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Research Document - 2003/062

Stock Assessment Framework for Strait of Georgia Lingcod

By King, J.R., McFarlane, G.A. and Surry, A.M.


This document outlines background information on lingcod biology, historical fishery and abundance trends of Strait of Georgia lingcod, sources of historical and current biological information on Strait of Georgia lingcod in order to develop monitoring and assessment programs for these populations. An extensive review of all research activities that have been conducted on Strait of Georgia lingcod is provided with discussion on their suitability for providing baseline biological and relative abundance data. Several types of surveys have been conducted on all life stages of lingcod, from purse seining for post-larval  lingcod, to bottom trawling for young of year or juvenile lingcod, to handline, SCUBA or submersible surveys on age-2+ lingcod. Based on the results and conclusions of previous research surveys , along with sampling logistics, it is recommended that two types of survey s be implemented to provide information on the relative abundance of Strait of Georgia lingcod: 1)-bottom trawl surveys for young of year lingcod to estimate relative yearclass success; 2)-handline surveys for age-2+ lingcod to estimate the relative abundance of lingcod at index sites throughout the Strait of Georgia. Baseline information from similar surveys conducted in the past will provide points of reference to which future survey results can be compared. In addition to surveys, research projects investigating seasonal migration, recreational fishing recapture rates, population structure and Strait of Georgia ecosystem dynamics are recommended.

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