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BY PROVINCE (thousand dollars)
Species Nova Scotia New Brunswick PEI Quebec NFL Atlantic Total British Columbia Total Canada
Cod 26,319 872 408 387 1,624 29,610 2,259 31,869
Haddock 13,888 62 0 0 15 13,966 0 13,966
Redfish spp. 8,969 294 0 1,245 5,351 15,860 22,290 38,149
Halibut 6,732 56 0 878 286 7,952 37,449 45,401
Flatfishes 14,727 736 617 323 1,680 18,083 6,612 24,695
Greenland turbot 1,332 9 0 4,881 8,204 14,425 947 15,373
Pollock 10,381 432 0 3 77 10,893 1,508 12,401
Hake 8,500 85 177 71 239 9,072 16,813 25,886
Cusk 1,400 0 0 0 0 1,400 0 1,400
Catfish 175 2 0 1 56 234 0 234
Skate 1,138 0 5 6 1,140 2,289 119 2,408
Dogfish 177 1 200 56 2 437 764 1,201
Other 1,955 24 6 9 504 2,499 37,377 39,876
Total 95,694 2,575 1,414 7,861 19,177 126,721 126,138 252,858
Pelagic & other finfish
Herring 8,745 13,372 1,385 1,194 3,031 27,727 73,172 100,898
Mackerel 2,912 750 1,797 1,022 600 7,080 1 7,081
Swordfish 13,074 0 0 0 976 14,050 0 14,050
Tuna 9,542 26 75 0 53 9,696 1,218 10,914
Alewife 866 722 36 0 0 1,624 0 1,624
Eel 548 724 220 1,284 469 3,245 0 3,245
Salmon 0 0 0 204 481 685 256,307 256,992
Smelt 112 1,145 374 149 23 1,802 0 1,802
Capelin 0 6 0 44 529 578 0 578
Other 4,114 101 210 432 150 5,006 130 5,136
Total 39,913 16,845 4,096 4,329 6,309 71,492 330,828 402,321
Clams/quahaug 10,910 2,810 2,372 766 16,300 33,160 37,473 70,633
Oyster (1) 197 1,305 3,277 0 0 4,779 0 4,779
Scallop (2) 110,568 9,790 3,026 4,424 12,710 140,519 490 141,009
Squid 2,223 0 0 0 750 2,973 203 3,176
Mussel (3) 1 144 6,321 0 31 6,497 0 6,497
Lobster 183,110 60,456 65,423 25,491 20,769 355,249 0 355,249
Shrimp 22,132 3,765 0 14,319 59,021 99,237 16,913 116,150
Crab, Queen 32,959 72,640 5,021 72,452 87,287 270,359 0 270,359
Crab, Other 1,190 593 893 35 2 2,714 25,725 28,438
Sea urchin 1,671 3,002 0 18 89 4,780 10,210 14,990
Other 48 201 1 308 14 571 1,830 2,401
Total 365,010 154,705 86,335 117,814 196,973 920,837 92,844 1,013,681
Seafish/Shellfish 500,617 174,125 91,846 130,004 222,459 1,119,050 549,810 1,668,860
Marine plants 1,455 416 1,504 1 0 3,375 0 3,375
Lumpfish roe 9 0 0 20 8,272 8,301 0 8,301
Miscellaneous (4) 804 0 0 1 1,471 2,276 17,183 19,459
Total 2,268 416 1,504 22 9,743 13,951 17,183 31,135
GRAND TOTAL (5) 502,885 174,541 93,349 130,026 232,201 1,133,002 566,993 1,699,994

(1) Oyster: Atlantic includes wild and farmed data.
(2) Scallop includes meat with roe.
(3) Mussel includes wild & farmed.
(4) Miscellaneous value includes seal value.
(5) Totals may not add up due to rounding.
Source: Statistics, DFO-Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6

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