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Service performance reporting for grants and contributions

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Service standards for our grants and contributions programs state the level of performance funding applicants and recipients can reasonably expect under normal circumstances.

The Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) service standards are:

  1. timely acknowledgement of the Department’s receipt of an application, a proposal, an e-mail, or any other type of request for transfer payment funding
  2. notification of funding decisions (i.e. informing the applicant whether their activity or project will be funded)
  3. requisition for payment – Maximum amount of time between receipt of final document(s) from the funding recipient (e.g. signed agreement, report, receipts, etc.) and the time the requisition for payment is sent for processing and payment

Service standards achievement targets are set at 90% across the department. Programs can submit their standards and results in calendar days or business days.

Achieving these service standards is a shared responsibility between funding applicants and recipients and DFO-CCG.

Funding applicants and recipients must:

If DFO-CCG programs are unable to meet their service standard timelines, they will inform funding applicants and recipients about the delay.

Service standard reporting is done by fiscal year. A fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.

Service Standards Performance Targets for Grants and Contributions Programs in Fiscal Year 2024-25

The following are the reported 2024-25 service standards which DFO-CCG programs aim to achieve at a 90% success rate.

Terms and Conditions Transfer Payment Program name Service Standard #1
Acknowledgement of the receipt of an application or proposal
Service Standard #2
Notification of the funding decision
Service Standard #3
Requisition for payment
Business (B) / Calendar (C) days
Integrated Canadian Coast Guard Grants and Contributions Management Framework Terms and Conditions Canadian Coast Guard Marine Operations and Response Transfer Payment Program Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Contribution Fund 5 60 30 (B)
Community Participation and Co-Development Grant and Contribution Fund 5 60 30 (B)
Terms and Conditions for Salmon Enhancement Programming Grants in support of Salmon Enhancement Programming 10 30 45 (B)
Contributions in support of the Salmon Enhancement Programming 10 30 45 (B)
Integrated Fish and Seafood Sector Contribution Management Framework Terms and Conditions (IFSSCMF) British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund (BCSRIF) 5 15 30 (B)
Atlantic Fisheries Fund (AFF) 5 100 25 (B)
Quebec Fisheries Fund (QFF) 5 100 25 (B)
Terms and Conditions for the Departmental Grants and Contributions to Support Indigenous Reconciliation Priorities Indigenous Reconciliation Transfer Payment Program Indigenous Reconciliation Transfer Payment Program – Grants 7 30 25 (C)
Indigenous Reconciliation Transfer Payment Program – Contributions 7 30 25 (C)
Integrated Aboriginal Contribution Management Framework Terms and Conditions Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management Program (AAROM) 7 30 25 (C)
Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy
*This includes the Negotiation And Implementation of Fisheries Agreements (AFS / NIFA) and the Allocation Transfer Program (ATP)
7 30 25 (C)
Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (AICFI) 7 30 25 (C)
Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (PICFI) 7 30 25 (C)
Northern Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (NICFI) 7 30 25 (C)
Aboriginal Funds For Species At Risk (AFSAR) 7 30 25 (C)
Treaty Related Measures (TRM) 7 30 25 (C)
Certification and Market Access Program for Seals (CMAPS) 7 30 25 (C)
Terms and Conditions to Support of Asset Disposal Programming Small Craft Harbours (SCH) Class Grant Program 5 30 15 (B)
Terms and Conditions for the Small Craft Harbours Class Contribution Program Small Craft Harbours (SCH) Class Contribution Program 5 50 35 (B)
Sustainable Management of Canadas Fisheries Integrated Terms and Conditions Ghost Gear Transfer Payment Program Ghost Gear Transfer Payment Program- Grants 14 50 45 (B)
Ghost Gear Transfer Payment Program- Contribution 14 50 45 (B)
Marine Mammal Protection Program 5 60 30 (B)
Pacific Salmon Commercial Transition Program 7 90 30 (B)
Sustainable Fisheries Contribution Program 14 130 120 (B)
Aquatic Species and Aquatic Habitat Integrated Terms and Conditions Canada Nature Fund for Aquatic Species At Risk (CNFASAR) 5 13 30 (B)
Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP) 5 13 30 (B)
Aquatic Ecosystems Restoration Fund 5 13 30 (B)
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Fund
*This includes results from projects funded under the Asian Carp program delivered in the Ontario and Prairies Region
5 30 30 (B)
Aquatic Habitat Restoration Fund (AHRF) 5 13 30 (B)
Salish Sea Initiative (SSI) Contribution Program 5 13 30 (B)
Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative (TCEI) Contribution Program 5 13 30 (B)
Indigenous Habitat Participation Program (IHPP) Indigenous Habitat Participation Program (Contributions) 5 13 30 (B)
Indigenous Habitat Participation Program (Grants) 5 13 30 (B)
Oceans Management Program Grants in support of Indigenous Groups in the Development and Implementation of Oceans Conservation and Management Activities 15 30 45 (B)
Contributions in support of the development and implementation of oceans conservation and management activities
*This also includes projects funded under the Marine Conservation Target
15 30 45 (B)
Pacific Salmon Conservation and Stewardship Partnerships Program 7 30 30 (B)
Ecosystems and Oceans Science Contribution Framework Terms and Conditions Ocean and Freshwater Science Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Freshwater Research Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
National Contaminants Advisory Group Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Whale Protection and Recovery Initiative Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Coastal Environmental Baseline Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Reducing the Threat of Vessel Traffic on Marine Mammals Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Marine Environmental Quality Regulatory / Non Regulatory Measures Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Multi-Partners Oil Spill Response Research Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Ocean and Climate Change Science Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Marine Spatial Planning Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Freshwater Habitat Science Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Sustainable Fisheries Science Fund Contribution Program 5 45 15 (B)
Commonwealth Blue Charter Champion Contribution Program
*This also includes projects funded under the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
5 45 15 (B)

Grants and contributions programs exemptions

Some factors may influence the decision to not implement service standards such as Programs with one recipient with whom the program is in contact regularly or Programs that are being terminated (sun-setting programs).

As a result, the following Programs are not required to report on service standards:

Terms and Conditions Program name
Terms and Conditions for Contribution Program with the Pacific Salmon Foundation Pacific Salmon Foundation
Terms and Conditions for Contribution Program with T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation Contribution Program for the T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation
Terms and Conditions for Contributions for Salmon Sub-Committee Contribution Program For Salmon Sub-Committee
Terms and Conditions for Grants to Support Organizations Associated with Research, Development, Management and Promotion of Fisheries and Oceans-related Issues “Class” Grants - Grants to support organizations associated with research, development, management, and promotion of fisheries and oceans-related issues
Terms and Conditions for the Program Contributions to Support Organizations Associated with Research, Development, Management and Promotion of Fisheries and Oceans-related Issues “Class” Contributions - Contributions to support organizations associated with research, development, management, and promotion of fisheries and oceans-related issues
Sustainable Management of Canadas Fisheries Integrated Terms and Conditions Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program
Terms and Conditions Innovative Solutions Canada Innovative Solutions Canada (Domestic Plastics Challenges) (Grants To Support The Innovative Solutions Canada Program)

Other programs

DFO is also delivering the Indigenous Marine Servicing Initiative (IMSI) with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)’s Strategic Partnership Initiatives, along with DFO’s Indigenous Commercial Programs. For the component of the services provided by DFO, the 2024-25 service standard commitment metrics are:

  Service Standard #1
Acknowledgement of the receipt of an application or proposal
Service Standard #2
Notification of the funding decision
Service Standard #3
Request for requisition for payment
Business (B) / Calendar (C) days
Indigenous Marine Servicing Initiative (IMSI) 7 30 25 C

Service performance from previous years

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