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Research Document - 2013/030

A Discussion of the Precautionary Approach and its Application to Atlantic Seals

By M.O. Hammill and G.B. Stenson


The goal of the Precautionary Approach is to outline clear rules for management actions in response to changes of the resource with respect to different thresholds of management concern. The commercial harvest of Atlantic Seals is managed under a PA framework that was developed in collaboration with Fisheries Management, and implemented with the support of industry, in 2003. Science was requested by Fisheries Management to determine: 1) an appropriate Limit Reference Point that can be set at a fixed level (possibly reviewed periodically) and 2) the minimum harp seal population size that can maintain an ongoing (i.e. 15 years) sustainable harvest of 100K, 200K, 300K and 400K, while maintaining a probability of 85%, 90% and 95% of staying above the Limit Reference Point (LRP). Different methods of setting the limit reference point were reviewed. Some methods fixed the LRP at a specific number while others used relative values. Setting fixed values can be problematic if environmental conditions change, or if population estimates are updated as a result of new data or changes in the assessment methods. Changes in the estimates of harp seal abundance illustrate how our perception of a population can change as new data become available. This can result in a change in perceived status of the population with no change in the true abundance. Relative levels require an appropriate reference level for comparison.

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