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Inclusion of Regional Climate Projections in Geo-referenced Databases

ACCASP #Gulf 10


Example of a dataset that will be included in the database: projected summer surface temperature change (℃) for 2046–2065 relative to the 1986–2005 contemporary period. Credit: Joël Chassé and Nicolas Lambert, DFO.

In order for the results of climate change projections to be used in routine operations or to address specific issues, end users must have access to them in a convenient format. This project will transform the output of regional ocean-climate models, and their analysis, into datasets for inclusion in geo-referenced databases. The datasets—encompassing oceanographic variables such as temperature, salinity, stratification, freshwater content, ice extent and volume, sea level, and currents—will include bi-decadal projections (every 20 years) of future ocean states, as well as future change from the 1986–2005 contemporary period.

Initially, the results of regional models for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Scotian Shelf and Gulf of Maine will be incorporated into the Gulf Region database. The technology could later be applied to climate projections for the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves. Once complete, clients will be able to query the databases on demand, providing support for ecosystem research and management (i.e. species at risk; marine protected areas), fisheries and aquaculture management, small craft harbours infrastructure planning, climate change risk assessment, and international governance. The results of this project will also enable climate change projections to be incorporated into several ACCASP tools currently under development.

Program Name

Aquatic Climate Change Adaptation Services Program (ACCASP)


2014 - 2016


Atlantic: Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf

Atlantic: Gulf of St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence Estuary

Principal Investigator(s)

Venitia Joseph
Gulf Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Tel.: (506) 851-7641

Joël Chassé
Gulf Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Marc Ouellette
Gulf Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Team Member(s)

Mireille Chiasson, DFO, Gulf Region

Guy Cantin, DFO, Quebec Region

Carole Godin, DFO, Gulf Region

Sophie Bastien-Daigle, DFO, Gulf Region

Matthew Hardy, DFO, Gulf Region

Paul MacDonald, DFO, Gulf Region

Brad Firth, DFO, Gulf Region

Pascal Levesque, DFO, Gulf Region

Will Perrie, DFO, Maritimes Region

Guoqi Han, DFO, Newfoundland and Labrador Region

Collaborative Partner(s)

Ecosystems Management

Fisheries and Aquaculture Management

Small Craft Harbours

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