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Engagement on: Species at Risk Program and Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program Initiatives

Funding proposal form 2023-2024
February 2023

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has two funding programs that support engagement on initiatives related to the conservation and protection of fish and fish habitat and aquatic species at risk under:

In 2023-24, DFO will be undertaking engagement with Indigenous Peoples in several program areas, including:

Species at Risk Program

Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program

The Department has previously engaged on these topics, and information is available at: Talk Fish Habitat. Updated information will be posted on this website as the next phase of engagement begins and notifications from DFO will be sent out with opportunities to participate in national information sessions. Some topics may also be supported by regional information sessions.

The following provides more details about each topic, documents that will be available, and the anticipated timing of engagement:

Draft Framework for Aquatic Species at Risk Conservation

DFO - Species at Risk Program is seeking input on a new approach for conserving Canada's aquatic species at risk. This Framework for Aquatic Species at Risk Conservation will serve as a policy guide for applying multi-species approaches to help deliver on DFO's Species at Risk Act responsibilities.

DFO-Species at Risk Program engaged on key concepts related to multi-species approaches between May and November 2022. Based on feedback from this engagement, DFO has developed a draft Framework and is seeking review and input on this draft. The draft Framework includes principles, criteria and recommendations for the application of multi-species approaches to conservation.

Documents that will be available

Engagement timing: April – November 2023

Draft Policy for Applying Measures to Offset Harmful Impacts to Fish and Fish Habitat (Offsetting Policy)

DFO – Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program is seeking input on the draft Policy for Applying Measures to Offset Harmful Impacts to Fish and Fish Habitat (Offsetting Policy)

The Offsetting Policy will set out principles in applying measures to offset impacts on fish and fish habitat when proponents require authorizations to carry on works, undertakings and activities that impact fish and fish habitat. It will also provide guidance on preparing an offsetting plan.

DFO has already engaged on key concepts during engagement undertaken in 2021 (Wave 1) which was incorporated into the draft Policy.

Documents that will be available:

Engagement timing: April 2023 to March 1, 2024

Draft Guidelines for Establishing and Managing Fish Habitat Banks (Banking Guidelines)

DFO – Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program is seeking input the draft Guidelines for Establishing and Managing Fish Habitat Banks (Banking Guidelines)

The Banking Guidelines will be focussed on the administration of fish habitat banks following the fish habitat banking provisions set out in the Fisheries Act.

DFO has already engaged on key concepts during engagement undertaken in 2021 (Wave 1) which was incorporated into the draft Guidelines.

Documents that will be available:

Engagement timing: April 2023 to March 1, 2024

Interim Codes of Practices

DFO – Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program will be releasing four new interim Codes of Practice on:

DFO will be seeking input on clarity and scope of the new interim Codes of Practice to validate and improve on measures to avoid and mitigate impacts to fish and fish habitat, and to refine the conditions of use of the documents, as appropriate.

Codes of practice specify procedures, practices or standards for avoiding the death of fish or the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat.

This is in relation to works, undertakings and activities during various phases of their development cycle, such as construction, operation, maintenance or decommissioning, that may occur near waterbodies.

Current codes of practice

Documents that will be available:

Engagement timing: August 2023 to March 1, 2024

The anticipated activities associated with this engagement are expected to include:

Funding is available for these activities for each topic.


To support participation on the engagement topics, funding is available for individual communities to provide input/feedback on the engagement topics, as well as for communities or organizations that may coordinate input/feedback on the engagement topics on behalf of multiple communities.

The funding offered will depend upon the funding available, proposed activities, the number of Indigenous communities that will participate, and the following suggested amounts per engagement topic:

Interested applicants are asked to complete this Proposal Form in order to be considered for funding. All sections of the Proposal Form must be completed for the proposal to be considered. Should a proposal be selected, applicants will be asked to submit additional details as part of the agreement negotiations.

Information provided to Fisheries and Oceans Canada will be treated in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. These laws govern, protect and limit the collection, use and disclosure of personal, financial and technical information by federal government departments and agencies.


Submission of a Proposal Form does not guarantee funding.

The completed Proposal Form must be emailed to a DFO Regional Coordinator by February 2, 2024 at 23:59 Pacific Time to be considered.

DFO intends to process applications upon receipt so we encourage you to submit your completed proposal as soon as possible to allow for funding decisions.

If you experience any issues submitting your proposal by e-mail, please contact the DFO Regional Coordinator to make alternate arrangements. Note that to be considered, all applications must be complete and received by the deadline.

Proposal form

For additional information and assistance, please contact the DFO Regional Coordinator in the region in which your proposal will take place.

Regional coordinator contact information

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