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Coastal Restoration Fund: Projects in Northwest Territories

Beaufort Sea coastal restoration: Using native plant species to stabilize coastline affected by permafrost thaw slumping

Recipient: Aurora College – Aurora Research Institute

Project achievements: The Beaufort Sea Coastal Restoration Project:

Drones were used to:

The teams were able to sample water runoff at each study site from both thaw slump-impacted and unimpacted terrains. Subsequently, they established experimental 3 x 1m² vegetation plots of native plant species. Collaboration with the community of Tuktoyaktuk and the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee played an important role in the study design of the project.

Fund allocation: $423,212 over 5 years


Media Announcement:

Government of Canada makes a significant Coastal Restoration Fund investment in Canada's Arctic through the Oceans Protection Plan

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