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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/034

Management activities for 1995 and early 1996 Scotia-Fundy Region

By C. Annand; J. Hansen


In general TACs for 1995 were lower than the TACs set for 1994. Specifically for the Scotian Shelf, moratoria were continued for the cod and haddock stocks on the Eastern Scotian Shelf, and reduced TACs were put in place for cod and flatfish in 4X, flatfish in 4VsW, 4VWX5 pollock and 4VWX3PNOPs halibut. The FRCC again reiterated the need to protect small fish and to minimize bycatches of moratoria species while permitting other fisheries to continue. Conservation Harvesting Plans (CHP) were required for all fleets and the conservation elements covered by the 1995 CHPs were standardized and as far as possible applied on Atlantic wide basis. The Dockside Monitoring Program (DMP) was continued for those fleets under the program in 1994, while fixed gear less than 65' participated in an Industry funded catch reporting program as part of their 1995 CHP. DFO did not enforce any trip limits in 1995 other than dealing with restrictive bycatch levels in areas under moratoria. Licence conditions were generally limited to one per year in order to free up Fisheries officers for enforcement duties. Openings and Closures were handled through the use of Variation Orders. Consultation on increased access fees and a new Licensing Policy were ongoing throughout the year. Draft policies on how to deal with non traditional or newly emerging fisheries were developed.

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