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Seafisheries landed quantity by province, 2021


2021 Atlantic & Pacific coasts commercial landings by province
(metric tonnes, live weight)
Species Nova Scotia New Brunswick P.E.I. Quebec N.L. Atlantic Total British Columbia Total Canada
Cod 1,125 3 4 370 12,170 13,673 723 14,396
Haddock 11,289 x 0 x 57 11,346 0 11,346
Redfish spp. 10,363 x 0 x 4,202 14,798 16,014 30,812
Halibut 5,102 141 80 813 922 7,058 3,209 10,267
Flatfishes 666 5 0 431 15,860 16,962 6,323 23,285
Greenland turbot x x 0 1,085 8,452 9,557 0 9,557
Pollock 3,088 x 0 x 81 3,169 9,477 12,646
Hake 5,172 x 0 x 558 5,747 67,576 73,323
Cusk x x 0 0 x 143 0 143
Catfish 0 0 0 x 0 x 0 x
Skate 185 0 0 x x 754 340 1,094
Dogfish 11 0 0 x x x 103 x
Other 1,028 0 0 37 26 1,091 4,360 5,451
Total groundfish 38,192 276 85 2,860 42,895 84,308 108,126 192,434
Pelagic & other finfish
Herring 38,430 19,210 2,163 2,124 6,728 68,656 13,604 82,260
Mackeral 1,472 397 1,187 859 602 4,517 9 4,526
Swordfish x 0 0 0 x 1,434 0 1,434
Tuna 773 x 187 x 38 1,035 2,398 3,434
Alewife 732 976 79 0 0 1,787 0 1,787
Eel 12 60 55 x x 167 0 167
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,215 4,215
Smelt 0 x x 0 0 31 0 31
Silversides x 0 x 0 0 158 0 158
Shark 0 x 0 2 x 3 0 3
Capelin 0 0 0 1,712 22,332 24,045 0 24,045
Other 17 x 0 x 16 43 32 75
Total pelagics 42,649 20,664 3,830 4,731 30,001 101,875 20,258 122,134
Clams / quahaug 25,394 x 369 1,086 x 47,685 1,613 49,298
Oystertable note 1 20 49 589 0 0 658 40 698
Scallop table note 2 52,631 3,139 266 458 1,077 57,572 x x
Squid 45 0 0 0 11,260 11,305 0 11,305
Musseltable note 3 0 0 0 x 0 x 0 x
Lobster 48,113 22,567 18,598 11,375 4,984 105,638 0 105,638
Shrimp 17,743 2,776 0 9,518 35,998 66,035 1,753 67,788
Crab, Queen 14,395 10,072 2,560 11,416 38,385 76,828 0 76,828
Crab, Other 964 763 909 x x 3,417 9,712 13,129
Whelks x 0 0 935 x 2,163 0 2,163
Cockles x 0 0 0 x x 0 x
Sea cucumbers x x 0 813 6,042 9,210 1,652 10,862
Sea urchin x 547 0 x 298 1,439 3,731 5,170
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x
Total shellfish 162,595 40,619 23,291 36,974 121,195 384,674 18,837 403,510
Subtotal 243,436 61,560 27,206 44,565 194,091 570,857 147,220 718,078
Marine plants x x 0 x 0 x 0 x
Lumpfish roe x x 0 x 61 x 0 x
Miscellaneous x x 0 1 2,521 2,522 0 2,522
Total others 147 12,460 0 5 2,582 15,194 0 15,194
Grand total table note 4 243,583 74,020 27,206 44,570 196,673 586,052 147,220 733,272

Table Notes

Suppressed to meet confidentiality requirements

Return to table note    x referrer

Table note 1

Oyster: Atlantic includes wild and farmed data.

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Table note 2

Scallop includes meat with roe.

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Table note 3

PEI mussels are now classified under "aquaculture" because they are a farmed product.

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Table note 4

Totals may not add up due to rounding.

Return to table note 4 referrer

Source: Department of Fisheries and Oceans (2022). Zonal Interchange File [database]. Ottawa


2021 Atlantic & Pacific coasts commercial landings by province
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