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Research Document - 2004/097

Ocean Data Inventory (ODI): A Database of Ocean Current, Temperature and Salinity Time Series for the Northwest Atlantic

By Gregory, D.N.


The Ocean Data Inventory (ODI) database is a web accessible inventory of ocean current, temperature and salinity time series data held by the Ocean Sciences Division at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. The data archive includes data from about 5700 current meters, 4500 thermographs, temperature chains and thermosalinographs and 200 tide gauges. The coverage area is roughly defined as the North Atlantic and Arctic from 35°N - 82°N.

In addition to research programs at the Bedford Institute, data have been obtained from the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Center (St. John's, Nfld), Institut Maurice Lamontagne (Mont Joli, P.Q.), the former Bayfield Laboratory (Burlington, Ont.) as well as Canadian universities (e.g. Dalhousie, McGill) and US research institutes and agencies such as WHOI and USGS. A significant number of current series have been obtained from the oil and gas industry as part of the offshore drilling on the Scotian Shelf, Grand Banks and Labrador Shelf.

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