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Research Document 1998/75

Catch at age of 2J3KL cod in the diet of harp seals

By D.E. Stansbury, P.A. Shelton, G.B. Stenson, B. Sjare, and G.R. Lilly


The estimated annual consumption of cod by harp seals in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL has increased from 70,000 t in 1986 to 106,000 t in 1995. This Research Document provides estimates of removals of cod at age by harp seals in 2J3KL from 1986 to 1995. Cod otoliths found in seal stomach samples have been used to get semi-annual length frequencies of cod consumed. Age-length keys were derived from a subset of these otoliths. Because this key is sparse in places, an alternative key derived from research vessel survey samples was also considered. Accurate age composition of seal removals are a prerequisite to the incorporation of these data into a cod SPA.

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