2015 and was previously titled Commercial Fishing Licence Information.
Class of individuals: General public, commercial fish harvesters, commercial helpers or assistants, commercial fishing crew, vessel owners (current and previous), vessel masters, buyers, representatives of a licence holder, doctors, caller reporting hail in and hail out details, legally appointed executor or administrator of a deceased individual, and trustee in bankruptcy, or court appointed receiver.
Purpose: Information is collected pursuant to section 7,8,9,18,31,45 and 61 of the Fisheries Act, section 22 of the Fishery (General) Regulations, section 17 of the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, section 4 of the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations, section 4 of the Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations, section 4 of the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations, section 19 of the Pacific Fishery Regulations, section 5 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and subsection 55.1 of the Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations. Information is used for the following purposes: to develop and support fishing plans: fisheries management and control of fisheries decision making; conservation and protection of fish; to issue, renew, amend, re-issue, split, combine, register a new entrant, designate another fisher to fish under a licence, transfer, replace, suspend, or cancel licenses, cards, permits and certificates; substitute or designate an operator; to assess fish stocks; to assist DFO in the issuance/re-issuance of fishing gear identification or species harvest control devices; to provide for vessel safety and inspections; to register for a stacking, partnership, buddy-up arrangements, or pooling groups; locate or relocate a structure; appoint and manage a representative; file a notice of a financial arrangement; export fish; register Foreign ownership or the use of Foreign vessel; register the signing officer for a company; request new licence conditions or change to existing licence conditions; issue a temporary licence; declare that the harvest log was lost or destroyed; register, substitute, replace, transfer or remove a vessel; register port activity of foreign vessels; register a temporary vessel; voluntarily retire commercial fishing licence eligibilities or quota; transfer quota; controlling agreement declaration; and to give notice of the death of a licence holder.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with Public Services and Procurement Canada (Receiver General Deposits, PWGSC PCU 717 ) and third party service providers for the purpose of processing payments. The information may be used in support of stock or risk assessments, quota monitoring, mapping fishing activity, environmental impact assessments, and economic development. Certain data may be shared with Transport Canada for the purposes of commercial fishing vessel safety, educational activities, compliance monitoring and for investigations and prosecutions (Marine Safety Enforcement Program, TC PPU 021). The information may also be shared with approved local fishing organizations, on approval by DFO, in specific provinces in order to assist DFO in the issuance of fishing net labels and replacement labels. The data could also be shared with the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centres, the National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces for the purpose of search and rescue (National Search and Rescue (SAR) Management System, DND PPU 550). Vessel specific personal information may be shared with other agencies in emergency response or SAR situations, and with Territorial Wildlife Officers issuing licences in remote locations on DFO's behalf. Vessel and/or fisher information may be shared with the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission under international agreements and to third party service providers issuing tags or analyzing data to map fishing activity on DFO's behalf. Information may be shared with the provinces to enforce or administer legislation such as the Fish Harvester Organizations Support Act in the Province of Nova Scotia. The information may also be shared with exporters for verification purposes. Information may be shared with the core participants of the Marine Security Operations Centres – National Defence, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canada Border Services Agency and Transport Canada for the purposes of monitoring Canadian territorial waters, and to detect and assess security threats. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning, conducting surveys, management or analysis, internal reporting, safety or security purposes, emergency situations, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development and implementation, enforcement, and conducting investigations in accordance with Canadian fisheries legislation.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years after the date of issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 003621
Bank number: DFO PPU 410
Communications - Search and Rescue / Environmental Response
Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue/Environmental responses and medical evacuations. The personal information may include name, contact information, biometric information, date of birth, medical information and physical attributes.
Note: This bank was formerly titled Marine Communications – Search and Rescue / Environmental Response.
Class of individuals: General public.
Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the search and rescue/environmental response program or activity and to facilitate medical evacuations. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management, safety, security and evaluation. Personal information may be shared with National Defence to facilitate Search and Rescue responses (National Search and Rescue Program management Information System - DND PPU 050), Transport Canada for marine safety and risk management analysis (Marine Occurrences and Hazardous Occurrences - DOT PPU 048 and the Transportation Safety Board to conduct marine incident investigations (Investigation Files - Marine, Rail, Pipeline, Air - TSB PPU 005). Information may be shared with provincial and territorial governments involved in a shared SAR/Environmental response. Information may also be shared with municipal governments involved in a shared SAR/Environmental response.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 5 years after superseded or concluded and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related Class of Record Number: DFO CCG 106 and DFO CCG 107
TBS registration: 20110301
Bank number: DFO PPU 106
Conservation and Protection Ride-Along Program
Description: This bank describes information related to the Conservation and Protection Ride-Along Program that allows individuals to accompany fishery officers on patrol. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, criminal checks, date of birth, educational information, gender, identification numbers, medical information, name, opinions or view of, or about, individuals, ride-along incidents, and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the region they are associated with. The PIB was last updated in 2016.
Class of individuals: Individuals participating in, and parents or legal guardian of minors participating in, Conservation and Protection Ride-Alongs, and current and former DFO employees.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility for participating in the Ride-Along Program - designed to raise awareness and understanding of the Conservation and Protection program which results in a more informed public, encourages compliance with regulatory requirements by resource users, and provides insight on the role of fishery officers. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 40(2)of the Oceans Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with the RCMP (Forensic Science and Identification Services and Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services, RCMP PPU 030) for the purpose of conducting a criminal records check to ensure officer and public safety. Information may be shared internally with Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) personnel when there is an operational requirement to travel on a CCG conveyance during the ride-along. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, internal reporting, safety or security purposes, statistical, and/or policy development and implementation.
Retention and disposal standards: Records will be retained for 10 years and then destroyed.
Records Disposition Authority: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.1
TBS registration: 20160014
Bank number: DFO PPU 155
Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) Permits
Description: This bank describes information that is related to the processing of applications for permits authorizing the export of species which may be listed, and therefore protected, under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The personal information may include name, signature and contact information of exporter, name and contact information of importer, purpose of the export and documentation confirming the origin and legality of the product for export (such as licences, permits, bills of sale) and transport information. Additional affidavits may be required to support the application (primarily when dealing with carvings of walrus and narwhal ivory and whalebone), which include the applicant name and signature, purpose of export, description of product (including name of artist in cases of carvings/artwork), harvest details (area, date, name of hunter/harvester), and verification by a DFO agent or scientist.
Class of individuals: General public.
Purpose: Personal information is used to determine whether the exporter is eligible to engage in the export of the products in question, whether the product to be exported was obtained according to domestic laws and regulations, and the species is eligible for trade under CITES. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Fisheries Act and the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (WAPPRITTA)
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management and evaluation. Permit information is shared with Environment Canada who is Canada's Management Authority for CITES. The convention is administered by Environment Canada under the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (WAPPRITTA).
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 10 years after the permit is revoked or expired and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO INT 800 and DFO SAR 700.2
TBS registration: 20120320
Bank number: DFO PPU 780
Designation of At-Sea Observers and At-Sea Observer Companies
Description: This bank describes information that is used to designate At-Sea Observers and At-Sea Observer Companies. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, citizenship status, criminal checks, date of birth, declaration that the arm's length criteria and conflict of interest criteria are met, educational information and certifications, employee personnel information, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (application number, badge number), photographs, physical attributes, signature and passport information including: gender, place of birth, issue/expiration date, passport number. Passport information is collected for deployments to vessels travelling in foreign waters.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the At-Sea Observer Company they are associated with and the region. Information may be stored electronically in various regional and national databases.
Class of individuals: Directors, officers, employees and shareholders associated with an At-Sea Observer Company, accountants and bank managers attesting to the company's finances.
Purpose: The personal information is used to designate At-Sea Observers and At-Sea Observer Companies. Industry enters into contracts with these service providers that are designated by DFO to place At-Sea Observers onboard fishing vessels to: monitor fishing activities; collect scientific data; and monitor industry compliance with fishing regulations and licence conditions. Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 39-40 of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with fishery officers and the National Program Coordinators Committee in the event of a serious breach of duties by an At-Sea Observer or an At-Sea Observer Company. This information may be used to revoke an individual's or company's designation. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law and/or the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, investigative purposes and intelligence analysis.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are kept for 15 years and then destroyed. Records deemed to be of archival value are transferred to the care and control of Library and Archives Canada.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2
TBS registration: 20150115
Bank number: DFO PPU 010
Designation of Dockside Observers and Dockside Monitoring Companies
Description: This bank describes information that is used to designate Dockside Observers and Dockside Monitoring Companies. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, citizenship status, criminal checks, date of birth, declaration that the arm's length criteria and conflict of interest criteria are met, educational information and certifications, employee personnel information, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (application number, badge number), photographs, physical attributes and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the Dockside Monitoring Company they are associated with and the region. Information may be stored electronically in regional and national databases.
Class of individuals: Directors, officers, employees and shareholders associated with a Dockside Monitoring Company, accountants and bank managers attesting to the company's finances.
Purpose: The personal information is used to designate Dockside Observers and Dockside Monitoring Companies. Industry enters into contracts with these service providers that are designated by DFO to verify fish landings. Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 39-40 of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with fishery officers and the Dockside Monitoring Program Committee in the event of a serious breach of duties by either the observer or the Dockside Monitoring Company. This information may be used to revoke an individual's or company's designation. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law and/or the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime and investigative and intelligence purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are kept for 15 years and then destroyed. Records deemed to be of archival value are transferred to the care and control of Library and Archives Canada.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2
TBS registration: 20150114
Bank number: DFO PPU 015
Dockside Monitoring Program
Description: This bank describes information related to third party verification of fish landings. The personal information may include financial information (weight landed of a sole proprietor), name, other identification numbers (Dockside Monitor Identification number, Fisher Identification Number, Vessel Registration Number), and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their Vessel Registration Number (VRN), and trip dates. Information may be stored electronically in regional databases such as Maritimes Fish Information System. The PIB was last updated in March 2015.
Class of individuals: Dockside observers, owner of the vessel, captain of the vessel and individuals who commit a fishery violation under the Fishery Act or Coastal Fisheries Protection Act.
Purpose: The personal information is used to manage and monitor the fisheries under DFO's jurisdiction. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 7 of the Fisheries Act and subsection 22(1) of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information is collected by third-party service providers who are under contract with the fishers and shared with DFO as required by the conditions of the commercial fishing licence. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law and/or the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, investigative purposes and intelligence analysis.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are kept for 15 years and then destroyed. Records deemed to be of archival value are transferred to the care and control of Library and Archives Canada.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2 and DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 20150120
Bank number: DFO PPU 060
Financial Relief for Fishers
Description: This bank describes information related to two DFO financial relief programs. The information is about individuals who have applied for financial payments from DFO to compensate for lost income resulting from adverse ice conditions in the spring of 2007, and the collapse in the lobster market during the 2009 fishing season. Personal information may include name, contact information, date of birth, financial information, other identification numbers, signature and Social Insurance Number (SIN).
Note: The Ice Compensation Program (ICP) provided financial relief for varying dates from May 6, 2007 until July 27, 2007 according to the persistence of ice in different areas. The Short-Term Transitional Measures program (STTMP) ended on March 31, 2010.
Class of individuals: Information relates to individuals (including the general public and First Nations / Inuit people) who have applied for financial relief under the Short-term Transitional Measures for lobster harvesters or the ice compensation program.
Purpose: Personal information is used to determine eligibility for compensation and to disburse funds. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 4 of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act and section 5 of the Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected in accordance with the 2009 Short-Term Transitional Measures program and is used to validate name and to issue the required tax documentation.
With regards to the ICP, while DFO retains overall program authority and accountability, Service Canada (SC) has the legal authority pursuant to section 5 of the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (HRSDA), section 5 of the Department of Social Development Act (DSDA) and the Employment Insurance Act (EIA) to collect personal information, including the Social Insurance Number (SIN) to assist DFO in the administering the ICP, and, pursuant to section 34 of the HRSDA and subsection 28(1) of the DSDA, to share that information with DFO.
With regards to the STTMP, DFO has the authority to collect and use the SIN for administration of the program. SC has the authority to assist DFO with validating the SIN, requisitioning grant payments, and issuing T4As to grant recipients pursuant to section 5 of the HRSDA and section 5 of the DSDA.
Consistent uses: Selected information (name, Social Insurance Number, date of birth, contact information, and language choice may be shared with Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) for processing payments, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for income tax purposes, and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) for issuing cheques - refer to HRSDC PIB - Identity Management Services and Social Insurance Number Register (ISB), HRSDC PPU 390; CRA PIB - Information Returns (Infodec) Databank, CRA PPU 150; PWGSC PIB - Standard Payment System, PWGSC PPU 085. Information may also be used or disclosed for evaluation and/or reporting purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Personal information will be retained by DFO Regional and National Headquarters for 7 years.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 20100606
Bank number: DFO PPU 036
Fish Health Officials
Description: The bank contains applications for recognition as Fish Health Officials under the Fish Health Protection Regulations and lists of recognized Fish Health Officials, with specimen signatures.
Class of individuals: Applicants include federal and provincial government employees as well as persons in the private sector in Canada, and from other countries. The bank relates to professionals with specific education and experience in fish disease diagnostics.
Purpose: By comparison with specimen signatures, to verify authenticity of Fish Health Certificates that are required before import permits can be issued for importation or transfer into Canada or between provinces of cultured Salmonid fish.
Consistent uses: Basis for decision to accept or reject applicants requesting recognition as Fish Health Officials along with a record of qualified individuals.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 5 years after cancellation as a Fish Health Official and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SCI 313
TBS registration: 003615
Bank number: DFO PPU 340
Fisheries Improvement Loan Program
Description: The bank contains individual loan files on borrowers with defaulted outstanding loans that have been guaranteed under the Program.
Note: Fisheries Improvement Loan Program is a defunct FAM file. This program ended March 31, 2003. All records are now managed by DFO Finance for loan recovery.
Class of individuals: Information relates to fish harvesters with loans guaranteed under the Fisheries Improvement Loans Program.
Purpose: The purpose of the bank is to administer the Fisheries Improvement Loans Program and to safeguard the interest of the Crown by collecting outstanding debts.
Consistent uses: None identified.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 6 fiscal years after defaulted loans have been recovered or closed and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 003617
Bank number: DFO PPU 435
Fishery Guardian Services
Description: This bank describes information that is used to designate, revoke designations, monitor and manage the activities and time of fishery guardians and their supervisors. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, date of birth, educational information (including training and certifications), employee personnel information, employment equity information (Aboriginal), gender, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, identification numbers (badge number), physical attributes, photos, signature, designation issue date and expiry date, vehicle information, emergency contact information, travel arrangements and preferences. In order to designate a fishery guardian and their supervisor, the service supplier must certify an individual meets the eligibility requirements which may imply citizenship status, criminal checks, hold a drivers licence class 5, language, medical information and that the current safety requirements of Transport Canada Boat Safety Regulations are met.
Note: Information may be stored electronically in the Aboriginal Programs and Governance Information System (APGIS) and Fisheries Enforcement Activity Tracking System (FEATS) databases.
Class of individuals: Current and former fishery guardians, their supervisors and emergency contacts, individuals applying to become a fishery guardian, their supervisor and emergency contacts, and current and former employees of a government institution.
Purpose: The personal information is used to designate individuals as fishery guardians and to monitor and manage the conservation and protection program. Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 5 and 49 to 52 of the Fisheries Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with the RCMP (Operational Case Records RCMP PPU 005) for identification purposes of the fishery guardian by the RCMP in order to assist the fishery guardian in administering or enforcing the law, detecting, preventing or suppressing crime and to investigate violators. Name and the detachment of the fishery guardian may be shared with provincial departments in order to designate the fishery guardian under provincial legislation to enforce provincial laws and regulations, such as the Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Division of the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Justice and Public Safety. Information may be shared with the individual(s) responsible for the fishery guardian within the Aboriginal community, third party service provider employing the fishery guardian, and within DFO in the event of a serious breach of duties by the fishery guardian. Information may also be used for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, and evaluation. Aggregate information may also be disclosed to conservation stakeholder groups for statistical, research or policy development purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained in the programs database (APGIS and FEATS) for seven years after an individual is no longer a fishery guardian and then destroyed. No physical records are retained.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2 and DFO EFM 402.1
TBS registration: 20150105
Bank number: DFO PPU 040
Fishery Officer Cadet Records
Description: This bank describes information that is used in the training and evaluation of individuals who are accepted as Cadets into the Fishery Officer Career Progression Program (FOCPP). The personal information may include name, signature, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status (birth certificate or passport), date of birth, educational information, employee identification number (PRI), employee personnel information (including records of attendance and leave, notices of disciplinary action, cabin inspection reports, cabin change requests, security clearance, assessments including evaluation notes, training evaluations), financial information (information related to the Cadet allowance), gender, language, medical information, opinions about the individual, opinions of the individual, other identification numbers (Transport Canada Candidate Document Number, driver's licence, health card number), photographs, and physical attributes (for uniform fitting).
Notes: The term Cadet refers to individuals selected to participate in the classroom portion of the FOCPP who are not yet employed by the Government of Canada as Fishery Officer Trainees. Records on Fishery Officer Trainees can be found in relevant Human Resources Management Services standard personal information banks. Individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the year they applied to the FOCPP.
Class of individuals: Current and former Cadets, as well as their references and emergency contacts, and may include parent or guardian information for Cadets under 19 years of age.
Purpose: This information is used to train and determine the suitability of individuals (Cadets) seeking appointment as a Fishery Officer Trainee. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 5 of the Fisheries Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with the Canadian Coast Guard College and with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Applicants and Cadet Records - RCMP PPU 070) for training that takes place in their facilities. Limited information may be shared with Health Canada (Health Unit Files - HC SHS 005) to facilitate medical assessments. Limited information may also be shared with third party service providers for services such as training delivery, psychological assessments and uniform fitting. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development and administration purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records for Cadets who do not progress to Fishery Officer Trainees are retained for 7 years after the last administrative action, then destroyed. Records on Cadets who become Fishery Officer Trainees are transferred to their employee/personnel file upon appointment.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.4
TBS registration: 20150077
Bank number: DFO PPU 050
Fishing Licence Appeal Boards
Description: Information on Canadian fish harvesters appealing Departmental decisions respecting the issuance, reissue and placement of fishing licences along with decisions regarding those appeals (Atlantic and Pacific).
Class of individuals: Canadian Fish Harvesters.
Purpose: Process appeals sought by fish harvesters through the appropriate licence appeal board.
Consistent uses: None identified.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years after date of issue, or entry into relevant database and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 003618
Bank number: DFO PPU 490
Grant and Contribution Initiatives
Description: This bank describes information related to applications processed and/or approved for various DFO grant and contribution programs. The personal information may include: names, contact information, language preference, biographical information, professional references, résumés, signature, financial information, credit information, employment equity information, and opinions or assessments about individuals.
Notes: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the name of the grant or contribution program for which the application was completed and the name of the applicant identified in the application.
Class of individuals: Individuals applying for funding from grant and contribution programs, their representatives, human resources, and references. Applicants can include: commercial enterprises, associations and other non-profits, universities and academics, Indigenous groups, researchers, provincial/territorial institutions, and other organizations that have applied for, and/or been approved for, funding assistance.
Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 4.4 (1), 6.1, 7 and 61 of the Fisheries Act for the purpose of administering the grant or contribution program for which the information is collected. Program administration include: determining eligibility and funding approval, reviewing and assessing funding applications, corresponding with applicants, monitoring the progress of funded projects, issuing payments to and collecting repayments from Recipients.
Consistent uses: General information about approved projects, including the names of applicants, the purpose of the funding, and total funding approved are included in public records and published in accordance with the Government of Canada's proactive disclosure requirements. In accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act, information may be disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency for purposes relating to verification of compliance and the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act.
Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, audit, statistical purposes, policy development, analysis, research and/or evaluation, promotion and communication purposes. It may also be disclosed to other DFO programs, program specific committees, other federal institutions, and specific provincial and territorial institutions for the purpose of administering and auditing the grant or contribution program for which the information was collected.
Privacy Impact Assessment: A PIA was completed in 2018 for the Atlantic Fisheries Fund program.
Retention and disposal standards: Under review
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 20180042
Bank number: DFO PPU 047
Habitat Management Referrals and Notifications
Description: This bank describes information about requests for review of development proposals for works that are in, around or near water and that may impact fish and/or fish habitat; notifications about development works; and reviews of possible contraventions of the habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act. Information is also collected on the decisions and actions related to these reviews such as advice provided and authorizations issued for works that may harm, alter, disrupt or destroy fish habitat. Personal information may include: name, contact information, details about the proposed development, and concerns or comments from the general public.
Class of individuals: Any individual who is carrying out a work in, around or near water that could potentially impact fish and/or fish habitat and any individual who provides letters of concern or comments about the proposed work being reviewed.
Purpose: Personal information is collected in accordance with the habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act in order to conduct reviews, provide advice and issue authorizations related to development proposals and under the registry provisions of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) for those proposals where it is determined that DFO has a trigger for an environmental assessment.
Consistent uses: The information may be shared with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency if the project triggers an environmental assessment, and in such cases it may also be shared with other federal institutions that need to be involved in accordance with the Federal Coordination Regulations and the CEAA. Projects that require an environmental assessment under CEAA are then subject to specific information requirements and certain information about the project must be posted on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry Internet Site. Letters of concern and complaint from the general public are part of the registry to ensure that the comments are considered during the environmental assessment. Information may also be shared with the Conservation and Protection Branch of DFO for works or undertakings that result in a possible violation under the Fisheries Act. The information may also be used for audit, evaluation, and statistical report purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 15 years after the file is closed. Two or three cases per year, per region, are sent to Library and Archives Canada.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO HAB 600.1
TBS registration: 20090496
Bank number: DFO PPU 680
Harbour Authorities
Description: This bank describes information related to a Harbour Authority, a local not-for- profit organization that is responsible for managing, operating and maintaining one or more public fishing harbour through a lease agreement with Small Craft Harbours. The personal information may include name and contact information.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must indicate the Harbour Authority with which they are associated. Personal information is not used to make an administrative decision based on the individual but it is retrievable by personal identifier. Information may be stored electronically in the Information Portuaire / Port Information (IPI). The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Board of directors, members and staff of the harbour authority.
Purpose: The personal information is used to manage the harbour. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 8 of the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act.
Consistent uses: Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law and/or investigative purposes. Name and contact information may be posted online for members of the public to contact the Harbour Authority.
Retention and disposal standards: Under review
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SCH 200.1
TBS registration: 20150113
Bank number: DFO PPU 070
Harbour Authority Recognition Program
Description: This bank describes information that is about individuals who have been nominated, or are nominating others, to receive recognition for their accomplishments and contribution to the Small Craft Harbours objectives under the Harbour Authority Recognition Program. Personal information may include name, contact information, and description of the nominee's current involvement with their Harbour Authority, and information related to how the activities of the individual or Harbour Authority contributed to the nomination.
Class of individuals: Individuals or Harbour Authorities nominated for Harbour Authority Recognition Awards; individuals or Harbour Authorities who are nominators. In addition, Small Craft Harbours (SCH) representatives and Regional Harbour Authority Advisory Committee (RHAAC) who are members of the Evaluation and Selection Committee.
Purpose: Personal information is used to determine eligibility for the award and to allow the Harbour Authority Recognition selection committee to assess the nomination for possible recommendation of an award. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for reporting to senior management and evaluation. Nomination information is shared with the Selection Committee which is comprised of representatives of the SCH Program (including members of the SCH National Management Committee, RHAAC representatives to encourage support for the nomination or to seek additional information. Information on award recipients may be used/disclosed for the purpose of organizing awards ceremony.
With consent of the individual, information about award recipients is published on the DFO website, and may also be used for communications material to announce award recipients.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 3 years and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related Class of Record Number: DFO SCH 200.1
TBS registration: 20110268
Bank number: DFO PPU 275
Harbour Managers
Description: Information on Harbour Managers appointed by the Minister in accordance with the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act, namely: name, harbour, address, identification number, badge number, date of appointment (and cancellation) and remuneration type.
Note: Harbour Managers are no longer used for harbour operations – some information relating to harbour managers has been sent to the National Archives of Canada.
Class of individuals: Harbour Managers.
Purpose: Active and historic information from this bank was required for administration purposes.
Consistent uses: This information is used for administrative purposes and for other such purposes as allowed under sub-section 8(2) of the Privacy Act.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 5 years from the last administrative action and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SCH 200.1
BS Registration: 003624
Bank number: DFO PPU 270
Ice Assistance Emergency Program
Description: This bank describes information related to a DFO financial relief program. The information is about individuals who have applied for financial payments from DFO to receive temporary financial assistance for lost income resulting from adverse ice conditions in the spring of 2017, which affected commercial fishing. Personal information may include name, date of birth, Social Insurance Number (SIN), contact information, employment information, EI status, signature, income, financial information, home port, vessel information, and other identification numbers.
Notes: The Ice Assistance Emergency Program (IAEP) will provide financial relief for varying dates from May 7, 2017 until July 8, 2017 according to the persistence of ice in different areas. An MOU has been signed with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) for the delivery of IAEP. Requests for access or correction of personal information should be directed to ESDC in addition to DFO.
Class of individuals: Information relates to individuals (including the general public and First Nations / Inuit people) who have applied for financial relief under the IAEP for the East Coast of Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec commercial fishery.
Purpose: Personal information is used to determine eligibility for compensation and to disburse funds. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 4 of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act and section 5 of the Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring Act. DFO has been granted policy approval by Treasury Board to collect the SIN as provided for under Appendix B of the Directive on Social Insurance Number.
With regards to the IAEP, while DFO retains overall program authority and accountability, ESDC has the legal authority pursuant to section 5 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act (DESDA) to collect personal information, including validating the SIN, requisitioning grant payments, and issuing T4As to grant recipients to assist DFO in the administering the IAEP.
Consistent uses: Selected information (name, Social Insurance Number, date of birth, contact information, and language choice may be shared with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) for processing payments, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for income tax purposes, and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) for issuing cheques - refer to ESDC PIB - Social Insurance Number Register ESDC IAP 060. Information may also be used or disclosed for evaluation and/or reporting purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Personal information will be retained by DFO Regional and National Headquarters for according to a forthcoming RDA.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 20180039
Bank number: DFO PPU 045
Introductions and Transfers of Live Aquatic Organisms
Description: This bank describes information related to applications to release all aquatic organisms into fish-bearing waters or fish-rearing facilities. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, credit card information, financial information, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (aquaculture licence number, lease number, client number, ATA tracking number, application number, ITC file number, access file number, SARA file number, PASB file number, CFIA import permit number, and provincial landfile number), signature and age range (confirmation the applicant is older than 18).
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their client number. Information may be stored electronically in Microsoft Client, AQUIIS and the Fish Health Audit and Surveillance System. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Individuals seeking to intentionally move live fish for purposes outlined in the scope of the National Code on Introductions and Transfers of Aquatic Organisms, suppliers, scientists, fishing experts, and Introductions and Transfers Committee members which includes government employees.
Purpose: The personal information is used to obtain an Introduction or Transfer Licence to move aquatic organisms within a province, between provinces, or import from sources outside of Canada. Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 4, 7, 43 and 61 of the Fisheries Act and sections 55 and 56 of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with the Introductions and Transfers Committee (ITC) comprised of members from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and corresponding provincial/territorial authorities. The ITC assesses applications for genetic, ecological, and disease risks. Information may be shared with neighbouring jurisdictions on proposals to introduce exotic species, to extend the range of organisms in shared watersheds or if an introduction, transfer or range extension proposal might impact stocks within a watershed outside the receiving province. Information may be shared with interested parties (local groups, Aboriginal Groups, commercial fishers and aquaculturists) for consultation purposes prior to the introduction of an exotic species. Formal risk assessments may be shared with external experts (academia) to further strengthen the risk assessment process if the provincial and federal government authorities lack the required subject matter expertise. Aggregate data pertaining to the proposed and approved intentional movements of aquatic organisms is tabulated annually to fulfill domestic and international (ICES) reporting requirements. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, and investigative purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Introduction or Transfer Licences are retained for 7 years after the date of issue and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 403.1, DFO EFM 403.4 and DFO SCI 313
TBS registration: 20150075
Bank number: DFO PPU 095
Licence to Fish for Experimental, Scientific, Educational, Aquatic Invasive Species Control, or Public Display Purposes
Description: This bank describes information related to the issuing of licences to fish for Experimental, Scientific, Educational, Aquatic Invasive Species Control, or Public Display purposes. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, credit card information, date of birth, dockside monitoring/vessel monitoring/at sea observer company the fisher is associated with, educational information, financial information, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (licence number – current and previous), vessel identification and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name and date of birth. Information may be stored electronically in regional licensing systems (the National Special Licence Issue System, MARFIS, GFIS, FMHIS, GAP, shared drives, and SharePoint). The PIB was last updated in 2018.
Class of individuals: Individuals applying for, or named on, a licence to fish for Experimental, Scientific, Educational, Aquatic Invasive Species Control, or Public Display purposes.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility, and to create the licence and related conditions for a licence to fish for Experimental, Scientific, Educational, Aquatic Invasive Species Control, or Public Display purposes, and to determine whether the applicant(s) needs to apply for another licence or permit. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 52 and 56 of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with Parks Canada (see institution-specific PIB Parks Canada - Fishing Licenses PC PPU 051) when a licence is issued in the interior of a Park such as Saguenay-Saint-Laurent Park for the purpose of identifying licence holders, controlling the number of individuals fishing in the park, restricting fishing to authorized areas and to support fish management. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, and/or investigative purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years after issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed. Licences issued to an employee will be transferred to the employee's personnel file.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SCI 301, DFO SCI 302, DFO SCI 303, DFO SCI 304, DFO SCI 305, DFO SCI 307, DFO SCI 308, DFO SCI 313, DFO SCI 314, DFO SCI 315, DFO SCI 316 and DFO SCI 317
TBS registration: 20150123
Bank number: DFO PPU 085
Manuscript Reviews
Description: A list of qualified referees (specialists in a variety of disciplines) along with records of the receipt, review and appraisal of manuscripts selected for publication or rejection.
Class of individuals: A list of qualified referees (specialists in a variety of disciplines).
Purpose: To maintain a list of qualified referees.
Consistent uses: To record receipt of manuscripts and organize assignment of reviews and appraisals of manuscripts selected for publication or rejection.
Retention and disposal standards: Six years after publication (or non-publication), transfer to Library and Archives Canada for selective retention.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SCI 301, DFO SCI 302, DFO SCI 303, DFO SCI 307, DFO SCI 308, DFO SCI 309, DFO SCI 310, DFO SCI 312, DFO SCI 314, DFO SCI 315, DFO SCI 317 and DFO OCE 500.1
TBS registration: 003613
Bank number: DFO PPU 320
Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS)
Description: This bank describes information related to: marine distress and general radio communications, broadcasting maritime safety information, screening vessels entering Canadian waters, regulating vessel traffic in selected Canadian waters, providing marine information to other federal departments and agencies, providing a public telephone service in areas where mariners do not have access to public telephone systems, and sail plans. The personal information may include biographical information, citizenship status, contact information, date of death, gender, identification numbers, language, medical information, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, physical attributes, age, details of the emergency/incident, location or position, nationality, and aircraft, vessel and/or voyage information and voice recordings.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the name of the associated MCTS Centre and the date of the communication with the Centre. Information may be stored electronically in audio recording systems and in the Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS), which may include Automated Information System (AIS), RADAR, and the Marine Communication Logging System (MCLS).
Class of individuals: Mariners, fishers, general public requesting assistance, emergency contacts, response providers, and current and former federal government employees.
Purpose: The personal information is used to facilitate marine distress, safety communications and responses, and the safe and efficient movement of vessels in Canadian waters. Personal information is collected pursuant to part 5 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and section 41 of the Oceans Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with Transport Canada - Marine Safety Enforcement Program, TC PPU 021 and Marine Occurrences and Hazardous Occurrences, TC PPU 048), the Transportation Safety Board of Canada - Investigation Files, TSB PPU 005, Canada Border Services Agency- Criminal Investigations Program, CBSA PPU 1402, Canadian Food and Inspection Agency - Investigations: Violations of Acts and Regulations - FPI CFIA, CFIA PPU 096, Provincial Emergency Management Authorities, Port Authorities, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the Department of National Defence through the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre (JRCC) or the Marine Rescue Sub-Centre (MRSC) - National Search and Rescue Program Management Information System, DND PPU 050, and within CCG to coordinate an appropriate response to an incident. Reports of serious illness and fatalities aboard a vessel are shared with Health Canada- Canadian Accident Injury Reporting and Evaluation, HC PPU 025, Canadian Food and Inspection Agency - Investigations: Violations of Acts and Regulations - FPI CFIA, CFIA PPU 096, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada – Investigation Files, TSB PPU 005 , Canada Border Services Agency – Criminal Investigations Program, CBSA PPU 1402, Transport Canada-Marine Safety Enforcement Program, TC PPU 021 and Marine Occurrences and Hazardous Occurrences, TC PPU 048, and with the JRCC/MRSC - National Search and Rescue Program Management Information System, DND PPU 050 for investigative purposes. AIS data is shared with the core participants of the Marine Security Operations Centres including: CCG, National Defence - Security Intelligence Records, DND PPU 060, Royal Canadian Mounted Police- National Security Investigations Records (Exempt bank), RCMP PPU 025, Canada Border Services Agency - Intelligence Program, CBSA PPU 035 and Transport Canada for the purposes of monitoring Canadian territorial waters for security threats. Fireball and Meteorite Observation reports are shared with the National Research Council. Information on foreign government vessels in the Arctic Waters of the NORDREG VTS Zone is shared with Global Affairs Canada for the purpose of verifying foreign vessels claiming sovereign immunity. VTMIS data may be shared with clients and partners requesting access to the system for the purpose of maintaining safe waterways, with a third party service provider, and within DFO for the purpose of invoicing and collecting marine service fees. Information may be shared with third party resources assisting mariners from the private sector (i.e. gas and towing services). Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development and implementation, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, and investigative purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Digital recordings that are related to Search and Rescue events or VTS accidents/incidents will be retained for 7 years following the last administrative action and then destroyed. Standards for digital recordings, not related to an administrative decision being made on an individual, are under development.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO CCG 103
TBS registration: 20160053
Bank number: DFO PPU 150
Marine Mammal Fishing Licences
Description: This bank describes information related to the issuance of a fishing licence or assistant fishing licence, and the associated conditions of a licence to fish under the Marine Mammal Regulations for the following species: beluga, bowhead whale, walrus, narwhal (given to an Inuk person only), cetaceans (not previously mentioned other than right whale), and personal use, commercial use, and nuisance seal licences.The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, credit card information, date of birth, financial information, language preference, name, opinions or views of, or about, individuals, signature, vessel information, and professional sealer an assistant sealer is associated with. In addition, personal information may include information contained on proof of eligibility documents submitted to DFO to prove the applicant's age is over 18; the applicant holds a hunter education certificate such as a certificate of completion from a humane harvesting training program; and holds a firearms permit and/or firearms safety certificate such as a provincial hunters capability certificate authorizing the applicant to use a firearm (F Code).
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the region they are associated with and their date of birth. Information may be stored electronically in the National Online Licensing System, regional licensing, and catch and effort databases.
Class of individuals: General public applying for a fishing licence under the Marine Mammal Regulations and current and former federal government employees processing the licensing requests.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility for a fishing licence and to determine the related licence conditions. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 4 of the Marine Mammal Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with Public Services and Procurement Canada (Receiver General Deposits, PWGSC PCU 717 ) and third party service providers for the purpose of processing payments. Certain data may be shared with Transport Canada for the purposes of commercial fishing vessel safety, educational activities, compliance monitoring and for investigations and prosecutions (Marine Safety Enforcement Program, TC PPU 021). The information may also be shared with approved local fishing organizations, on approval by DFO, in specific provinces in order to assist DFO in the issuance of fishing net labels and replacement labels. The data could also be shared with the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centres, the National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces for the purpose of search and rescue (National Search and Rescue (SAR) Management System, DND PPU 550). Vessel specific personal information may be shared with other agencies in emergency response or SAR situations, and with Territorial Wildlife Officers issuing licences in remote locations on DFO's behalf. Vessel and/or fisher information may be shared with the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission under international agreements and to third party service providers issuing tags or analyzing data to map fishing activity on DFO's behalf. Information may be shared with the provinces to enforce or administer legislation such as the Fish Harvester Organizations Support Act in the Province of Nova Scotia. The information may also be shared with exporters for verification purposes. Information may be shared with the core participants of the Marine Security Operations Centres including: CCG, National Defence (Security Intelligence Records, DND PPU 060), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (National Security Investigations Records (Exempt bank), RCMP PPU 025), Canada Border Services Agency (Intelligence Program, CBSA PPU 035) and Transport Canada for the purposes of monitoring Canadian territorial waters, and to detect and assess security threats. The information may be used in support of stock or risk assessments, quota monitoring, mapping fishing activity, environmental impact assessments, and economic development. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning, conducting surveys, management or analysis, internal reporting, safety or security purposes, emergency situations, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development and implementation, enforcement, and conducting investigations in accordance with Canadian fisheries legislation.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years following the date of issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1, DFO EFM 400.2, and DFO EFM 403.1
TBS registration: 20160054
Bank number: DFO PPU 165
Marine Mammal Transportation Licences (MMTL)
Description: This bank describes information related to the issuance of Marine Mammal Transportation Licenses, and their associated marine mammal tags and narwhal tusk certification cables, to individuals crossing any Canadian provincial or territorial border with live, parts, or products, from marine mammals including, but not limited to, walruses, whales, and seals (with the exception of seals or seal parts taken from any of Sealing Areas 4 to 33 as per subsection 16(2)(b) of the Marine Mammal Regulations). The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, name, opinions or views of, or about, individuals, identification numbers (tag and licence numbers), and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name, and the approximate date and place, where the licence/tag/certification cable was issued. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Individuals applying for a MMTL, and their associated marine mammal tags, and narwhal tusk certification cables, DFO employees, Nunavut Conservation Officers, Quebec Wildlife Officers, RCMP employees, and narwhal harvesters.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility for a MMTL, marine mammal tag, and narwhal tusk certification cable, to create the licence, tag or certification cable, and to determine the related licence conditions for a MMTL. Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 15 and 16 of the Marine Mammal Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be collected by the Hunting and Trapping Organization (HTO), RCMP employees, Nunavut Conservation Officers, or Quebec Wildlife Officers on behalf of DFO in remote communities and shared with DFO. Information collected may be disclosed to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans' Catch Certification Program and/or Environment Canada and Climate Change Canada through the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) process. Information may also be shared with Environment and Climate Change Canada for the enforcement of environmental legislation. Information may be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, intelligence gathering, and investigative purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 20 years after superseded or obsolete, then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2 and DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 20160004
Bank number: DFO PPU 145
Marine Protected Area Activity Applications
Description: This bank describes information that is about individuals who are applying to conduct activities in a designated Oceans Act Marine Protected Area. Personal information may include name, contact information, and a description of the proposed activity.
Class of individuals: Individuals who are applying to conduct activities in designated Marine Protected Areas.
Purpose: Personal information such as name and contact information is used so that DFO has a main contact with whom correspondence on the proposed activity can be conducted. Personal information such as a description of the proposed activity is used to determine eligibility to conduct activities in designated Marine Protected Areas. Personal information is collected pursuant to specific Marine Protected Area Regulations under the Oceans Act.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for reporting to senior management and evaluation. In some cases, the information may be disclosed to other federal institutions and/or third parties, including stakeholders of the Marine Protected Area, mainly via a Marine Protected Area Advisory Committee, for the purpose of gathering advice on the evaluation of the environmental impact of the activity which is used to determine eligibility to conduct that particular activity in the MPA. Personal information of proponents who are successful in having their activities approved may be shared with the public via an annual MPA progress report.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 15 years after the date on which MPA plan for the site was superseded or obsolete and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related Class of Record Number: DFO OCE 500.1
TBS registration: 20110307
Bank number: DFO PPU 500
Marine Service Fees
Description: This bank describes information that is used to administer marine service fees including icebreaking service fees, marine navigation service fees and dredging fees. The personal information may include name, contact information, client number, credit card information, financial information, signature, point of departure, destination and the name of vessel.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank should provide their client number. Information may be stored electronically in the ABACUS and Marine Service Fee Information System databases.
Class of individuals: General public operating a vessel subject to the marine service fees and individuals that process marine service fees on behalf of a corporation.
Purpose: The personal information is used to invoice and collect marine service fees. Personal information is collected pursuant to Section 47 of the Oceans Act and Part 5 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with a third party service provider under contract with DFO to invoice and collect marine service fees. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning, reporting, safety or security, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law and/or the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime and investigative purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records will be retained for six years and are then destroyed. Credit card and financial information are collected for the purpose of paying fees and are not retained after payment is processed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO CCG 101 and DFO CCG 104
TBS registration: 20150060
Bank number: DFO PPU 025
Maritime Fleet Management - Seagoing Personnel File Information
Description: This bank describes personal information that is used in support of the Fleet Operational Readiness Program. In addition to vessel schedules and cruise costing projections, the MariTime Fleet Management System is used to track Human Resource related activities for all CCG seagoing personnel. Personal information may include name, contact information, professional certifications, date of birth, personal record identifier (PRI), training and development courses, performance reviews and learning plans, other employment-related requirements (e.g., firearms permits, security clearances, passport/visa information), salary information (e.g., pay group and increment level), seafarer medicals and related information (including any special needs identified under duty to accommodate, information required to ensure that employees receive proper medical assistance, and/or sailing limitations), employee leave transactions and related leave banks.
Note: Personal information is stored in the MariTime System which allows each region to search the database for employees within their respective region. Headquarters has read-only access to the regional input but can run national level reports that would include data from all regions.
Class of individuals: Seagoing personnel of the CCG, emergency contacts of employees, and may also include spouses and dependants.
Purpose: The personal information is used to track work history for all seagoing employees, due to varying vessels working on different crewing systems (lay days, conventional, on-call and averaging). This includes time and leave as appropriate at the applicable salary rate. With respect to seafarer medicals, information is used to ensure that CCG seagoing personnel are able to receive appropriate medical assistance while at sea. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: tracking employee work history and employee leave, employee certification, training, reporting to senior management, and evaluation. In exceptional circumstances, medical information may be shared with other CCG personnel if it is deemed that the health and safety of employees is/are at risk. The information may be used or disclosed for the purpose of ensuring the safety of employees. Personal medical information may also be disclosed to hospitals and emergency medical personnel, to be shared with physician call centres, to assist in diagnosis and treatment required.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 5 years after the duration of employment, and after the last administrative action, then transferred to the employee personnel file.
RDA number: Under review
Related Class of Record Number: DFO CCG 109.1
TBS registration: 20110284
Bank number: DFO PPU 118
Monitoring at Sea Using At-Sea Observers or Electronic Monitors (EM)
Description: This bank describes information related to commercial fishing licence conditions that may offer the choice (in some fisheries) of either placing a designated private-sector observer on board a fishing vessel, or using cameras or sensory devices on board a fishing vessel (electronic monitors). The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, criminal checks/history, language preference, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (userid, username, Vessel Registration Number, Fisher Identification Number, and Observer Identification Number), third party service provider information, signature, and electronic monitoring system data including video footage and GPS data.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their vessel name, vessel registration number (VRN), and trip dates. Information may be stored electronically in regional databases, such as the Industry Survey Database (ISDB) in the Maritimes Region and the Fisheries Operations System (FOS) in the Pacific Region. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: At-Sea Observers and their briefers and debriefers, owner of the vessel, vessel crew, and individuals who commit a fishery violation under the Fishery Act or Coastal Fisheries Protection Act.
Purpose: The personal information is used to manage fisheries resource, monitor compliance with fishery laws and regulations, and provide information on fish stocks, fish movement and catch-and-effort to ensure sustainable management of fisheries resources. This includes: monitoring fishing activities on board vessels, the collection of scientific data, monitoring industry compliance with fishing regulations and licence conditions including catch, areas fished, fishing time and discrepancies between the fishing log and catch data by the At-Sea Observer or electronic monitoring system, and the issuance of incident reports to DFO to identify potential violations of fishery regulations. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 61 of the Fisheries Act and subsections 22 (1) and 39 (2.1) of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
Consistent uses: Licence holders enter into an agreement with a third-party service provider offering At-Sea Observer services to collect and review data in order to document catch, identify potential violations of fishery regulations and any discrepancies between the fishing log, and catch data for DFO's review. Where suspected violations of fishery regulations have been observed by an At-Sea Observer, they are required to submit an Incident Report to DFO, consistent with their designation requirements, for compliance and enforcement purposes. The third party service provider shares the information on observations with DFO as required by the Fishery (General) Regulations and as specified in condition of the commercial fishing licence. In some fisheries, licence holders enter into an agreement with a third party electronic monitoring service provider. This provider shares a statistical sample of electronic monitors with DFO in accordance with licence conditions. The statistical sample is reviewed and the data is analyzed in order to document catch, identify potential violations of fishery regulations and any discrepancies between the fishing logs, catch data and other industry reporting and disclosure requirements. An EM video may be reviewed in its entirety by the DFO Review Board if the fishing log data during the EM audits does not meet the standards set. In addition, DFO Fishery Officers may request a copy of the EM video for their investigations. Information on observers, electronic monitors and fishing activity related to vessels operating in The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Regulatory Area (NRA) may be shared with Contracting Parties with an inspection presence in the NRA pursuant to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement measures as agreed upon by the contracting parties. The information may be shared within DFO for the purposes of reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, program administration, enforcement and investigations, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, intelligence analysis, resource management, stock and ecosystem assessments, scientific studies, program planning, management or policy development.
Retention and disposal standards: Paper at-sea observer records are kept for 5 years and then destroyed. Records deemed to be of archival value are transferred to the care and control of Library and Archives Canada.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2
TBS registration: 20150124
Bank number: DFO PPU 055
National Fisheries Aerial Surveillance Program
Description: This bank describes information related to the monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing activity and fishing vessels in Canadian waters on the coasts using surveillance aircraft (fixed or rotary). The personal information may include vessel information, nationality, geo-coordinates, related photographs, video and audio.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide a vessel name, vessel registration number, time, date and place. Information may be stored electronically in the Surveillance Information System (SIS3). The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Fishers, owner of the vessel, captain of the vessel, crew and individuals who commit a violation under the Fisheries Act, Coastal Fisheries Protection Act, Oceans Act, Species at Risk Act and Canada Shipping Act , and the general public travelling in Canadian waters along the coast.
Purpose: The personal information is used to monitor domestic and foreign vessel activities, detect fishing violations, survey the water for pollution and monitor the environment. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Code, sections 5 and 49-56 of the Fisheries Act, sections 85 and 115-118 of the Species at Risk Act, section 3 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act, subsection 33(1)(c) and sections 35 and 39 of the Oceans Act and sections 174 -184 of the Canada Shipping Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be collected by a third-party service provider and provided to DFO as required by a signed contract agreement. Information on foreign fishing activities related to vessels operating in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Regulatory Area (NRA) may be shared with Contracting Parties with an inspection presence in the NRA pursuant to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement measures as agreed upon by the contracting parties. Information may be shared with the Department of National Defence, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canada Border Services Agency, and Transport Canada through the Marine Security Operations Centres. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, resource management, stock and ecosystem assessments, scientific studies, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, investigative purposes or intelligence analysis.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 15 years and then destroyed. Records deemed to be of archival value are transferred to the care and control of Library and Archives Canada.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2 and DFO CCG 108
TBS registration: 20150130
Bank number: DFO PPU 125
National Fisheries Intelligence Service
Description: This bank describes information that is about individuals, their entity relationships and associated witnesses who have come to the attention of the National Fisheries Intelligence Service Program. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, citizenship status, credit history, criminal checks / history, date of birth, date of death, educational information, employment equity information, financial information, gender, language, medical information (of a psychological nature), name (including username), opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (fishing license number, vessel registration number, license plate number, passport number, officer badge number), photos and videos, physical attributes, signature and system usage history.
Note: Profiles of individuals will be created through the matching of personal information elements extracted from other DFO database. Existing DFO information may be extracted from the following internal systems / databases: Departmental Violations System (DVS), Vessel Monitoring System and the DFO Licencing Systems. Repurposed, newly created and newly collected information will be stored electronically in the iBase database. Access to the NFIS database will be restricted and monitored - fully compliant with Government of Canada IT security standards. This PIB was last updated in 2018.
Class of individuals: Individuals who are the subject of enforcement activities under fisheries and fish habitat legislation or are implicated in, criminal, provincial and federal statute investigations. Individuals who are connected with these investigations, including confidential informants, witnesses, entity relations, and past and current DFO employees.
Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 49-56 and 61 of the Fisheries Act, Section 2 of the Criminal Code, subsection 39(1) of the Oceans Act, subsection 85(1) Species at Risk Act, and section 7 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and associated regulations for the purpose of collecting and analyzing information; producing intelligence reports to facilitate knowledgeable and informed decision-making; and to strategically focus on areas of greatest risk to ensure maximum program effectiveness.
Consistent uses: The information may be shared and used internally to DFO for the purposes of enforcement, statistics, security, audit, research, program administration, evaluation, briefing senior management, policy, training and development. The information may be disclosed externally to Environment and Climate Change Canada the Canada Border Services Agency (Intelligence Program, CBSA PPU 035), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Investigations: Violations of Acts and Regulations - FPI CFIA, CFIA PPU 096) as well as Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Operational Case Records RCMP PPU 005), Interpol, municipal, provincial or territorial law enforcement agencies and provincial ministries responsible for natural resources for the purposes of administering and enforcing the Fisheries Act, Oceans Act, Species at Risk Act, Coastal Fisheries Protection Act. Information may be shared with the Department of Justice (Prosecution and Related Criminal Matters JUS PPU 015) and the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (Prosecutions and Prosecution-Related Activities, PPSC PPU 002) for the purposes of prosecution and/or appeals. Information may also be disclosed externally to various Foreign Governments subject to multilateral Treaties, Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties, or Written Collaborative Agreements (WCA) for the purposes of law enforcement.
Privacy Impact Assessment: A PIA was completed in 2015 for this program.
Retention and disposal standards: Records will be retained for 10 years after the last administrative action and then destroyed. Audit logs will be stored 6 months in the iBase system and 10 years on an external drive.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2, DFO EFM 404.3, DFO EFM 404.5, DFO OCE 500.1, DFO SAR 700.2, DFO SAR 700.3, DFO EFM 400.1, DFO EFM 400.2, DFO EFM 402.1, DFO SCI 314, DFO INT 800, DFO CCG 108, DFO EFM 403.1, and DFO EFM 403.4
TBS registration: 20180035
Bank number: DFO PPU 140
National Recreational Fisheries Awards
Description: This bank describes information that is about individuals who have been nominated, or are nominating others, to receive recognition for contributions to the conservation, restoration and enhancement of Canada's recreational fisheries and their habitat. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status, views and opinions of or about an individual and information related to the activities of the individual that contributed to the nomination.
Class of individuals: Individuals or representatives of groups, businesses, or associations nominated for National Recreational Fisheries Awards; individuals or representatives who are nominators; and members of the Selection Committee.
Purpose: Personal information is used to determine eligibility for the award and to allow the National Recreational Fisheries Awards Selection Committee to assess the nomination for possible recommendation of an award. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Oceans Act, the Fisheries Act and regulations, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act, and the Financial Administration Act.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: reporting to senior management, evaluation and in planning of award ceremonies. Nomination information is shared with the Selection Committee whose members are appointed by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and information may also be shared with provincial/territorial government representatives to encourage support for the nomination or to seek additional information. If the application proceeds to final review stage, information will be shared with the Office of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada for final approval. Information on award recipients may be used/disclosed for the purpose of organizing ceremonies to present the awards. With consent of the individual, information about award recipients is published on the DFO website, and may also be used for communications material to announce award recipients.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 3 years after the last administrative action - based on the date of award decision, and then destroyed. Precedent setting awards are retained for 15 years and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.2
TBS registration: 20100445
Bank number: DFO PPU 416
Nationally Regulated Recreational, Domestic, and Sport Fishing
Description: This bank describes information related to the issuance of recreational, domestic, and sport fishing licences, associated licence conditions, and tags, in Canadian waters under DFO's jurisdiction, and in operating programs aimed at conservation or scientific studies in these fisheries. Conservation and Science programs include, but are not limited to, conservation catch cards, conservation stamps, head recovery programs, and tagged fish reward programs. The personal information may include name, biographical information, catch, contact information, conservation and recreational fish monitoring document, credit card information, financial information, date of birth, fishing logs, gender, identifying numbers, language preference, medical information, online access information -including secret questions and answers for password recovery, opinions or views of, or about individuals, physical attributes and signature. In addition, personal information may include information contained on government issued identification, including drivers licence, or on an invoice/bill showing civic address for verification of an individual's residency.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name and date of birth. Information may be stored electronically in the National Recreational Licensing System and National Online Licensing System database. This PIB was formerly titled the National Recreational Fishing PIB. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Current and former holders and vendors of recreational, domestic, and sport fishing licences which includes: minors or a trustee of a minor, and adult fishers that must report the catches on behalf of themselves and the minors they fish with; disabled persons who designate individuals to catch their daily limit of groundfish in Newfoundland and Labrador and individuals so designated; medical doctors or optometrists who attest to the Disabled Designation; and members of the public participating in the conservation catch card, conservation stamp, head recovery or tagged fish rewards programs.
Purpose: Personal information is used to issue recreational, domestic, and sport fishing licences; for the management, control and compliance of the fisheries; monitoring catch and quota; and administering conservation programs such as catch card, stamp, head recovery, and tag reward programs. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 7 of the Fisheries Act, section 17 of the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, section 4 of the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations, section 4 of the Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations, section 4 of the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations, andsection 17 of the British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with Public Services and Procurement Canada (Receiver General Deposits, PWGSC PCU 717 ) and third party service providers for the purpose of processing payments. Information may be shared with the core participants of the Marine Security Operations Centres – National Defence, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canada Border Services Agency and Transport Canada for the purposes of monitoring Canadian territorial waters, and to detect and assess security threats. Information may also be used or disclosed for distributing communication documents (if opted-in), evaluation, internal reporting, stock assessments, science, program planning, policy development, audits, statistical, demographic, safety, security , monitoring, investigation and enforcement purposes. Contact information will be used for public outreach and educational purposes, and to conduct surveys required as a condition of licence. Personal information may be disclosed to third party service providers contracted to conduct surveys on DFO's behalf.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years following the date of issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.2
TBS registration: 20091572
Bank number: DFO PPU 415
National Response Team Members
Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of coordinating the roles and responsibilities of Canadian Coast Guard Environmental Response personnel located throughout Canada who are knowledgeable and trained to monitor, manage or assist in responses to incidents at the regional, national or international level. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, date of birth, educational information, employee identification number, medical information including date of last physical examination, other identification numbers, physical attributes and signature. Other physical personal information may include coat size, boot size and glove size.
Class of individuals: Full or part-time employees of the institution, including Superintendents of Environmental Response, senior response officers and response specialists; emergency contact name and contact information for employee family members.
Purpose: Personal information is used to administer the National Response Team Concept of Operations for a coordinated national response to a marine pollution incident or natural or man-made disaster. Specifically, the information assists DFO in determining the individuals that would be most suited to a particular task during a spill where activation of the National Response Team is necessary. Contact information is required in case of an emergency, medical information to determine if there are any concerns with respect to deploying that employee to remote sites, and physical information to ensure proper fitting of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: reporting to senior management, planning and evaluation purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Once an individual is no longer a member of the national response team, records are retained in the program's database for seven years and then destroyed. No physical records are retained.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO CCG 107
TBS registration: 20100533
Bank number: DFO PPU 117
Prince Edward Island (PEI) Aquaculture Leasing
Description: This bank describes information related to the issuance and management of aquaculture leases in the waters of PEI. The lease permits the use of water to cultivate approved species, exclusive rights to the shellfish on the leased site, and allows structures in the water above the leased waters in accordance with the Navigable Waters Protection Act. Personal information may include biographical information, contact information, credit card information, date of death, financial information, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers (application number, client number, file number, fisher identification number, licence plate number, vessel registration number, Transport Canada number, commercial fishing licence number, aquaculture licence number and lease registration number), signature, letter of probate and will.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their lease registration number. Information may be stored electronically in the Microsoft Client database. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: Leaseholder and individuals subletting a PEI Aquaculture lease, agents, representatives or officers of corporation applying for, or in receipt of, a PEI Aquaculture lease, witnesses, individuals conducting off-lease maintenance, and employees of a processing facility named on an application.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility for a PEI Aquaculture lease, lease extensions, and lease cancellations, and to determine eligibility for the associated cocktail oyster licence and oyster maintenance permit (off-lease maintenance activities). Personal information is also used to add or delete a name on a lease, transfer a lease, assign a mortgage to a lending institution, appeal a decision, consolidate leases, transfer a lease to a company, transfer the lease to the inheritor of an estate, and assign an individual or company to sublet a lease. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 7 of the Fisheries Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with Aquaculture Leasing Management Board to provide management advice and direction to DFO, to develop business and financial plans with DFO, and to set direction and establish policy priorities. Information may be shared with the PEI Aquaculture Leasing Referral Committee to access applications against the agency's particular responsibility and review aquaculture leases. Information may also be shared with the Appeals Panel in order to hear appeals concerning all decisions on an individual's lease or application. Members of the groups listed above may consist of representatives from: DFO, Transport Canada (Navigable Waters Protection Program TC PPU 086), the provincial government (Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development, PEI Department of Fisheries, and PEI Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry), Environment Canada, and industry (PEI Cultured Mussel Growers Association, PEI Oyster Growers Group Inc., PEI Shellfish Association, and PEI Aquaculture Alliance).
Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, and investigative purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years after superseded or file is closed and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 403.1
TBS registration: 20150068
Bank number: DFO PPU 090
Psychological Assessments of Fishery Officers in Armed Enforcement Positions
Description: This bank describes information related to psychological assessments completed to support an individual's suitability for certain armed enforcement positions within Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Personal information may include biographical information, contact information, date of birth, language, gender, signature, opinion or views about individuals, reasons for assessments and medical information (psychological assessment results).
Notes: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the DFO region they are associated with.
Class of individuals: Current and former fishery officers employed in armed enforcement positions and candidates to be designated as Fishery Officers in armed enforcement positions.
Purpose: The personal information is used to support staffing activities for specific positions within DFO as well as promoting a safe and healthy workplace for employees and others. Personal information is collected pursuant to the paragraph 7(1)(b) of the Authorization to Carry Restricted Firearms and Certain Handguns Regulations and subsection 5(1) of the Fisheries Act for the purpose of requesting and completing psychological assessments with regard to the individual's suitability for armed enforcement duties.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with private sector health care professionals for the purpose of completing a psychological assessment or reassessment. Information may be used or disclosed to establish the conditions of work under which certain individuals are able to continue to work under controlled conditions without detriment to their health or safety or to that of others. Information may be used internally for program management, research, policy development, reporting, safety and security, audit, planning, evaluation, and statistical purposes. Assessment results may be shared, with consent, with other federal departments for the purpose of similar staffing activities. Information may be shared with/described in other Standard Personal Information Banks pertaining to human resources activities including: Employee Personnel Record - PSE 901; Attendance and Leave - PSE 903; Employee Assistance - PSE 916; Grievances - PSE 910, and Occupational Health and Safety - PSE 907.
Retention and disposal standards: Under development
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: PRN 920, PRN 922, PRN 926, PRN 941 and DFO EFM 404.4
TBS registration: 20180050
Bank number: DFO PPU 110
Recruitment and Staffing - Fleet
Description: This bank describes information that is related to recruitment and staffing activities for the CCG Fleet Operational Readiness Program including recruitment to the fleet officer training programs of the Canadian Coast Guard College. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, criminal checks/history, date and place of birth, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personnel information, medical information, physical attributes, signature, and letters of recommendation. Personal information may also include the results of a pre-employment medical tests and examinations, including vision and hearing standards (seagoing only).
Class of individuals: Individuals seeking employment with CCG in seagoing and shore based fleet positions including federal employees, applicants to the Canadian Coast Guard College fleet Officer Cadet program, and others. Also includes individuals whose names have been provided as employment references, personal references, or both.
Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the recruitment and staffing activities for the Fleet Operational Readiness Program. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act (2001), the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), the Employment Equity Act (EEA) and the Canadian Human Rights Act (section 16).
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: inventory of potential candidates for staffing Fleet positions. Relevant information would be transferred to DFO PPU 118, MariTime Fleet Management – Seagoing Personnel File Information, or the standard personal information bank PSE 901, Employee Personnel Record. Relevant information would also be transferred to DFO PPU 012, Canadian Coast Guard College Trainee and Student Achievement Information, to facilitate training requirements. Certain personal information may be shared with other federal institutions as per the standard personal information bank PSE 902, Staffing.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 2 years following expiry of eligibility list of a staffing action, or 2 years after last administrative use, whichever is later, then transferred to the employee personnel file - if applicable.
RDA number: Under review
Related Class of Record Number: DFO CCG 109.1
TBS registration: 20110308
Bank number: DFO PPU 119
Reporting a Suspected Fishery-related Occurrence by a Member of the Public through DFO's Phone or Online Reporting Mechanisms
Description: This bank describes information related to the reporting of suspected fishery-related occurrence by the general public through phone or online reporting mechanisms. The personal information may include contact information, age, employment equity information (population group), gender, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers, vessel and vehicle information, photos, physical attributes and voice recordings.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide the approximate date the information was reported and the region. Information may be stored electronically in the Departmental Violations System or regional databases. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: General public reporting a suspected fishery-related occurrence under appropriate fisheries legislation, individuals who are suspected of committing an occurrence reported under these methods, government employees, and individuals working for third party service providers under contract with DFO to provide services.
Purpose: The personal information is used to administer the monitoring, control and surveillance program, aimed at detecting and deterring illegal activities. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Code, sections 5 and 49-56 of the Fisheries Act, sections 85 and 115-118 of the Species at Risk Act, section 3 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act, subsection 33(1)(c) and sections 35 and 39 of the Oceans Act and sections 174 -184 of the Canada Shipping Act.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with third party service providers under contract with DFO to collect and share the data with DFO as required by a signed contract agreement. Information may be shared within DFO for the purposes of enforcement and investigations, program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research and policy development.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 15 years from the end of the fiscal year in which the case was closed and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2
TBS registration: 20150129
Bank number: DFO PPU 075
Seal Fishery Observation Licence to Observe a Seal Hunt
Description: This bank describes information related to the issuance of a seal fishery observation licence to observe a seal hunt. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, citizenship status, credit card information, criminal checks/history, date of birth, gender, name, opinions or views of, or about, individuals, other identification numbers, photographs, physical attributes, place of birth and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name and date of birth. The PIB was last updated in 2015.
Class of individuals: General public, applying for or in receipt of, a seal fishery observation licence, helicopter pilots and fixed wing aircraft pilots transporting the general public to the seal hunt.
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine eligibility for a one day Seal Fishery Observation Licence to Observe a Seal Hunt. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsections 4 (1) and section 32 and 33 of the Marine Mammal Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information may be shared with Conservation and Protection and with the RCMP (National Repository of Fingerprint and Criminal Record Information RCMP PPU 030) for the purpose of ensuring that issuing a licence to a particular individual will not cause a disruption to a seal fisher. Information is used to determine if the applicant has a stated aim of disrupting the seal fishery or has been convicted, in the five years preceding the application for the licence, of tagging, marking or moving a live seal, of approaching within one-half nautical mile of a person who is fishing for seals or of violating a condition of a seal fishery observation licence.
Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law, and investigative purposes.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 7 years after date of issue or entry into relevant database and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1
TBS registration: 20150122
Bank number: DFO PPU 135
Species at Risk Act (SARA) Permits
Description: This bank describes information that is related to the processing of applications for special permits authorizing scientific research and educational activities that may impact a species protected under SARA. Personal information may include name, contact information, education history and biographical information related to professional knowledge and work experience required to carry out the work being proposed in the permit application.
Class of individuals: General public, (federal government employees).
Purpose: The personal information is used to determine whether those receiving the permit have the skills, knowledge and equipment to undertake the work as stated in the permit application, and thereby meet the permitting requirements of the Species at Risk Act. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Species at Risk Act.
Consistent uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management, and evaluation.
Retention and disposal standards: Permits are retained for 10 years after the permit is revoked or expired and then destroyed.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SAR 700.2 and DFO SAR 700.3
TBS registration: 20100605
Bank number: DFO PPU 770
Timothy R. Parsons Medal
Description: This bank describes information that is used to nominate and select individuals to receive the Timothy R. Parsons Medal, to distribute the award, and formally recognize the recipient. This medal recognizes outstanding achievements in ocean science. The personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status (nominators must be a Canadian citizen), educational information, employee personnel information (merits/contributions to ocean science, publications, awards and grant awards, outstanding career achievements), photographs, signature and opinion or views of or about individuals.
Class of individuals: Nominees and the nominators of the Timothy R. Parsons Medal and members of the Evaluation and Selection Committee.
Purpose: Personal information is used to determine eligibility for the award by the Selection Committee. The information is also used to distribute the plaque and medal and to reimburse the winner for costs associated with attending the awards ceremony. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 33 of the Oceans Act.
Consistent uses: Information is shared with the Selection Committee for determining the recipients of the award. Information may also be used or disclosed for announcing the winners, program planning or management and reporting.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are disposed after 3 years.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO SCI 310
TBS registration: 20150072
Bank number: DFO PPU 005
Description: This bank describes information related to the management and distribution of official Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) dress, work and special uniforms and related items which may include items such as footwear, headdress, belts, vests, coats. The personal information may include name, contact information, rank, position, location (RC code), employee ID, size and physical measurements.
Notes: The term Cadet refers to individuals selected to participate in the classroom portion of the Fishery Officer Career Progression Program (FOCPP) who are not yet employed by the Government of Canada as Fishery Officer Trainees. Individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name and year they were provided their uniform.
Class of individuals: Current Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fishery Officers and Intelligence Officers (National Fisheries Intelligence Services - NFIS); individuals who are accepted as Cadets into the Fishery Officer Career Progression Program (FOCPP); current Canadian Coast Guard personnel occupying positions that are entitled to a Canadian Coast Guard Uniform as set out in Annex A of the Canadian Coast Guard Uniform Manual.
Purpose of collection: The information is collected for the internal administration of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), and Canadian Coast Guard College (CCGC) for the purpose of acquiring, issuing and maintaining inventory of uniforms for employees occupying uniformed positions.
Personal information is collected pursuant to section 5 of the Fisheries Act and section 39 of the Oceans Act.
Consistent Uses: Limited information may also be shared with third party service providers under contract for services such as fitting and supplying uniforms. Information may be shared for maintenance of clothing entitlements inventories.
Privacy Impact Assessment: This activity pre-dates the Privacy Impact Assessment Policy dated May 2, 2002 and the Directive on Privacy Assessment that came into effect in 2010 requiring institutions to provide a core PIA for new PIB description,
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for the length of the contract with the third-party contractor, then destroyed as per the terms of the contract
Records Disposition Authority (RDA): Under review
Related Record Number: DFO EFM 404.4, DFO EFM 404.5 and DFO CCG 114
TBS Registration: 20220041
Bank Number: DFO PPU 790
Vessel Monitoring
Description: This bank describes information related to the use of satellite-based positional tracking systems on board vessels required pursuant to the conditions of a commercial fishing licence. The personal information may include: contact information, name, other identification numbers (Vessel Registration Number, Fisher Identification Number), Commercial Service Provider information, Global Positioning System (GPS) information (latitude, longitude, position date, time, speed and heading) and signature.
Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their Vessel Registration Number and vessel name. Information may be stored electronically in the Vessel Monitoring System. The PIB was last updated in March 2015.
Class of individual: Individuals with a vessel monitoring system unit installed on their vessels.
Purpose: The personal information is used to manage fisheries resources, monitor compliance with fishery laws and regulations, and provide information on fish stocks, fish movement and catch-and-effort to ensure sustainable management of fisheries resources. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 7 of the Fisheries Act and subsection 22(1) of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
Consistent uses: The information may be shared within DFO for the purposes of program planning, program management, policy development, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, enforcement and investigations, resource management, search and rescue, stock and ecosystem assessments, marine security and scientific studies.The information may be shared with Core Participants of the Marine Security and Operations Center (MSOC) for marine security, safety and environmental emergency purposes. Core participants of MSOC are the Canada Border Services Agency, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (including the Canadian Coast Guard), the Department of National Defence, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Transport Canada. Internationally, information may be shared with enforcement authorities in other countries pursuant to domestic legislations and/or regulations. The sharing of information is governed by specific MOUs. For vessels that are operating in The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Regulatory Area (NRA) information may be shared with contracting parties with an inspection presence in the NRA pursuant to the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement measures as agreed upon by the contracting parties.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are kept for 15 years and then destroyed. Records deemed to be of archival value are transferred to the care and control of Library and Archives Canada.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 400.1 and DFO EFM 404.2
TBS registration: 20150125
Bank number: DFO PPU 065
Violations under Canadian Fisheries and Fish Habitat Legislation
Description: This bank describes information related to the investigation of, suspected offences by individuals and companies and the enforcement of, Canadian fisheries and fish habitat legislation. The personal information may include biographical information, contact information, citizenship status, criminal checks / history, date of birth, employment equity Information, gender, identifying numbers, language, location (latitude and longitude), medical information, name, opinion or views of, or about, individuals, photos and videos, physical attributes, signature, and vessel/vehicle information.
Notes: In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name and date of birth. Information may be stored electronically in the Departmental Violations System (DVS) and Fishery Officer Enforcement Activity Tracking System (FEATS). The PIB was last updated in 2018 and was previously titled DFO Violations.
Class of individuals: Fishery Officers, individuals involved in the legal process (judges, lawyers, agents), members of the public associated with an occurrence including witnesses, individuals and their associates or an individual associated with a company or group who are suspected of a violation under DFO mandated Canadian fisheries and fish habitat legislation.
Purpose: The personal information is used for the administration, management, and enforcement of Canadian fisheries and fish habitat legislation, and for the purpose of investigating, detecting, preventing, and/or suppressing crime. Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 49-56 and 61 of the Fisheries Act, and section 2 of the Criminal Code, subsection 39(1) of the Oceans Act, subsection 85(1) Species at Risk Act, and section 7 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act for the purpose of enforcing the Fisheries Act, Oceans Act, Species at Risk Act, Coastal Fisheries Protection Act, and their associated regulations - the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985; the British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996; the Foreign Vessel Fishing Regulations; the Marine Mammal Regulations; the Management of Contaminated Fisheries Regulations; the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations; the Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations; the Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations; the Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993; the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations; the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations; the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations; and the Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations.
Consistent uses: Information is used to record and manage cases, to determine compliance and surveillance levels, and may be shared with prosecutors through the court process or with participants of a community-based restorative justice process. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development and policy implementation. Information may also be used to manage, identify and justify workload, time and effort expended, volume (and timing) of activity, resources required, the nature and danger level of an activity, and locations requiring particular attention. Information may be shared with provincial and/or territorial conservation or wildlife officers, for the purpose of mutual assistance in enforcement action between provincial/territorial officers and DFO. Information may be shared with third party service providers such as radio operators conducting services on DFO's behalf. Information on specific cases may be disclosed externally to Environment Canada (Compliance Promotion and Enforcement –Wildlife, EC CPW 014) the Canada Border Services Agency (Intelligence Program, CBSA PPU 035), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Investigations: Violations of Acts and Regulations - FPI CFIA, CFIA PPU 096) as well as provincial ministries responsible for natural resources for the purposes of administering and enforcing the Fisheries Act. Information may be shared with the Department of Justice (Prosecutions and Prosecution-Related Activities, PPSC PPU 002, and Prosecution and Related Criminal Matters JUS PPU 015) for the purposes of prosecution and/or appeals and with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Operational Case Records RCMP PPU 005) for the purposes of law enforcement. The information may also be disclosed externally with various Foreign Governments subject to multilateral Treaties, Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties, or Written Collaborative Agreements (WCA). Information may be shared with Interpol and with municipal, provincial or territorial law enforcement agencies in accordance with agreements in place for the purposes of law enforcement.
Retention and disposal standards: Records are retained for 20 years from the end of fiscal year in which the case was closed, and sent to the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) if determined to be of enduring value. Specific Major Cases are retained for 25 years after the end of the fiscal year in which the case was closed based on the LAC recommended random selection of 100 major case files.
RDA number: Under review
Related record number: DFO EFM 404.2, DFO EFM 404.3, DFO OCE 500.1, DFO SAR 700.2, DFO SAR 700.3, DFO EFM 400.1, DFO EFM 400.2, DFO EFM 402.1, DFO SCI 314, DFO INT 800, DFO CCG 108, DFO EFM 403.1, and DFO EFM 403.4
TBS registration: 003620
Bank number: DFO PPU 460
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