Tagging Plan Template and Instructions
An alternative Microsoft Word version is available for industry use.
This document should be read and completed in concert with the PROTOCOL FOR GEAR TAGGING IN ATLANTIC COMMERCIAL FISHERIES:Footnote1
Contact information
Name of applicant:
Business address:
Name of primary contact (if different from applicant): Telephone: Email: |
Name of alternate (required): Telephone: Email: |
Conflict of interest statement
The applicant shall include a statement confirming that they do not hold a commercial fishing licence in any fishery that they are proposing to supply with tags. If applicable, a statement of disclosure shall be included disclosing any business relationship that may exist between the applicant and the harvesters they are proposing to supply with tags.
Area or fishery that applicant is proposing to supply with tags
The applicant shall identify the fishery or fisheries they are proposing to supply with tags. A tagging plan may include more than one area/fishery; however applicants must address the issue of annual versus multi-year tags and the options for replacement tags on an area by area/fishery by fishery basis in the appropriate section of the tagging plan. (Information on the type of tag (annual or multi-year) and the replacement tag option for a specific fishery or area may be obtained from the regional office responsible for managing that fishery.)
Duration of tagging plan
The applicant shall specify whether the tagging plan is an annual or a multi-year plan. The application shall set out the duration of a multi-year plan. Multi-year plans shall not be for a period exceeding the duration set out for the Protocol (refer to the Protocol).
Issuance of tags
The applicant shall confirm that gear tags issued to each licensed harvester will be numbered consecutively and the total number of tags issued to a licensed harvester as part of their initial tag allowance will not:
- exceed the gear limits in place for the fishery for which those tags have been issued, or
- exceed the gear limits in place for the for the fishery for which those tags have been issued and the number of replacement tags allowed under Tag Replacement Option I where that replacement option has been implemented by DFO in consultation with harvesters.
Description of tag
The applicant must:
- Identify where they will obtain their tags (i.e. manufacturer).
- Set out that the following information will be included on each tag in the format set out in the PROTOCOL FOR GEAR TAGGING IN ATLANTIC COMMERCIAL FISHERIES :
- Fishing Area;
- Tag Supplier Identification Number (to be provided by DFO with notification of tagging plan approval);
- A two digit prefix/identifier ahead of the sequential tag number from the number on the first tag to maximum number of tags permitted per harvester allowed in the area where the applicant is proposing to supply tags; and
- Manufacturers identification (a description of that identification shall be included)
- Provide a description of their tag including the colour of the tag prescribed in the Protocol for Gear Tagging, the material it will be constructed from, and how information prescribed will be inscribed or marked on the tag.
- Demonstrate that the information inscribed or marked on the tag will be waterproof, and that the tag will be durable, self locking and cannot be removed from the trap without destroying the tag.
Applicants must provide samples of their proposed tag to DFO for evaluation when submitting their tagging plan application. Applicants are not required to provide tag samples where the applicant is renewing an existing tagging plan and as part of this application confirms that they will continue to use the same make and model of tag approved in their previously approved tagging plan.
Replacement tags
The applicant shall identify, the tag replacement option set out in the Protocol for Gear Tagging that they are adopting, by fishing area. This option must conform to the replacement policy that has been determined by DFO further to consultations with harvesters.
The applicant shall set out the colour of replacement tags as prescribed in the Protocol for Gear Tagging and identify how replacement tags will be marked.
The applicant shall provide a detailed description of replacement tags that will be issued for use in multi-year tagging plans.
Where the applicant is providing replacement tags in accordance with Option 2, of the Protocol for Gear Tagging, the applicant shall set out the units of issue for those replacement tags.
The applicant shall identify the delivery standard for replacement tags. If the delivery standard is greater than two (2) days the applicant shall attach a letter of agreement between the applicant and the harvesters supplied under that tagging plan setting out an agreed upon alternative delivery standard.
The applicant shall include a statement confirming that they will only issue replacement tags to harvesters to whom they have issued original tags.
Storage/distribution of tags
The applicant shall identify the security and storage arrangements for tags and shall set out who will have access to stored tags.
The applicant shall describe how original and replacement tags will be delivered to harvesters.
Language of services
The applicant shall include a statement setting out whether service will be provided in English or French or in both languages. Any limitations on the language of service (example: English service only available Monday, Wednesday, Friday) shall be identified.
Record keeping
The applicant shall set out in their tagging plan that, as specified under the heading ‘‘ Record Keeping’’ of the Protocol, the information regarding the issuance and the delivery of original and replacement of tags will be entered individually or uploaded in bulk in the DFO web-based Gear Tag Service Provider Portal, in accordance with the standards established by DFO. The existing tag issuance form (spreadsheet template) has been amended to allow uploading large amounts of tag issuance information in the System via a “File Upload” function.
Applicant shall also set out in their Tagging Plan being in agreement to use the ‘‘System’’ as the primary tool to record and transmit to DFO the tag issuance information it requires. Under exceptional circumstances such as a system failure or power outage, the spreadsheet form could serve as the back-up method to capture and remit the required information to DFO via appropriate communication channels, which may include: email or fax.
The applicant shall indicate in their tagging plan their adherence to the requirement specified on the consent form and their agreement, through the signing of the form, to use the ‘‘System’’ to remit all gear tag issuance information required by DFO and to respect the data remission specifications and timelines defined in the protocol.
The applicant shall include a statement in their tagging plan confirming that harvesters will be notified in writing upon issuance of the tags that related records will be made available to DFO. A copy of the notification shall be kept on file by the applicant.
Reviews and audits
The applicant must include provisions to provide DFO access to all records related to the distribution of tags to harvesters either at their place of business or the storage location of these records, or to provide these records to DFO upon request.
The Approval of a Tagging Plan by DFO does not create any binding or contractual arrangement between the Applicant and DFO. The approval of a Tagging Plan is undertaken solely at the request of the Applicant and all benefits of an approved Tagging Plan accrue to the Applicant and the Fish Harvesters in the Fishing Zone for which the Tagging Plan is approved.
DFO may approve any number of Tagging Plans for a Fishing Zone. Submission of Tagging Plans may not result in any Tagging Plan being approved for the Fishing Zone.
Approval of a tagging plan is not an assurance of approval or renewal of that tagging plan in subsequent years.
Where an applicant is found to be in non-compliance with the terms of an approved tagging plan, the applicant may be removed from the list of DFO-approved tag suppliers.
Non-compliance with a tagging plan may result in the rejection of subsequent applications for approval or renewal.
DFO retains the discretion to change gear tagging requirements for operational or other reasons notwithstanding approval of a tagging plan.
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