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Research Document - 2005/040

Scallop fishing area 29: Stock status and update for 2005

By Smith, S.J., M.J. Lundy, and C. Frail


There has been a regulated scallop fishery with TACs in the western portion of Scallop Fishing area 29 since 2001. Prior to 2004, area 29D had been closed to fishing because of the large number of young scallops in the area. The western half of area D was opened for the 2004 season after it was determined from the 2003 survey that there were enough commercial size scallops for a fishery. The eastern half of area D remained closed because most of the scallops there were smaller than 110 mm shell height. Based on the 2004 joint industry/DFO post-season survey, a reduction in TAC was recommended for areas B and D for the fishery in 2005. Scallops in the eastern half of area D are now large enough to harvest and all of area D should be available to the fishery in 2005.

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