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Research Document 1998/54

Preliminary Stock Survey of the Ocean Quahaug (Arctica islandica) in St. Mary's Bay, Nova Scotia

By R. Duggan, E. Kenchington, S. Smith, and J.T. McLane


The fishery for Ocean Quahogs in Nova Scotia has been at best sporadic since a processing plant in Port Medway closed in 1971. Several surveys since the early 1950's have attempted to define the extent of this resource. Frequently there was difficulty in operating the sampling gear due to bottom conditions and strong tides which prevented accurate biomass estimates. A small commercial fishery has been operating in southwestern Nova Scotia for the past five years and landings approached 150 tonnes in 1996. Fishing experience has contributed to efficient harvesting techniques and the ability to work in areas where conditions prevented previous investigation. There is interest in setting up a plant to process and ship ocean quahog products. Industry is trying to determine if an adequate supply (6000 tonnes per year) of clams larger than 62 mm can be harvested. This report documents a 1997 industry funded survey which used commercial gear to survey an inshore bed of ocean quahogs. This bed had previously been identified but had never been harvested. The survey produced a biomass estimate of 59,500 tonnes of ocean quahogs.

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