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Proceedings 2011/048

Recovery Potential Assessment for Atlantic Cod (Newfoundland and Labrador, Laurentian North, Laurentian South, Southern Designatable Units); February 21-25, 2011

Co-Chairs: D. Rivard and N. Templeman
Editor: S. Walker


A zonal advisory process for the recovery potential assessment (RPA) of Atlantic Cod for four Designatable Units (DU) (Newfoundland and Labrador, Laurentian North, Laurentian South, and Southern) was held from February 21 to 25, 2011 at the Battery Hotel and Conference Centre, St. John’s NL. These four DUs were designated as Endangered by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in April 2010. When COSEWIC designates species populations as Endangered or Threatened, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) undertakes an RPA to provide science advice for socio-economic elements as well as Species at Risk Act (SARA) processes including recovery planning. Together, this information is used to support a decision regarding listing recommendations by the Minister under the Species at Risk Act.

Participants included those from DFO Science (Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Gulf, Maritimes, and National Capital regions), Ecosystems and Fisheries Management, and Species at Risk Management sectors, the fishing industry, Environmental Non-Government Organizations and an academic - Dr. Jean-Claude Brêthes who was an invited external expert reviewer to the process. Rapporteurs for the meeting were Jennifer Shaw and Sherry Walker.

These proceedings contain a summary of working papers, presentations and other documentation available during the meeting as well as summaries of the related discussions. Also included in these proceedings are the terms of reference (Appendix 1), meeting agenda (Appendix 3), and list of participants (Appendix 5) for the meeting.

Additional information on the RPA is available in the CSAS Research Document series and the four Science Advisory Reports produced from this meeting.

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