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Seafisheries landed value by province, 2020


2020 Value of Atlantic & Pacific coast commercial landings, by province
(thousand dollars)
Species Nova Scotia New Brunswick P.E.I. Quebec N.L. Atlantic Total British Columbia Total Canada
Cod 1,504 3 4 566 18,783 20,860 795 21,655
Haddock 21,670 x 0 x 141 21,812 0 21,812
Redfish spp. 8,822 x 0 x 5,077 13,938 16,437 30,374
Halibut 54,738 1,229 797 6,602 6,891 70,257 35,122 105,379
Flatfishes 2,124 7 0 1,737 23,117 26,985 4,522 31,507
Greenland turbot x x 0 4,961 47,068 52,087 0 52,087
Pollock 2,376 x 0 x 35 2,412 2,856 5,268
Hake 2,981 x 0 x 164 3,156 33,313 36,469
Cusk 123 x 0 0 x 123 0 123
Catfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Skate x 0 0 x 140 223 249 473
Dogfish 1 x 0 0 x 1 16 17
Other 998 6 0 16 46 1,066 25,221 26,287
Total groundfish 95,476 1,247 801 13,933 101,463 212,920 118,531 331,451
Pelagic & other finfish
Herring 28,194 16,362 1,948 1,541 2,943 50,988 8,312 59,300
Mackeral 1,952 687 2,976 938 2,487 9,041 25 9,066
Swordfish 10,417 0 0 0 0 10,417 0 10,417
Tuna 4,241 44 1,459 425 230 6,398 10,036 16,434
Alewife 820 1,930 106 0 0 2,855 0 2,855
Eel x 113 226 x 146 519 0 519
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,169 22,169
Smelt x x 47 0 0 108 0 108
Silversides 0 0 406 0 0 406 0 406
Shark 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 3
Capelin 0 x 0 x 14,753 15,837 0 15,837
Other 3,792 x 0 x 45 3,854 262 4,116
Total pelagics 49,454 19,269 7,168 3,930 20,605 100,426 40,804 141,230
Clams / quahaug 44,870 x 1,095 1,379 x 85,728 37,137 122,865
Oystertable note 1 121 174 783 0 0 1,078 186 1,263
Scallop table note 2 110,818 7,933 717 1,415 1,863 x x 122,775
Squid x 0 0 x 5,968 5,969 0 5,969
Musseltable note 3 0 0 0 x 0 x 0 x
Lobster 631,329 241,809 153,288 117,024 43,683 1,187,134 0 1,187,134
Shrimp 61,868 6,401 0 25,890 128,971 223,130 28,534 251,664
Crab, Queen 123,164 88,788 24,629 105,198 223,258 565,038 0 565,038
Crab, Other 942 x 1,048 1,354 x 4,058 93,243 97,300
Whelks x 0 0 1,885 x 4,233 0 4,233
Cockles x 0 0 0 x 5,037 0 5,037
Sea cucumbers x x 0 2,258 8,138 14,540 7,915 22,455
Sea urchin x 2,855 0 2,372 x 5,978 10,559 16,537
Other 0 0 0 x 0 x x x
Total shellfish 977,529 350,571 181,559 258,780 456,234 2,224,673 178,561 2,403,234
Subtotal 1,122,459 371,087 189,528 276,643 578,302 2,538,019 337,896 2,875,915
Marine plants x x 0 0 0 x 0 x
Lumpfish roe x x 0 x 563 x 0 x
Miscellaneoustable note 4 x x 0 x 6,805 6,806 0 6,806
Total others 4 490 0 5 7,368 7,868 0 7,868
Grand total table note 5 1,122,463 371,577 189,528 276,648 585,670 2,545,887 337,896 2,883,783

Table Notes

Suppressed to meet confidentiality requirements

Return to table note    x referrer

Table note 1

Oyster: Atlantic includes wild and farmed data.

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Table note 2

Scallop includes meat with roe.

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Table note 3

PEI mussels are now classified under "aquaculture" because they are a farmed product.

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Table note 4

Miscellaneous includes seal value.

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Table note 5

Totals may not add up due to rounding.

Return to table note 5 referrer

Source: Department of Fisheries and Oceans (2022). Zonal Interchange File [database]. Ottawa


2020 Value of Atlantic & Pacific coast commercial landings, by province
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