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Research Document - 2003/013

Assessment of the 2001 / 2002 Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery off southwest Nova Scotia (NAFO Division 4X)

By Biron, M., Sabean, C., Savoie, L., and Moriyasu, M.


Six permanent licences and two temporary permits were issued for the 2001/02 snow crab season in 4X. The commercial fishing effort was directed exclusively towards the LaHave area in 2001/02. Total allocation set at 520t was not achieved, but the total landings of 376t represented a 77% increase compared to 2000/01. Landings, average CPUE (15 kg/trap haul) and total effort of 25,000 trap hauls were at their highest level since this fishery started in 1994. At-sea sampling in 2001/02 did not represent the fishery considering that 50% of the landings had occurred before the sampling started.

Two exploratory permits were issued in 2002 to conduct a trap survey. The objectives were to determine snow crab distribution and gather biological information on areas not fully exploited by the existing fleet. The distribution of snow crab was consistent with the distribution of cold water in southwest Nova Scotia (SWNS). Results from the trap survey clearly illustrated that snow crab was mostly distributed in the northern portion, more specifically in the area between LaHave Basin and the near shore. The trap survey in 2002 in Roseway Basin showed no commercial concentration.

The first comprehensive trawl survey was carried out in SWNS in 2002. Due to the lack of a time series, the management of this fishery must still primarily rely on the fishery-related data. This fishery may have reached its potential under current environmental conditions and further expansion is not recommended at this time.

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