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Research Document - 2005/078

Assessment of cod in Division 4X in 2005

By Clark, D.S.


Biomass has not increased for 4X cod since 2000, when the quota was reduced to 6000 t to promote rebuilding, and instead has likely declined. There has also been no indication of a decline in mortality since 2000.

Rebuilding was expected to be supported by the incoming 1998 and 1999 yearclasses but their abundance declined more rapidly than expected and an increase in biomass did not materialize. Landings of 5,000 t - 6,000 t, given recent recruitment levels, are resulting in high mortality and are not achieving rebuilding. Prospects for rebuilding are very dependent on the incoming 2003 yearclass and it will need to be conserved more effectively than was the case for the 1998 cohort. To achieve this, fishery removals should be reduced to the lowest level practicable.

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