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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/032

An update of the status of 4VW flatfish stocks

By C. Annand; D. Beanlands


Up to and including 1993, flounders in 4VWX were managed as one stock complex with a TAC of 14,000 t. In 1994, the management unit was divided into an eastern (4VW) and a western (4X) component and the overall TAC was reduced to 10,000 t with 4,500 allocation to 4X and 5,500 t to 4VW, based on catch history. As well, winter flounder was included in the western component. The 1995 management plan set a TAC of 7,500 t which was partitioned between 4VW and 4X, giving the eastern component a TAC of 4,125 t and the western component a TAC of 3,375 t. ITQs for flatfish were implemented in August 1994 in 4X, and Eastern Nova Scotia (ENS) ITQ licence holders were given the option to choose an ITQ system or a competitive fishery for flounder in 1995. Landings data continue to be unreliable with unspecified flounder making up 39% of the total flounder landings in 4VW and 45% in 4X. Stock status evaluations were based on sampling the commercial landings for species size composition, the commercial catch rates and effort for combined flounders, and survey abundance indices and size compositions by species.

Total landings of 4VW flatfish in 1995 amounted to 2,325 t, a decrease from the 2,824 t taken in 1994. Commercial catch rates for the ITQ fleet remained relatively stable in 1995; however, effort for the entire fishery declined since 1992. In 4VW, both American plaice and yellowtail show a significant decline in survey abundance especially in the 4V area. Both the survey and the commercial fishery indicated fewer large fish that in the past, and average weight has also declined, indicating a shift of the population to a predominance of small fish. Survey abundance of witch flounder indicated an increase in mean numbers since 1990 while mean weight and the average weight per fish as declined since the 1970's. Surveys indicate some potential for improved recruitment although there are fewer large fish in the population. Winter flounder abundance in 4W remained relatively high. Given the declining biomass for all commercially exploited flounders in 4VW and an absence of large fish in both the survey and commercial fishery, catch in 1997 at or about the 1996 level would not likely promote recovery of this resource.

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