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Book 1, Tab A4 - Financial Outlook

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DFO is a highly decentralized department composed of approximately 15,700 employees across the country, including 13,800 full time equivalents.

Key initiatives for 2022-23

DFO is focused on growing Canada’s ocean economy, sustaining and rebuilding the fisheries and ensuring the advancement of reconciliation and conservation objectives, while providing important economic opportunities to Canadians and coastal communities.

Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative: Funding aims to provide a long-term strategy to stem declining trends in the Pacific salmon stocks and make the commercial Pacific salmon harvesting sector in Pacific Region more adaptive and resilient ($732M over five years starting in 2021-22, including $177M in 2022-23).

Small Craft Harbours Program Integrity: Funding supplements the Small Craft Harbour Program to accelerate repair and maintenance work at core Small Craft Harbours across Canada, to divest non-core harbours through transfers and to close inactive non-core harbours that are unsafe ($300M over two years starting in 2021-22, including $150M in 2022-23).

Marine Conservation Targets: Funding supports meeting the Government of Canada’s marine conservation target to protect 25 per cent of marine areas by 2025 through the establishment of new marine protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures ($660M over 5 years starting in 2021-22, including $126M in 2022-23).


Total Planned Authorities

Total Planned Authorities
Text version: Total Planned Authorities
Total Planned Authorities (millions)
Year Operating (Vote 1) Capital (Vote 5) Grants & Contributions (Vote 10) Total
2011-12 1,385.8 366.8 129.5 1,882.1
2012-13 1,308.2 396.4 88.9 1,793.5
2013-14 1,342.8 409.2 88.2 1,840.3
2014-15 1,218.7 486.4 91.5 1,796.6
2015-16 1,324.6 843.0 96.9 2,264.5
2016-17 1,457.9 1,064.9 102.0 2,624.8
2017-18 1,596.3 972.8 159.7 2,728.8
2018-19 1,700.9 1,641.3 272.9 3,615.1
2019-20 2,028.1 1,141.3 374.9 3,544.3
2020-21 2,014.5 1,129.8 1,004.8 4,149.1
2021-22 2,164.4 1,467.2 1,280.8 4,912.4
2022-23 1,945.6 1,241.3 620.1 3,807.0
2023-24 1,846.0 867.7 456.0 3,169.7
2024-25 1,856.1 690.3 272.3 2,818.7
2025-26 1,803.1 515.4 254.3 2,572.8
2026-27 1,604.5 469.2 154.1 2,227.7
Resources – Aligning to results
Text version: Resources – Aligning to results

Resources – Aligning to results

  • Fisheries 35%
  • Marine Operations and Response 32%
  • Marine Navigation 10%
  • Aquatic Ecosystems 9%
  • Internal Services 7%
  • Real Property 7%

Vote 1 – Planned Operating

Planned Operating Authorities
Text version: Planned Operating Authorities
Planned Operating Authorities (millions)
Year Salary Operating Total Expenditures
2012-13 829.3 529.4 1,358.7 1,241.0
2013-14 858.3 535.2 1,393.5 1,283.4
2014-15 768.9 500.4 1,269.4 1,192.5
2015-16 757.3 617.2 1,374.5 1,253.9
2016-17 770.4 737.1 1,507.6 1,342.3
2017-18 923.2 721.0 1,644.2 1,575.2
2018-19 982.0 760.1 1,742.1 1,663.0
2019-20 1,060.5 1,012.3 2,072.8 1,999.3
2020-21 1,176.7 878.7 2,055.4 1,961.0
2021-22 1,177.5 1,026.9 2,204.4 -
2022-23 1,141.5 844.1 1,985.6 -
2023-24 1,096.4 789.6 1,886.0 -
2024-25 1,088.0 808.0 1,896.1 -
2025-26 1,086.4 756.7 1,843.1 -
2026-27 1,003.2 641.3 1,644.5 -
Non-salary resources – by standard object
Text version: Non-salary resources – by standard object

Non-salary resources – by standard object

  • Professional and special services 58%
  • Purchased repair and maintenance 16%
  • Utilities, materials and supplies 11%
  • Transportation and communications 8%
  • Rentals 4%
  • Other subsidies and payments 3%

Vote 5 – Planned Capital

Planned Capital Authorities
Text version: Planned Capital Authorities
Figure 1: Planned Capital Authorities (millions)
Year A-Base B-Base Total Expenditures
2012-13 218.7 177.7 396.4 307.9
2013-14 218.5 190.8 409.2 299.4
2014-15 222.2 264.2 486.4 328.9
2015-16 132.6 710.4 843.0 705.3
2016-17 136.4 928.5 1,064.9 792.9
2017-18 225.4 747.4 972.8 783.9
2018-19 347.4 1,293.9 1,641.3 1,280.7
2019-20 444.4 696.9 1,141.3 701.6
2020-21 621.1 508.7 1,129.8 773.4
2021-22 756.8 710.4 1,467.2 -
2022-23 752.4 488.9 1,241.3 -
2023-24 604.0 263.8 867.7 -
2024-25 471.2 219.1 690.3 -
2025-26 455.9 59.5 515.4 -
2026-27 466.4 2.8 469.2 -
Resources – Capital by asset type
Text version: Resources – Capital by asset type

Resources – Capital by asset type

  • CCG – Fleet 61%
  • Small craft harbours 14%
  • CCG – Operations 12%
  • Real property 10%
  • Ecosystems and oceans science 1%
  • Fisheries and harbours management (excl. SMH) 1%
  • Information technology 1%
  • Other 0%

Vote 10 – Planned Grants and Contributions

Grant and Contribution Authorities
Text version: Grant and Contribution Authorities
Figure 1: Grant and Contribution Authorities (millions)
Year A-Base B-Base Total Expenditures
2012-13 48.1 40.8 88.9 88.2
2013-14 48.1 40.1 88.2 85.3
2014-15 48.5 43.0 91.5 89.7
2015-16 54.7 42.2 96.9 94.3
2016-17 58.7 43.3 102.0 99.6
2017-18 111.3 48.4 159.7 128.9
2018-19 140.7 132.2 272.9 185.4
2019-20 222.5 152.3 374.9 279.1
2020-21 643.6 361.2 1,004.8 291.9
2021-22 790.4 490.4 1,280.8 -
2022-23 340.0 280.2 620.1 -
2023-24 248.5 207.5 456.0 -
2024-25 149.7 122.6 272.3 -
2025-26 149.0 105.3 254.3 -
2026-27 149.0 5.1 154.1 -
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