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Examples of how to determine periods of low risk

Example 1:

You plan to work near the mouth of a watercourse on the Îles-de-la-Madeleine. The species present are the American eel and the Rainbow smelt. The periods of low risk of both species must be considered.

Periods of low risk : Îles-de-la-Madeleine
Zone : Watercourse mouth
American eel August 1 to May 31 (at any time)
June 1 to July 31: work between sunset and sunrise
Rainbow smelt June 1 to April 15

According to the periods of low risk table for Îles-de-la-Madeleine area, the work may be performed:

Example 2:

A proponent plans to conduct dredging in the coastal shoreline zone and dispose of the dredged material in an approved disposal site located in the coastal zone. Those works will be carried out in the Baie-des-Chaleurs area. Atlantic herring, capelin and sea scallop are known to be present in the work areas.

Periods of low risk : Baie-des-Chaleurs
Zone : Coastal shoreline
Capelin June 20 to May 15
Atlantic herring July 1 to August 15
October 10 to March 31
Coastal zone
Atlantic herring July 1 to August 15
October 10 to March 31
Sea scallop October 10 to September 5

Using the periods of low risk table for Baie-des-Chaleurs, the works may be performed:

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