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Conclusion - charting a path forward

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Priority Research Themes
  3. Vision for 2015
  4. Issues, Trends, Drivers and Opportunities
  5. The Aquatic Biotechnology and Genomics R&D Strategy
  6. Conclusion - Charting a Path Forward

Conclusion - Charting a Path Forward

The realization of the goals and objectives outlined in this strategy will require significant support. Investment will be required to support the research and development activities, the increased capacity and expertise to carry out the R&D activities, and a proactive approach to succession planning for senior scientists. Senior management support will remain a critical component to help foster a coordinated approach that integrates regional and national needs. Further investments are also anticipated in order

  1. to meet the incremental costs that are associated with ongoing research and equipment requirements to enable the development of innovative biotechnology applications for internal use and for technology transfer to appropriate end-users,
  2. to generate research information in support of DFO's mandate and regulatory responsibilities, and
  3. to allow for effective partnering and collaborations with external scientists.

In order to move from this strategy for aquatic biotechnology and genomics to an action plan for research and development activities, a number of steps must be undertaken including increased engagement of researchers, scientists and scientific advisors within DFO in order to further explore opportunities for incorporating biotechnology and genomics tools and applications to support goals such as sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, aquatic ecosystem health, protecting and managing aquatic natural resources and biodiversity. Although standard biotechnology tools are now used throughout the Department, with the more specialized developmental work concentrated in biotechnology centres across the country, the stabilization of existing expertise and development of additional and new expertise, through enhanced partnerships and collaborations within DFO, will be necessary in order to achieve these goals. Enhanced partnerships will also help to identify opportunities for the incorporation of biotechnology and genomics in delivering core mandate Science Sector services. This will help to keep the Strategy current and responsive to departmental pressures, Science Sector goals and approaches, and the goals and objectives of the Canadian Biotechnology Strategy.

It is important to build on the success that has been realized to date. One of the key successes has been in integrating and deploying biotechnology and genomics tools and information through the development of strong and vibrant partnerships with researchers in other government departments, academia and industry, as appropriate. This has enabled DFO researchers and DFO Science to capitalize on third party resources to deliver better and stronger programs, meet its mandate and key priority objectives more efficiently, foster and support world-class scientific and technological innovation, train new scientific personnel, and develop and maintain a national and international reputation for scientific excellence in aquatic biotechnology and genomics research. As we move forward to realizing the goals and objectives in this Strategy, there will continue to be a concerted effort to identify and maximize external partnerships and collaborations in order to best place and utilize DFO resources and expertise.

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