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Aquaculture Production and Value

This section provides annual statistics on the volume and value of aquaculture production in Canada. The data are organized by species and province.

Canadian Aquaculture Production, 2017 table note 1 (tonnes)
  NL PEI NS NB Que ON MB SK AB BC Canada table note 2
Finfish table note 3
Salmon .. .. 11,078 23,867 0 0 x x x 85,608 120,553
Trout .. .. 467 0 547 5,530 x x x 33 8,512
Steelhead .. .. 0 0 0 0 x x x 1,072 1,072
Other .. .. 14 0 581 370 x x x 453 1,786
Total Finfish 18,822 464 11,559 23,867 1,128 5,900 x x x 87,166 151,209
Clams 0 112 358 48 0 0 x x x 1,095 1,613
Oysters 0 3,928 261 1,250 80 0 x x x 8,012 13,531
Mussels 2,890 20,004 1,019 0 274 0 x x x 261 24,448
Scallops 0 0 .. 0 20 0 x x x 74 94
Other 0 0 155 0 61 0 x x x 0 216
Total Shellfish 2,890 24,044 1,793 1,298 435 0 x x x 9,442 39,902
Total Aquaculture 21,712 24,508 13,352 25,165 1,563 5,900 x x x 96,608 191,111

2017 Canadian Aquaculture Value table note 4 ($000)
  NL PEI NS NB Que ON MB SK AB BC Canada table note 5
Salmon .. .. 99,644 227,843 0 0 x x x 728,589 1,056,076
Trout .. .. 3,331 0 3,327 31,000 x x x 183 47,384
Steelhead .. .. 0 0 0 0 x x x 9,931 9,931
Other .. .. 301 0 5,861 3,000 x x x 7,506 19,303
Total Finfish 158,250 3,900 103,276 227,843 9,188 34,000 x x x 746,209 1,294,844
Clams 0 289 593 175 0 0 x x x 6,319 7,376
Oysters 0 13,857 3,167 12,112 1,702 0 x x x 14,282 45,120
Mussels 4,140 28,666 1,560 0 566 0 x x x 1,211 36,143
Scallops 0 0 .. 2 109 0 x x x 508 619
Other 0 0 7,444 0 607 0 x x x 0 8,051
Total Shellfish 4,140 42,812 12,764 12,289 2,984 0 x x x 22,320 97,309
Total Aquaculture 162,390 46,712 116,040 240,132 12,172 34,000 x x x 768,529 1,392,153

Table Notes

Table note

..   not available.

Return to table note   referrer

Table note

x    suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

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Table note 1

(1) The production of aquaculture includes the amoun produced on sites and excludes hatcheries or processing. Shellfish also includes some wild production. The data are collected from each of the provincial departments responsible for aquaculture.

Return to table note 1 referrer

Table note 2

(2) Provinces with data not available are not included in the Canada totals.

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Table note 3

(3) Excludes other finfish for all provinces until 2005. Excludes other finfish for all provinces except Quebec beginning in 2006.

Return to table note 3 referrer

Table note 4

(4) The value of aquaculture includes the value produced on sites and excludes hatcheries or processing. Shellfish also includes some wild production. The data are collected from each of the provincial department responsible for aquaculture.

Return to table note 4 referrer

Table note 5

(5) Provinces with data not available are not included in the Canada totals.

Return to table note 5 referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0107-01 Aquaculture, production and value. Retrieved December 20, 2022.


Canadian Aquaculture Production and Value, 2017
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