Electronic logbooks (ELOGS)
What are ELOGS?
Historically, reports from fish harvesters data from their activities have been provided to Fisheries and Oceans Canada via paper logbooks. In recent years, through the National Electronic Logbook initiative, an effort has been made to streamline the process of sharing and collecting information using electronic logbooks applications (ELOGS).
In Quebec, the use of electronic logbooks has been mandatory for a number of years in some fisheries such as crab, lobster and select herring fishing areas. For all other fisheries where paper logbooks are used, electronic logbooks remain voluntary.
DFO remains committed to working with industry as we continue to improve and enhance our catch reporting services.
For fish harvesters
Electronic logbooks will allow fish harvesters to submit their catch data electronically. This will help improve the timeliness and accuracy of catch and effort reporting.
The National Electronic Logbook Program aims to modernize the reporting of harvesters catch information and to support industry innovation. Rapid access to electronically submitted data will also enhance DFO management of fisheries resources.
If you would like to start using an ELOG voluntarily, please see the following links:
- ELOG key – Get started!
- Find qualified ELOG client applications
- Find ELOGS fishing area maps and other harvester documents
- Frequently asked questions
Still need help? You can contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada directly by:
- Telephone: 1-877-535-7307
- Telephone support is available Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 20:00 (Eastern time) excluding holidays.
- Email: fishing-peche@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
For developers
The National Electronic Logbook (ELOG) Program positions Canada on the leading edge of catch data reporting in the fishing industry, and will provide harvesters and DFO with near-real time data to allow for better business and fisheries management, conservation, and protection of our precious ocean resources.
Companies interested in developing ELOG applications must enroll with our program to be considered for qualification.
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