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Proceedings 2023/031

Proceedings of the National Advisory Meeting for science advice on revisiting Pathways of Effects (PoE) diagrams in support of FFHPP risk assessment; February 23-26, 2021

Chairpersons: Karen Smokorowski and Karin Ponader

Editor: Hilary White


This Proceedings document results from the virtual Science Advisory meeting held February 23-26, 2021, titled the National Peer Review of Science Advice on revisiting Pathways of Effects (PoE) diagrams in support of FFHPP risk assessment.

Through the Canadian Science Advice Secretariat (CSAS), DFO’s Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program (FFHPP) had requested science advice on four consolidated draft Pathways of Effects (PoE) diagrams, including consideration of their redesign, validation of existing linkages, and assessment of completeness of the linkages. The four draft diagrams that were reviewed align with FFHPP’s categories of Works, Undertakings, and Activities (WUAs), including: 1) Land-based WUAs, 2) Noise and Energy producing WUAs, 3) In-water WUAs, 4) WUAs affecting Flow.

Based on one working paper (Brownscombe and Smokorowski 2021), the meeting included discussions on the accuracy of the four draft consolidated PoE diagrams and the completeness of the linkages presented. Suggested changes to be made to the consolidated diagrams that were agreed to during the CSAS process were captured in the Science Advisory Report (SAR) resulting from this process (DFO, 2021) and were also detailed in the final research document (Brownscombe and Smokorowski, 2021). Meeting participants agreed that the working paper and meeting conclusions satisfied all Terms of Reference objectives.

Participants in this meeting included DFO staff from various sectors and external experts (Appendix 2).

This Proceedings Report summarizes the key information presented at the meeting, as well as the relevant meeting discussions and conclusions reached.

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