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Advice on fishing gear to minimize bycatch in the Cumberland Sound Greenland Halibut fishery

Regional Peer Review – Central and Arctic Region

January 14-15, 2015
Winnipeg, MB

Chairperson: Eva Enders


The Cumberland Sound Greenland Halibut longline fishery results in bycatch of Greenland Shark and Arctic Skate. The level of shark bycatch is high enough to be a conservation concern. The Nunavut Wildlife Management Board approved a range of hook sizes for use in the fishery to test if hook size could reduce shark bycatch but reports indicate that smaller hooks are not being used, possibly because they catch smaller fish. To ensure that the Cumberland Sound Greenland Halibut fishery can be sustainable within an ecosystem context, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Resource Management requested advice on alternative gear types to reduce bycatch in the fishery.

A number of gear options, including hook sizes, longline materials (variation in breaking strength), and commercialized shark-deterring hooks and fish pots, exist and may affect species-specific catch rates. Alternate gear types were tested in Cumberland Sound and resulting bycatch data and gear impacts analyzed. To be effective, suitable fishing gear must reduce Greenland Shark and Arctic Skate bycatch mortality significantly below current bycatch levels, while resulting in minimal reductions in Greenland Halibut catch and minimal increases in gear costs.


The objectives of this meeting are to:

  1. evaluate the results of a longline modification study that tested alternative gear configurations and materials in an effort to reduce Greenland Shark bycatch rates,
  2. evaluate the suitability of alternative gear types that could reduce Greenland Shark and Arctic Skate bycatch mortality, and
  3. provide Science Advice regarding types and configurations of fishing gear that would minimize Greenland Shark and Arctic Skate bycatch in the Cumberland Sound Greenland Halibut fishery.

Expected Publications



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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