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Terms of Reference

Assessment of 4VWX Herring

Maritimes Regional Science Advisory Process

7-8 April 2011
Dartmouth, NS

Chairperson: Ross Claytor


Maritimes DFO Fisheries Management (FM) requests DFO Science to undertake an annual assessment of the 4VWX herring management unit in support of the upcoming fishery. A new framework for conducting the annual assessment was initiated in 2006 and completed in 2011 and work has been conducted to improve many aspects of the assessment.

The 24-28 January 2011 Framework review recommended the following assessment elements for the southwest Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy spawning component:

  1. Report on criteria for survey and sampling and identify anomalies
  2. Rank with respect to criteria for an abundance index that consistently covers the stock.  Use past data to determine a method and usefulness of this approach.
  3. Signs of change using the following indicators
    1. Survey biomass trends
    2. Fishermen input
    3. Numbers or proportion at age in catch
    4. Trends in exploitation rates from survey
    5. Mortality rate trends based on age composition, F=Z-M

The objectives of the April 2011 meeting are described below.  They are tailored to the priorities given the time available between the completion of the Framework and the requirement for 2011 advice.


A)   Review and evaluate biological and fishery information on 4VWX herring stock status that supports establishing the final quota for 2010/2011 fisheries, as required in the Integrated Fisheries Management Plan, including:

From the January 2011 Framework review, the following assessment elements for the southwest Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy spawning component will be addressed for this meeting:

  1. Report on criteria for survey and sampling and identify anomalies
  2. Signs of change using the following indicators
    1. Survey biomass trends
    2. Fishermen input
    3. Numbers or proportion at age in catch
    4. Trends in exploitation rates from survey
    5. Mortality rate trends based on age composition, F=Z-M

B)  Provide advice on the recovery and rebuilding of 4VWX herring if necessary.  In so doing, provide advice on the consequences of different harvest levels during the 2010/2011 fishing year on:

  1. Stock abundance and biomass.  
  2. Exploitation rate.

C)  Evaluate attributes of relevance to conservation objectives and the precautionary approach, including, where available, description of bycatch, possible benthic impacts, predator/prey interactions, and descriptions of the role of herring in the ecosystem.

D)  Evaluate if there has been an improvement in the stock status of the Bras d'Or Lake herring since the closure.

Expected Publications

CSAS Science Advisory Report
CSAS Proceedings
CSAS Research Documents  


DFO Science
DFO Resource Management 
Provincial government (fisheries)
Herring fishing industry
Aboriginal communities


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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