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Research Document - 2001/023

Status of NAFO Division 4T American plaice, February 2001

By R. Morin, I. Forest, G. Poirier


In 2000, landings of NAFO 4T American plaice totalled 1285 tonnes, near the lowest level recorded since 1965. Several factors have contributed to declines in landings that occured in the 1990s, including a reduction in fishing effort, management measures that restrict the capture of small plaice through mesh size regulations and area closures, and measures to limit the bycatch of Atlantic cod and white hake. Catch rates of seines, the main gear landing plaice, showed declines in the western half of 4T (unit areas 4Tlmno) and an increasing trend in eastern 4T (4Tfg). Since 1993, the fishery has become concentrated in eastern 4T, off the Cape Breton coast. The survey abundance index indicates that the stock in the whole of 4T is at its lowest level in 30 years. This survey indicates a declining abundance in western 4T and an increasing proportion of the stock located in eastern 4T, consistent with commercial catch rates. The survey catch-at-age indicates that recruitment was well below the long-term average throughout the 1990s and commercial catch-at-age data also fail to indicate any strong year-classes appearing in the fishery. Total mortality and exploitation rates on 4T plaice are near or somewhat above the long-term average. Improvements to the status of this resource are not expected in the short to medium term.

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