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Research Document - 2004/42

Mortality of northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod during the period from 1990 to 200

By Benoît, H.P., Chouinard, G.A.


This document presents the results of analyses aimed at estimating natural mortality (M) of northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod (NAFO 3Pn4RS) over the period from 1990-2003. In the process, estimates of the total (Z) and fishing (F) mortality during the period are obtained. Two general approaches were used to estimate M. The first involved a direct estimation using general linear models and research vessel survey and commercial fishery catch-at-age data. The second approach involved estimating M via Sequential Population Analysis. Overall, we find that the current value for natural mortality (0.4) used in the assessment of this stock is within the confidence intervals of the various estimates obtained from our analyses. We therefore conclude that a change in the assumption for natural mortality in the assessment of northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod is not warranted.

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