*2011/08/02 12:56:05.61 *IOS HEADER VERSION 1.8 2007/05/25 2007/05/25 *FILE START TIME : UTC 2010/08/19 00:49:00.000 END TIME : UTC 2010/09/01 19:19:00.000 TIME INCREMENT : n/a ! (day hr min sec ms) TIME ZERO : UTC 1980/01/01 00:00:00.000 NUMBER OF RECORDS : 94 DATA DESCRIPTION : Loop + Rosette FILE TYPE : ASCII DATA TYPE : n/a NUMBER OF CHANNELS : 33 $TABLE: CHANNELS ! No Name Units Minimum Maximum !--- ------------------------------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- 1 Event_Number n/a 1 129 2 Station n/a 3 Sample_Method n/a 4 Sample_Number n/a 11 636 5 Date:UTC n/a 11188 11201 6 Time:UTC n/a 0.6944445E-03 0.9791667 7 Latitude degrees 48.2607 50.0485 8 Longitude degrees -145.0018 -123.492 9 INS:LOCATION n/a 10 Pressure:CTD decibar 5 6.6 11 Temperature:CTD deg_C_(ITS90) 9.6749 15.8518 12 Salinity:Practical:CTD PSS-78 28.5651 32.6225 13 Sigma-t:CTD n/a 20.863 25.1599 14 Transmissivity:CTD %/m 10.9 56.9 15 Oxygen:Dissolved:CTD:Volume ml/l 4.74 8.62 16 Oxygen:Dissolved:CTD:Mass µmol/kg 206.2 377.1 17 Fluorescence:CTD mg/m^3 0.39 38.66 18 PAR:CTD µE/m^2/sec 0 466.6 19 Salinity:Bottle PSS-78 28.5666 32.6232 20 Flag:Salinity:Bottle n/a 21 Oxygen:Dissolved:Bottle:Volume ml/l 5.929 8.16 22 Flag:Oxygen:Dissolved:Bottle:Volume n/a 23 Nitrate_plus_Nitrite:Bottle µmol/l 0 24.8 24 Flag:Nitrate_plus_Nitrite:Bottle n/a 25 Phosphate:Bottle µmol/l 0.35 2.04 26 Flag:Phosphate:Bottle n/a 27 Silicate:Bottle µmol/l 1.4 42.1 28 Flag:Silicate:Bottle n/a 29 Chlorophyll:Extracted:Bottle mg/m^3 0.19 8.51 30 Flag:Chlorophyll:Extracted:Bottle n/a 31 Phaeo-Pigment:Extracted:Bottle mg/m^3 0.5E-01 1.92 32 Dimethyl_Sulphide:Bottle nmol/l 3.95 18.3 33 Flag:Dimethyl_Sulphide:Bottle n/a $END $TABLE: CHANNEL DETAIL ! No Pad Start Width Format Type Decimal_Places !--- ---- ----- ----- ---------- ---- -------------- 1 -99 ' ' 4 I I 0 2 ' ' ' ' 9 NQ C ' ' 3 ' ' ' ' 7 NQ C ' ' 4 -99 ' ' 5 I I 0 5 ' ' ' ' ' ' YYYY/MM/DD D ' ' 6 ' ' ' ' ' ' HH:MM T ' ' 7 ' ' ' ' 8 F R4 2 8 ' ' ' ' 8 F R4 2 9 ' ' ' ' 11 NQ C ' ' 10 -99 ' ' 6 F R4 1 11 -99 ' ' 9 F R4 4 12 -99 ' ' 9 F R4 4 13 -99 ' ' 9 F R4 4 14 -99 ' ' 6 F R4 1 15 -99 ' ' 7 F R4 2 16 -99 ' ' 6 F R4 1 17 -99 ' ' 7 F R4 2 18 -99 ' ' 7 F R4 1 19 -99 ' ' 9 F R4 4 20 ' ' ' ' 3 NQ C ' ' 21 -99 ' ' 7 F R4 2 22 ' ' ' ' 3 NQ C ' ' 23 -99 ' ' 6 F R4 1 24 ' ' ' ' 3 NQ C ' ' 25 -99 ' ' 7 F R4 2 26 ' ' ' ' 3 NQ C ' ' 27 -99 ' ' 6 F R4 1 28 ' ' ' ' 3 NQ C ' ' 29 -99 ' ' 7 F R4 2 30 ' ' ' ' 3 NQ C ' ' 31 -99 ' ' 7 F R4 2 32 -99 ' ' 7 F R4 2 33 ' ' ' ' 3 NQ C ' ' $END *ADMINISTRATION MISSION : 2010-14 AGENCY : IOS, Ocean Sciences Division, Sidney, BC PROJECT : Line P SCIENTIST : Robert M. PLATFORM : John P. Tully *LOCATION GEOGRAPHIC AREA : North-East Pacific LATITUDE : 48 15.59990 N ! (deg min) LONGITUDE : 145 0.00000 W ! (deg min) LATITUDE 2 : 50 2.99995 N ! (deg min) LONGITUDE 2 : 123 29.39987 W ! (deg min) *COMMENTS Samples Number 13, 39, 118, 120, 122, 148, 150, 152, 231, 233, 316, 319, 322, 537, 539, 541, 545, 547, 549, 553: Phosphate:Bottle - rerun Sample Number 39: Chlorophyll:Extracted:Bottle - samples were not filtered. Sample Number 74: Salinity:Bottle - single cap screw only - no liner - outlier in comparison to Salinity:Practical:CTD Sample Number 116: Salinity:Bottle - single cap screw only no liner Sample Number 187: Oxygen:Dissolved:Bottle - very stepped curve - endpoint likely overshot - no Oxygen:Dissolved sensor data available to check the value. Samples Number 300 and 360: Bottle Number 24 - vent open; Oxygen:Dissolved:Bottle outlier in COMPARE but most near-surface samples were outliers. Sample Number 549: Dimethyl_Sulphide:Bottle - One of duplicate samples lost. Sample Number 571: Dimethyl_Sulphpide:Bottle - One of duplicates considered questionable measurement so other value used. Sample Number 631: Chlorophyll_Extracted:Bottle - variability of replicates is greater than 15% of covariance of variation. Sampling Methods are expressed with the following codes ------------------------------------------------------- ROS - Rosette sample collected from approximately 5m depth. UWS - Sample drawn from a pumped seawater supply provided to the ship laboratory from a nominal depth of 4.5 metres. Analysis methods: ----------------- Chlorophyll samples were filtered onto 25mm GF/F filters and stored in glass scintillation vials at -20C prior to analysis. Samples were extracted in 90% acetone for 24 hours and analyzed at sea on a Turner 10AU fluorometer calibrated annually with commercially pure chlorophyll a (Sigma). Fluorescence readings taken before and after acidification were used to calculate chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations (Holm-Hansen 1965). Chlorophyll and Phaeo-Pigments precision was determined by analyzing replicate samples drawn from one Niskin. For details see file 2010-14_CHL_duplicates.pdf. Phaeopigment data are provided for information only and no quality flags are assigned to them. Oxygen samples were analyzed at sea using an automated Winkler titration system with modifications based on Carpenter (1965) and adhering to WOCE protocols (Culberson 1991). The titration system consists of a Brinkmann 665 Dosimat, a UV light source and a UV detector with a 365nm filter custom built by Scripps Institution of Oceanography. For details see file 2010-14_OXY_duplicates.pdf Salinity samples were collected in glass bottles and analyzed at IOS on a Guildline model 8400B Autosal standardized with IAPSO standard seawater. For information on duplicates see file 2010-14_SAL_duplicates.pdf. Nutrient samples were collected in plastic tubes. Most samples were analyzed frozen at IOS using an Astoria autoanalyzer following methods described in Barwell-Clarke and Whitney (1996). Deep silicate samples (400 dbar and below) were analyzed cool at IOS. For details on nutrient duplicates see file 2010-14_NUT_duplicates.pdf. For precision statement 2010-14_NUT_precision.pdf The minimum detectable level for DMS is 0.10 nM, so “0” values should be interpreted as <0.10. For details on the collection and analysis of the DMS data see file 2010-14_DMS_Report.pdf. For details on duplicates see 2010-14_DMS_duplicates.pdf References: 1. Holm-Hansen, O., C. J. Lorenzen, R.W. Holmes and J.D.H. Strickland. 1965. Fluorometric Determination of Chlorophyll. J.du Cons. Intl. Pour l’Epl. De la Mer. 30:3-15. 2. Carpenter, J.H. 1965. The Chesapeake Bay Institute Technique for the Winkler Dissolved Oxygen Method. Limmnol. & Oceanogr., 10: 141-143. 3. Culberson, C. H., and R. T. Williams. 1991. A comparison of methods for the determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater. Report No. WHPO 91-2. WOCE Hydrographic Programme Office. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass. 4. Barwell-Clarke, J. and F. Whitney. 1996. Institute of Ocean Sciences Nutrient Methods and Analysis. Canadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences, No. 182, 43 pp. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluorescence, Transmissivity and PAR data are nominal and unedited except that some records were removed in editing temperature and salinity. *********************************************************************** In June 2011 it was discovered that the wrong information was used for conversion of the SBE Dissolved Oxygen sensor data for CTD #0443. Sensor #1483 was actually used for this cruise. The SBE Dissolved Oxygen channel was reprocessed. A new recalibration scheme was found by rerunning the bottle comparison. The files were then merged with all the other channels from the original processing. The hysteresis noted in the original processing remains, and the quality of the data is still considered of lower quality than usual. Note that the correct calibration information for the Oxygen:Dissolved sensor can be found at the end of the processing report, along with detail about how the reprocessing was done. For details see the processing report 2010-14-proc.pdf. --------------------------------------------------------------------- $REMARKS Data quality is expressed with the following flags ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 = Sample for this measurement was drawn from water bottle but not analyzed (not normally used). 2 = Acceptable measurement (not normally used). 3 = Questionable measurement (no problem observed in sampling or analysis, but value is not trusted, nonetheless; includes outlyers). 4 = Bad measurement (known problem with sampling or analysis, but not serious enough to completely discard the value). 5 = Not reported (lost sample; unredeemably bad measurement). 6 = Mean of replicate measurements. 7 = Manual chromatographic peak measurement. 8 = Irregular digital chromatographic peak integration. 9 = Sample not drawn for this measurement from this bottle (not normally used). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $END !-1- ---2---- --3--- -4-- ----5----- --6-- ---7--- ---8--- ----9----- --10- ---11--- ---12--- ---13--- --14- --15-- --16- --17-- --18-- ---19--- 20 --21-- 22 --23- 24 --25-- 26 --27- 28 --29-- 30 --31-- --32-- 33 !Eve Station Sample Samp Date Time: LATITUD LONGITU INS: Press Temperat Salinity Sigma-t: Trans Oxygen Oxyge Fluore PAR: Salinity Fl Oxygen Fl Nitra Fl Phosph Fl Silic Fl Chloro Fl Phaeo- Dimeth Fl !nt_ _ le_ UTC E DE LOCATION ure: ure:CTD :CTD CTD missi :Disso n:Dis scence CTD :Bottle ag :Disso ag te_pl ag ate: ag ate: ag phyll: ag Pigmen yl_ ag !Num Method Numb CTD vity: lved: solve :CTD ~o lved:B ~o ~Nitr ~o Bottle ~o Bottl ~o Extrac ~o t:Extr Sulphi ~o !ber er CTD CTD: d:CTD tt ottle: lu ite:B tt tt e tt ted: tt acted: de: tt ! Volume :Mass le Volume me ottle le le le Bottle le Bottle Bottle le !--- -------- ------ ---- ---------- ----- ------- ------- ---------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ -------- -- ------ -- ----- -- ------ -- ----- -- ------ -- ------ ------ -- *END OF HEADER 1 SI03 ROS 11 2010/08/19 00:49 48.59 -123.50 Mid-ship 5.8 15.8518 28.5651 20.8630 11.9 8.62 377.1 18.12 3.0 28.5666 8.16 1.2 1.08 27.9 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99 JF1 UWS -99 2010/08/19 06:24 48.26 -123.49 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 30.8095 -99.00 21.7 1.90 41.0 1.41 0.34 -99.00 -99 JF2 UWS -99 2010/08/19 08:26 48.30 -124.01 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 31.4673 -99.00 24.2 2.02 42.1 0.92 0.25 -99.00 -99 JF3 UWS -99 2010/08/19 10:36 48.45 -124.50 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 31.9368 -99.00 24.8 2.04 41.8 0.71 0.20 -99.00 -99 JF4 UWS -99 2010/08/19 12:48 48.54 -125.00 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 32.4195 -99.00 20.2 1.79 34.5 1.97 0.57 -99.00 2 P1 ROS 13 2010/08/19 15:14 48.57 -125.50 Mid-ship 6.1 9.6749 32.6026 25.1599 42.2 4.74 206.2 1.49 131.1 32.5412 -99.00 21.5 1.73 37.5 2.75 0.84 -99.00 3 P2 ROS 27 2010/08/19 19:01 48.60 -126.00 Mid-ship 6.2 11.1672 32.1176 24.5284 25.0 6.78 295.7 2.42 104.4 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 7.70 6 1.67 -99.00 3 P2 ROS 23 2010/08/19 19:01 48.60 -126.00 Mid-ship 6.2 11.1736 32.1171 24.5269 24.9 6.78 295.2 2.46 98.5 -99.0000 -99.00 12.5 1.12 29.7 7.43 1.92 10.89 5 P2 ROS 37 2010/08/19 20:49 48.60 -126.00 Mid-ship 6.4 11.2267 32.1042 24.5074 23.4 6.85 298.6 4.09 34.3 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 5 P2 ROS 36 2010/08/19 20:49 48.60 -126.00 Mid-ship 6.4 11.2218 32.1062 24.5098 24.0 6.87 299.3 4.11 33.9 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 5 P2 ROS 35 2010/08/19 20:49 48.60 -126.00 Mid-ship 6.3 11.2649 32.1009 24.4980 23.7 6.89 300.0 3.91 38.9 32.1213 6.92 12.4 1.13 30.3 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 6 P3 ROS 39 2010/08/20 03:29 48.62 -126.33 Mid-ship 6.5 11.5513 32.4435 24.7128 22.1 6.95 302.7 5.64 0.0 32.4445 -99.00 5.6 0.84 16.9 -99.00 1 -99.00 -99.00 12 P4 ROS 74 2010/08/20 15:44 48.65 -126.67 Mid-ship 6.4 11.9339 32.0716 24.3540 32.1 6.29 274.3 1.64 -99.0 32.3071 4 6.29 5.2 0.74 13.5 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99 P4 UWS -99 2010/08/20 15:44 48.65 -126.67 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.0000 6.28 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 13 P4 ROS 98 2010/08/20 18:13 48.65 -126.67 Mid-ship 6.2 12.1357 32.0527 24.3018 30.4 6.36 277.4 1.18 354.5 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 15 P4 ROS 116 2010/08/20 20:13 48.65 -126.67 Mid-ship 6.0 12.3127 32.0571 24.2720 29.0 6.42 279.7 1.22 66.3 32.2319 4 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 15 P4 ROS 115 2010/08/20 20:13 48.65 -126.67 Mid-ship 5.9 12.3133 32.0569 24.2718 29.0 6.41 279.6 1.22 73.2 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 2.39 6 0.77 -99.00 15 P4 ROS 111 2010/08/20 20:13 48.65 -126.67 Mid-ship 6.0 12.3223 32.0559 24.2693 28.9 6.42 279.9 1.18 65.7 -99.0000 -99.00 5.1 0.73 13.8 2.53 0.64 3.95 16 P5 ROS 118 2010/08/20 23:17 48.69 -127.17 Mid-ship 5.8 11.0054 32.4691 24.8304 19.9 6.63 288.9 7.60 -99.0 32.4605 -99.00 8.9 1.04 23.2 8.51 6 1.87 -99.00 17 P6 ROS 120 2010/08/21 04:22 48.74 -127.67 Mid-ship 5.6 14.5173 31.8953 23.7082 40.1 6.14 267.8 2.02 -99.0 31.8981 -99.00 0.2 0.44 3.8 1.24 6 0.45 -99.00 20 P7 ROS 122 2010/08/21 06:56 48.81 -128.17 Mid-ship 6.0 14.6368 31.8470 23.6458 38.1 6.13 267.4 1.84 -99.0 31.8481 -99.00 0.1 0.45 4.0 1.05 6 0.40 -99.00 22 P8 ROS 145 2010/08/21 14:02 48.82 -128.66 Mid-ship 6.4 15.0219 31.9745 23.6622 45.4 5.93 258.8 0.84 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 0.53 6 0.22 -99.00 22 P8 ROS 142 2010/08/21 14:02 48.82 -128.66 Mid-ship 6.4 15.0209 31.9738 23.6619 45.3 5.93 258.8 0.82 -99.0 31.9773 5.94 0.3 0.38 3.3 0.51 0.21 -99.00 23 P9 ROS 148 2010/08/21 18:56 48.86 -129.17 Mid-ship 5.3 15.2764 32.0239 23.6454 47.9 5.91 257.8 0.39 -99.0 32.0250 -99.00 0.2 0.37 3.1 0.36 6 0.11 -99.00 26 P10 ROS 150 2010/08/21 22:28 48.89 -129.67 Mid-ship 6.3 15.0914 31.7731 23.4923 43.0 6.00 261.5 0.70 -99.0 31.7767 -99.00 0.3 0.37 4.6 0.60 6 0.20 -99.00 27 P11 ROS 152 2010/08/22 02:05 48.93 -130.17 Mid-ship 6.6 15.3272 31.8170 23.4752 42.9 5.93 258.5 0.76 -99.0 31.8210 -99.00 0.4 0.35 3.3 0.49 6 0.17 -99.00 36 P12 ROS 209 2010/08/22 17:04 48.97 -130.67 Mid-ship 5.8 15.0000 31.6654 23.4289 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 0.46 466.6 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 38 P12 ROS 229 2010/08/22 19:10 48.97 -130.67 Mid-ship 5.4 15.0272 31.6682 23.4253 46.1 -99.00 -99.0 0.49 213.0 31.6708 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 38 P12 ROS 228 2010/08/22 19:10 48.97 -130.67 Mid-ship 5.3 15.0271 31.6683 23.4254 46.0 -99.00 -99.0 0.48 217.2 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 0.53 6 0.18 -99.00 38 P12 ROS 224 2010/08/22 19:10 48.97 -130.67 Mid-ship 5.4 15.0273 31.6683 23.4253 46.1 -99.00 -99.0 0.48 205.8 -99.0000 -99.00 0.0 0.37 5.5 0.54 0.19 4.23 40 P12 ROS 187 2010/08/22 20:25 48.97 -130.67 Mid-ship 5.3 15.2803 31.6873 23.3855 46.1 -99.00 -99.0 0.54 -99.0 31.6683 6.06 0.0 0.36 5.4 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 42 P13 ROS 231 2010/08/23 04:19 49.04 -131.67 Mid-ship 5.7 15.3344 31.8264 23.4808 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 31.8277 -99.00 0.3 0.39 3.3 0.34 6 0.11 -99.00 45 P15 ROS 233 2010/08/23 16:31 49.20 -133.67 Mid-ship 6.4 15.3227 32.4333 23.9504 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 32.4342 -99.00 0.3 0.42 1.4 0.25 6 0.06 -99.00 48 P16 ROS 252 2010/08/23 21:39 49.28 -134.67 Mid-ship 5.5 15.1140 32.4776 24.0298 50.0 5.91 257.8 0.63 219.2 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 48 P16 ROS 251 2010/08/23 21:39 49.28 -134.67 Mid-ship 5.6 15.1183 32.4775 24.0288 50.1 5.91 257.6 0.60 220.0 32.4782 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 48 P16 ROS 250 2010/08/23 21:39 49.28 -134.67 Mid-ship 5.5 15.1210 32.4774 24.0281 50.1 5.91 257.6 0.59 235.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 0.36 6 0.10 -99.00 48 P16 ROS 246 2010/08/23 21:39 49.28 -134.67 Mid-ship 5.4 15.1267 32.4773 24.0268 50.1 5.92 258.2 0.52 243.1 -99.0000 -99.00 2.2 0.55 5.0 0.39 0.11 18.30 52 P16 ROS 274 2010/08/24 00:01 49.29 -134.67 Mid-ship 5.5 15.1434 32.4790 24.0245 49.8 5.90 257.3 1.56 112.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 55 P16 ROS 300 2010/08/24 02:04 49.28 -134.67 Mid-ship 5.5 15.1584 32.4734 24.0170 50.0 5.87 256.1 2.23 1.1 32.4733 6.06 2.0 0.53 4.5 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 61 P17 ROS 316 2010/08/24 14:10 49.35 -135.67 Mid-ship 5.7 15.6283 32.5480 23.9715 52.1 5.57 242.7 1.73 -99.0 32.5496 -99.00 2.7 0.57 5.9 0.29 6 0.10 -99.00 63 P18 ROS 320 2010/08/24 19:52 49.43 -136.67 Mid-ship 5.3 15.6463 32.5363 23.9586 50.8 5.61 244.6 0.44 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 63 P18 ROS 319 2010/08/24 19:52 49.43 -136.67 Mid-ship 5.4 15.6427 32.5356 23.9588 50.7 5.62 244.9 0.46 -99.0 32.5414 -99.00 2.8 0.56 6.5 0.31 6 0.08 -99.00 65 P19 ROS 322 2010/08/25 02:03 49.50 -137.67 Mid-ship 5.8 15.6146 32.3055 23.7881 48.6 5.68 247.9 1.76 -99.0 32.3052 -99.00 0.7 0.43 1.7 0.37 6 0.09 -99.00 73 P20 ROS 360 2010/08/25 14:12 49.56 -138.67 Mid-ship 5.5 15.6122 32.4613 23.9084 50.1 5.72 249.4 1.26 -99.0 32.4625 5.94 2.3 0.55 3.7 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99 P20 UWS -99 2010/08/25 14:12 49.56 -138.67 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.0000 5.93 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 76 P20 ROS 402 2010/08/25 18:17 49.57 -138.67 Mid-ship 6.4 15.6388 32.4677 23.9075 49.7 5.61 244.6 1.93 87.8 32.4692 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 76 P20 ROS 401 2010/08/25 18:17 49.57 -138.67 Mid-ship 6.4 15.6386 32.4678 23.9076 49.7 5.62 244.9 1.98 86.8 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 0.36 6 0.12 -99.00 76 P20 ROS 397 2010/08/25 18:17 49.57 -138.67 Mid-ship 6.3 15.6382 32.4675 23.9074 49.7 5.62 245.1 1.89 86.0 -99.0000 -99.00 2.3 0.56 3.9 0.38 0.10 14.78 78 P20 ROS 382 2010/08/25 19:23 49.57 -138.66 Mid-ship 6.1 15.6987 32.4792 23.9031 49.3 5.62 245.0 0.75 140.2 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 79 PA-004 ROS 406 2010/08/26 18:04 50.05 -144.88 Mid-ship 6.0 13.5906 32.6225 24.4602 51.4 5.85 254.8 2.22 32.1 32.6232 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 80 PA-004 ROS 418 2010/08/26 19:05 50.05 -144.88 Mid-ship 5.9 13.5982 32.6170 24.4544 51.1 5.86 255.2 1.86 66.9 32.6207 -99.00 8.3 0.87 13.4 0.43 0.11 -99.00 84 P26 ROS 443 2010/08/26 22:12 50.00 -145.00 Mid-ship 5.8 13.5658 32.6062 24.4526 51.1 5.85 254.8 2.00 42.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 0.37 6 0.10 -99.00 84 P26 ROS 438 2010/08/26 22:12 50.00 -145.00 Mid-ship 5.7 13.5656 32.6069 24.4532 51.1 5.86 255.3 2.00 43.8 -99.0000 -99.00 8.2 0.86 13.4 0.40 0.10 14.23 86 P26 ROS 467 2010/08/26 23:30 50.00 -145.00 Mid-ship 6.3 13.5864 32.5966 24.4410 50.7 6.03 262.9 2.02 -99.0 32.5988 6.20 8.2 0.87 13.5 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99 P26 UWS -99 2010/08/26 23:30 50.00 -145.00 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0000 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.0000 6.27 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 93 P26 ROS 500 2010/08/27 10:26 50.00 -145.00 Mid-ship 5.4 13.5763 32.6028 24.4478 51.5 5.83 254.1 2.55 -99.0 32.6046 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 97 P26 ROS 509 2010/08/27 16:59 50.00 -145.00 Mid-ship 5.5 13.5340 32.5897 24.4462 51.0 5.82 253.8 1.84 -99.0 32.5946 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 98 DDC-T0 ROS 537 2010/08/27 19:05 50.00 -145.00 Mid-ship 6.2 13.5524 32.5895 24.4424 50.9 5.84 254.3 1.50 94.7 -99.0000 -99.00 8.9 0.90 14.3 0.42 6 0.12 13.26 6 98 DDC-T0 ROS 536 2010/08/27 19:05 50.00 -145.00 Mid-ship 6.4 13.5520 32.5902 24.4430 50.9 5.83 254.1 1.52 88.9 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 100 DDC-T2 ROS 539 2010/08/27 21:01 50.00 -144.99 Mid-ship 5.4 13.6076 32.5980 24.4378 50.9 5.84 254.5 1.10 131.4 -99.0000 -99.00 8.5 0.89 13.7 0.42 6 0.11 10.99 6 101 P26 ROS 531 2010/08/27 21:30 50.00 -144.99 Mid-ship 5.7 13.6103 32.5947 24.4347 50.7 5.84 254.3 1.12 115.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 102 DDC-T4 ROS 541 2010/08/27 23:02 50.00 -145.00 Mid-ship 5.4 13.6221 32.5954 24.4329 50.6 5.84 254.4 1.75 97.9 -99.0000 -99.00 8.2 0.87 13.3 0.42 6 0.11 10.36 6 103 DDC-T6 ROS 545 2010/08/28 01:05 50.01 -145.00 Mid-ship 5.3 13.6321 32.5955 24.4309 50.3 5.85 254.8 1.95 59.4 -99.0000 -99.00 8.4 0.88 13.7 0.40 6 0.11 10.06 6 103 DDC-T6 ROS 544 2010/08/28 01:05 50.01 -145.00 Mid-ship 5.0 13.6314 32.5954 24.4310 50.3 5.85 255.0 1.94 65.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 105 DDC-T8 ROS 547 2010/08/28 03:07 50.01 -144.99 Mid-ship 6.1 13.6278 32.5989 24.4344 50.3 5.86 255.4 2.35 12.4 -99.0000 -99.00 8.4 0.88 13.7 0.44 6 0.12 9.61 6 106 DDC-T10 ROS 549 2010/08/28 05:01 50.00 -144.99 Mid-ship 5.9 13.6249 32.5993 24.4353 50.4 5.86 255.2 2.50 0.3 -99.0000 -99.00 8.6 0.88 13.5 0.41 6 0.11 9.41 107 DDC-T12 ROS 553 2010/08/28 07:04 50.00 -144.99 Mid-ship 5.9 13.6415 32.6023 24.4343 50.6 5.85 255.0 2.69 0.2 -99.0000 -99.00 8.5 0.88 13.6 0.41 6 0.12 8.83 6 107 DDC-T12 ROS 552 2010/08/28 07:04 50.00 -144.99 Mid-ship 5.9 13.6386 32.6025 24.4350 50.6 5.84 254.6 2.71 0.2 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 108 DDC-T14 ROS 555 2010/08/28 08:59 50.00 -144.98 Mid-ship 5.8 13.6534 32.6046 24.4336 50.5 5.84 254.6 2.72 0.2 -99.0000 -99.00 8.1 0.90 13.0 0.41 6 0.11 9.80 6 110 DDC-T16 ROS 557 2010/08/28 11:14 50.00 -144.98 Mid-ship 5.4 13.6120 32.6009 24.4392 50.9 5.82 253.9 2.51 0.2 -99.0000 -99.00 8.5 0.92 13.6 0.39 6 0.10 9.50 6 111 DDC-T18 ROS 561 2010/08/28 12:55 50.00 -144.97 Mid-ship 5.8 13.6462 32.6070 24.4370 50.9 5.83 254.2 2.58 0.1 -99.0000 -99.00 7.3 0.84 11.7 0.37 6 0.12 9.67 6 111 DDC-T18 ROS 560 2010/08/28 12:55 50.00 -144.97 Mid-ship 5.9 13.6459 32.6073 24.4373 50.9 5.84 254.7 2.56 0.1 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 112 DDC-T20 ROS 563 2010/08/28 15:01 49.99 -144.97 Mid-ship 5.5 13.6054 32.6050 24.4437 51.2 5.84 254.3 2.35 7.8 -99.0000 -99.00 8.4 0.92 13.5 0.41 6 0.11 9.55 6 113 DDC-T22 ROS 565 2010/08/28 16:55 49.98 -144.98 Mid-ship 5.5 13.5831 32.6066 24.4494 51.0 5.86 255.4 2.21 23.6 -99.0000 -99.00 8.5 0.91 13.4 0.46 6 0.12 9.34 6 114 DDC-T24 ROS 569 2010/08/28 18:59 49.98 -144.99 Mid-ship 5.2 13.6718 32.6097 24.4339 50.4 5.85 255.1 1.20 95.6 -99.0000 -99.00 8.4 0.90 13.3 0.44 6 0.12 10.94 6 114 DDC-T24 ROS 568 2010/08/28 18:59 49.98 -144.99 Mid-ship 5.2 13.6709 32.6097 24.4340 50.3 5.87 255.7 1.19 97.1 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 115 DDC-T26 ROS 571 2010/08/28 21:01 49.99 -144.99 Mid-ship 5.6 13.6494 32.6064 24.4358 50.2 5.87 255.7 0.89 162.0 -99.0000 -99.00 8.3 0.90 13.2 0.46 6 0.11 9.73 116 DDC-T28 ROS 575 2010/08/28 22:58 50.01 -144.98 Mid-ship 5.7 13.7115 32.6072 24.4239 49.2 5.86 255.6 1.39 207.9 -99.0000 -99.00 8.1 0.90 13.0 0.44 6 0.10 8.55 6 116 DDC-T28 ROS 573 2010/08/28 22:58 50.01 -144.98 Mid-ship 5.7 13.7094 32.6076 24.4246 49.8 5.86 255.6 1.52 202.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 118 P35 ROS 615 2010/08/29 02:22 50.00 -144.30 Mid-ship 5.3 14.0937 32.5696 24.3165 51.3 5.78 251.8 1.84 -99.0 32.5745 -99.00 7.1 0.84 11.4 0.34 6 0.09 -99.00 119 P25 ROS 617 2010/08/29 06:47 50.00 -143.61 Mid-ship 6.1 14.0658 32.5255 24.2882 51.1 5.95 259.2 2.27 -99.0 32.5275 -99.00 7.1 0.83 10.9 0.37 6 0.10 -99.00 120 P24 ROS 619 2010/08/29 12:03 49.84 -142.67 Mid-ship 5.6 14.2833 32.5218 24.2402 52.7 5.87 256.0 1.92 -99.0 32.5230 -99.00 6.6 0.79 10.2 0.34 6 0.09 -99.00 121 P23 ROS 623 2010/08/29 18:18 49.77 -141.67 Mid-ship 5.5 14.6223 32.4432 24.1084 52.0 5.92 258.1 0.95 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 121 P23 ROS 622 2010/08/29 18:18 49.77 -141.67 Mid-ship 5.8 14.6222 32.4431 24.1084 52.0 5.92 258.2 0.98 -99.0 32.4457 -99.00 5.4 0.74 8.0 0.37 6 0.10 -99.00 123 P22 ROS 625 2010/08/29 23:24 49.70 -140.67 Mid-ship 5.3 14.6374 32.4729 24.1281 49.7 5.97 260.0 1.43 -99.0 32.4760 -99.00 5.0 0.71 8.0 0.47 6 0.12 -99.00 124 P21 ROS 627 2010/08/30 04:52 49.63 -139.67 Mid-ship 5.7 15.0660 32.4507 24.0195 47.3 5.91 257.4 2.63 -99.0 32.4540 -99.00 2.5 0.58 4.7 0.50 6 0.13 -99.00 124 P21 ROS -99 2010/08/30 04:52 49.63 -139.67 Mid-ship 5.5 15.0695 32.4520 24.0197 47.3 5.90 257.4 2.63 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 124 P21 ROS -99 2010/08/30 04:52 49.63 -139.67 Mid-ship 5.6 15.0691 32.4522 24.0199 47.3 5.91 257.5 2.63 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 124 P21 ROS -99 2010/08/30 04:52 49.63 -139.67 Mid-ship 5.7 15.0678 32.4503 24.0188 47.3 5.90 257.2 2.63 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 125 P15 ROS 629 2010/08/31 06:12 49.20 -133.67 Mid-ship 5.6 15.6245 32.4357 23.8860 52.8 5.53 241.3 1.68 -99.0 32.4378 -99.00 0.3 0.43 1.6 0.24 6 0.05 -99.00 126 P14 ROS 631 2010/08/31 11:45 49.12 -132.67 Mid-ship 5.4 15.5753 32.2013 23.7166 54.3 5.67 247.3 0.87 -99.0 32.2038 -99.00 0.1 0.40 2.2 0.19 36 0.05 -99.00 127 P13 ROS 633 2010/08/31 17:30 49.04 -131.67 Mid-ship 5.9 15.3717 32.0308 23.6300 52.4 5.69 248.2 0.77 -99.0 32.0324 -99.00 0.1 0.42 3.1 0.40 6 0.10 -99.00 128 P12 ROS 635 2010/08/31 23:00 48.97 -130.67 Mid-ship 5.8 15.2267 31.7423 23.4394 56.9 5.72 249.6 0.55 -99.0 31.7440 -99.00 0.0 0.41 4.7 0.21 6 0.07 -99.00 129 P2 ROS 636 2010/09/01 19:19 48.60 -126.00 Mid-ship 5.7 12.6036 31.5184 23.7996 10.9 7.86 342.6 38.66 -99.0 -99.0000 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.0 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00