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Research Document 1998/69

Georges Bank scallop stock assessment - 1997

By G. Robert, M.A.E. Butler and S.J. Smith


The 1997 TAC of 4,250 t increased 42% over 1996. Fishing effort rose 17% from 1996 to 1997. The 1992 year class comprised 50% of the catch in 1997. Although stock biomass is the highest observed in the past 5 years, survey data do not indicate strong recruitment after the 1992 year class. The 1992 and 1993 year classes will continue to dominate the fishery. Once they are depleted, the incoming 1994 year class does not have the strength to take their place without a reduction in catch-rates and harvesting levels. There was a high incidence of clappers on the northeast part of the bank, a loss of 5% of biomass for the Canadian side of Georges Bank. It was unlikely that the mortality was due to fishing.

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