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Science Response 2010/003

2009 Review of the Deep Panuke Environmental Effects Monitoring Plan


In 1996, DFO Maritimes Science provided expert advice to the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board regarding the assessment of the 2006 Deep Panuke Comprehensive Study Report, and the proposed Environmental Management Plan (EMP) associated with construction of Deep Panuke project (DFO 2006).

DFO Maritimes Science has subsequently been requested by the Oceans, Habitat and Species at Risk Branch to provide expert advice on an update to the EMP, specifically on the document entitled "2009-2010 Drilling Environmental Protection Plan/Environmental Effects Monitoring Plan (EPP/EEMP)" which outlines measures EnCana proposes to take to avoid/minimize potential effects on the marine environment by drilling activities associated with Deep Panuke Project construction. In particular, DFO Science was requested to address the following questions:

  1. Are the mitigation measures outlined in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 (p.12-13) of the EPP/EEMP sufficient to avoid/minimize potential effects on the marine environment and, if not, what other measures could be undertaken?
  2. The EPP/EEMP does not address the potential effects of noise on marine species. Is drilling noise likely to be loud enough to warrant some form of shutdown procedure or other mitigation?
  3. The EPP/EEMP does not address the potential for a blowout or well collapse. What is the likelihood that these events would occur, and what measures could be taken to avoid/minimize their occurrence? If they do occur, what would be the potential severity of the impact on the marine environment?
  4. Are there any species at risk in the area that the proponent should consider in its EPP/EEMP? If so, are there any procedures to avoid/minimize the effects of drilling activities on these species?

Given the short timeframe for review, the Science Special Response process was used to produce this Science Response. 

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