Regional Oceans Plan - Scotian Shelf, Atlantic Coast, Bay of Fundy
Background and Program Description
Table of Contents
Annex 1: Integrated Oceans Management Program Documents
The following is a compilation of documents that have been developed by or in collaboration with DFO’s Integrated Oceans Management Program to help guide oceans and coastal management and marine conservation and planning initiatives in the Maritimes Region. When taken as a whole, they provide the background that has helped shape the current approach to the Plan. The documents listed below have been divided into several themes, each addressing different aspects of oceans and coastal management.
Collaboration and Engagement
A broad range of interests and activities, such as oil and gas development, fishing, aquaculture, shipping, tourism, pipelines and sub-sea cables, research, defence, and conservation, are present in Canada’s marine and coastal environment. The following documents highlight examples of collaboration and engagement processes that have been used to incorporate these interests into oceans and coastal management, as well as some of the tools and strategies used to help guide these processes.
- BLSmith Groupwork Inc. 2005. Conflict, collaboration and consensus in the Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) Initiative. Oceans and Coastal Management Report. 2005-05: 27 pp.
- Corporate Research Associates. 2006. Public Survey Southwest New Brunswick Marine Resource Planning: Final Report. Prepared for the Southwest New Brunswick Marine Resource Planning Initiative. 35 pp.
- DFO. 2001. Development of a collaborative management and planning process: a discussion paper for the Federal-Provincial ESSIM Working Group. Oceans and Coastal Management Division Report: 29 pp.
- DFO. 2001. Issues, challenges, and opportunities for the ESSIM Initiative: a discussion paper for the Federal-Provincial ESSIM Working Group. Oceans and Coastal Management Division: 34 pp.
- DFO. 2004. Consultation Toolbox: A Guide to Undertaking Consultations. DFO/2004-66.
- DFO. 2004. Proposed collaborative planning model: a discussion paper prepared for the ESSIM Forum. Oceans and Coastal Management Division Report. 2005-05: 22 pp.
- DFO. 2013. Integrated Oceans Management Engagement and Governance Module – Working Draft.
- MacLean, M., Breeze, H., and Doherty, P. 2009. Using fish harvesters’ local ecological knowledge (LEK) in support of identifying ecologically and biologically significant areas (EBSAs) on the offshore Eastern Scotian Shelf. Oceans and Habitat Report. 2009-01: 49 pp.
- Rutherford, R., Herbert, G., and Coffen-Smout, S. 2005. Integrated ocean management and the collaborative planning process: the Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) Initiative. Mar. Pol. 29: 75-83 pp.
The Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy bioregion is made up of a variety of ecosystems and habitats, and diversity of marine life. The following documents highlight some of the ecosystem features of the bioregion, as well as the ways in which ecological criteria and characteristics may be used to help guide oceans and coastal management.
- Arbour, J. and Kostylev V. (eds.). 2002. Maintenance of the diversity of ecosystem types: a framework for the conservation of benthic community of the Scotia-Fundy area of the Maritimes Region. Proceedings of a Benthic Habitat Classification Workshop Meeting of the Maritimes Regional Advisory Process. Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2002/023. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, NS. 94 pp.
- Breeze, H., Fenton, D., Rutherford. R., and Silva, M. 2002. The Scotian Shelf: an ecological overview for ocean planning. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2513: 259 pp.
- Breeze, H. 2004. Review of criteria for selecting ecologically significant areas of the Scotian Shelf and Slope: a discussion paper. Oceans and Coastal Management Division Report. 2004-04: 96 pp.
- den Heyer, C., Doherty, P., Bundy, A., and Zwanenburg, K. 2006. DFO/FSRS workshop on inshore ecosystems and significant areas of the Scotian Shelf. Can. Sci. Adv. Sec. Proc. 2006/002: 104 pp.
- Doherty, P., and Horsman, R. 2007. Ecologically and biologically significant areas of the Scotian Shelf and environs: compilation of scientific expert opinion. Can. Man. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2774: 57 pp.
- DFO. 2003. State of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Ecosystem. Can.Sci. Adv. Sec. Eco. Stat. Rep. 2003/04: 45 pp.
- DFO. 2006. Identification of Ecologically Significant Species and Community Properties. Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Rep. 2006/041: 24 pp.
- DFO. 2006. Proceedings of the Maritimes Regional Advisory Process: Evaluation of the Ecosystem Overview and Assessment Report for the Bras d’Or Lakes, Nova Scotia; 2-3 November 2005. Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Proc. 2006/007.
- DFO. 2009. Does eelgrass (Zostera marina) meet the criteria as ecologically significant species? DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Rep. 2009/018.
- Gromack, A.G., K. Allard, D. Fenton, S. Johnston, and J. Ford. 2010. Ecological and human use information for twenty areas on the Altantic Coast of Nova Scotia in support of conservation planning. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2880: xiv + 226 p.
- Hastings, K., M. King, and K. Allard. 2014. Ecologically and biologically significant areas in the Atlantic coastal region of Nova Scotia. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3107. 186pp.
- Horsman, T. and Shackell, N. 2009. Atlas of important habitat for key fish species of the Scotian Shelf, Canada. Can. Man. Rep. Fish, Aquat. Sci. 2835: 82 pp.
- Kennedy, E., L. Bennett, S. Campana, K. Clark, P. Comeau, M. Fowler, C. Gjerdrum, F. Grégoire, C. Hannah, L. Harris, et. al. 2011. The Marine Ecosystem of Georges Bank. Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2011/059: xiv + 232pp.
- Parker, M., M. Westhead, P. Doherty and J. Naug. 2207. Ecosystem Overview and Assessment Report for the Bras d’Or Lakes, Nova Scotia. Can. Man. Rep. Fish.Aquat. Sci. 2789: xxii+223 pp.
- Stewart, J. (Editor) Proceedings of the Nova Scotia Institute of Science. (Science of the Bras d’Or Lakes) Volume 42. 2002 ISSN 0078-2521.
- Worcester, T., and Parker, M. 2010. Ecosystem status and trends report for the Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf. Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2010/070: 59 pp.
- Zwaenenburg, K.C.T., Bundy, A., Strain, P., Bowen, W.D., Breeze, H., Campana, S.E., Hannah, C., Head, E., and Gordon, D. 2006. Implications of ecosystem dynamics for the integrated management of the Eastern Scotian Shelf. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2652: xiii + 91 pp.
The Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy bioregion supports a diverse array of marine activities, including commercial fishing, shipping, oil and gas, aquaculture, telecommunications, and research and defence. These activities are socio-economically important on a regional and national scale, and their success relies on effective management of the activities themselves, as well as the conservation and protection of the resources they rely upon. The following documents highlight the key socio-economic activities in the bioregion.
- Breeze, H. and Horsman, T. (eds). 2005. The Scotian Shelf: an atlas of human activities. Oceans and Coastal Management Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region, Darmouth, N.S. 113 pp.
- Coffen-Smout, S., Halliday, R.G., Herbert, G., Potter, T., and Witherspoon, N. 2001. Ocean activities and ecosystem issue on the Eastern Scotian Shelf: an assessment of current capabilities to address ecosystem objectives. Can. Sci. Adv. Sec. Res. Doc. 2001/095: 44 pp.
- Coffen-Smout, S., Shervill, D., Sam, D., Denton C., and Tremblay, J. 2013. Mapping inshore lobster landings and fishing effort on a Maritimes Region modified grid system. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aqua. Sci. 3024. 33 p.
- DFO. 2011. The Marine Environment and Fisheries of Georges Bank, Nova Scotia: Consideration of Potential Interactions Associated with Offshore Petroleum Activities. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2945: xxxv + 492 pp.
- Koropatnick, T., Johnston, S.K., Coffen-Smout, S., Macnab. P., and Szeto, A. Development and applications of vessel traffic maps based on long range identification and tracking (LRIT) data in Atlantic Canada. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aqua. Sci. 2966. 27 p.
- East Coast Aquatics. 2008. The Southwest New Brusnwick Marine Resources Planning Area: A Background Document. Prepared for the Southwest New Brunswick Marine Resources Planning Steering Committee. 109 pp.
- Gardner, M., MacAskill, G., and DeBow, C. 2009. Economic Impact of the Nova Scotia Ocean Sector 2002-2006. Prepared for Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Nova Scotia Government. 27 pp + appx.
- Gardner, M., and MacAskill, G. 2010. Economic impact of the New Brunswick ocean sector 2003-2008. Gardner-Pinfold Consulting Economists Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Walmsley, J. 2005. Human use objectives and indicators framework for integrated ocean management on the Scotian Shelf. Jacques Whitford Ltd. Dartmouth, NS. 40 pp.
Policy, Planning and Management
Policies, plans, strategies and measures are developed at both regional and natonal levels to support ocean use, management and conservation. The following documents provide a snapshot of some of the marine management approaches relevant to the Maritimes Region.
- Barrington, S. Developing a Strategic Action Plan for the Denys Basin Watershed, Nova Scotia. MES Thesis. Dalhousie University. 2005. 144 pp.
- Southwestern Bay of Fundy Marine Resources Planning Process Initiative: Phase 1 Final Report. 2005. Prepared by the Marine Resources Planning Process Committee. 21 pp.
- Southwest New Brunswick Marine Resources Planning. 2009. “The Preferred Future of the Bay” Recommendations Toward a Community Based Plan for the Management of Marine Activities and Space in Southwest New Brunswick Bay of Fundy. Phase II Report. Prepared by the Southwest New Brunswick Marine Resource Planning Steering Committee. 33 pp.
- Southwest New Brunswick Marine Resource Planning. 2011. Report on the Phase III of the Marine Resources Planning Initiative. Prepared by the Southwest New Brunswick Marine Resource Planning Steering Committee. 24 pp.
- Bras d’Or Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI). 2003. Proceedings of the 2003 Bras d’Or Lakes Workshop. Prepared by the Bras d’Or Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative. 71 pp.
- CEPI. 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 Bras d’Or Lakes Workshop. Prepared by the Bras d’Or Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative. 98 pp.
- CEPI. 2006. Toward a Bras d’Or Lakes and Watershed Environmental Management Plan. 26 pp.
- CEPI. 2006. Denys Basin Sub-Watershed Management Plan. Prepared for the Stewards of the River Denys Watershed Association. 34 pp.
- Chao, G., Herbert, S., Coffen-Smout, S., and Breeze, H. 2004. Review of federal, provincial, and international ocean regulatory and policy frameworks on the Scotian Shelf. Can.Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2513: 231 pp.
- Curran, K., Bundy, A., Craig, M., Hall, T., Lawton, P., and Quigley, S. 2012. Recommendations for science, management and an ecosystem approach in Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region. Can. Sci. Adv. Sec. Res. Doc. 2012/061:vii + 49 p.
- DFO. 2001. An international survey of integrated ocean and coastal planning initiatives. Oceans and Coastal Management Division Report: 23 pp.
- DFO. 2002. Canada’s Oceans Strategy: our oceans, our future. Oceans Directorate, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa, ON. 30 pp.
- DFO. 2002. Policy and operational framework for integrated management of estuarine, coastal and marine environments in Canada. Oceans Directorate, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa, ON. 36 pp.
- DFO. 2006. Coral conservation plan (Maritimes Region 2006-2010). Oceans and Coastal Management Division Report. 2006-01: 71 pp.
- DFO. 2007. Eastern Scotian Shelf integrated ocean management plan: strategic plan. Oceans and Habitat Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, NS. 68 pp.
- DFO. 2007. The Gully Marine Protected Area Management Plan. Oceans and Coastal Management Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, NS.
- DFO. 2008. Musquash Estuary: A Management Plan for the Marine Protected Area and Administered Intertidal Area. Oceans and Coastal Management Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, NS.
- DFO. 2011. An outline of the DFO Maritimes Region framework for an ecosystem approach to management. Report of the Ecosystem Approach to Management Working Group, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region. 13 pp.
- EastCoast Aquatics. 2001. River Denys Integrated Management Report. Prepared for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
- Environmental Design and Management Ltd. 2008. Bras d’Or Lakes Development Standards Final Report. Prepared for the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative. 97 pp.
- Government of Canada. 2005. Canada’s Federal Marine Protected Areas Strategy. Communications Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa, ON. 18 pp.
- Government of Canada. 2005. Canada’s Oceans Action Plan: for present and future generations. Communications Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa, ON. 20 pp.
- Gromack, A.G., Allard, K., Fenton, D., Johnston, S., and Ford, J. 2010. Ecological and Human Use Information for Twenty Areas on the Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia in Support of Conservation Planning. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aqua. Sci. 2880: xiv + 226 pp.
- Hall, T., MacLean, M., Coffen-Smout, S., and Herbert, G. 2011. Advancing objectives-based, integrated oceans management through marine spatial planning: current and future directions on the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia, Canada. J. Coast. Con. 15: 247-255.
- Koropatnick, T., and Macnab, P. In prep. A framework for assessing management effectiveness in Oceans Act MPAs (Maritimes Region). For submission to Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci.
- McCuaig, J., and Herbert, G. (Eds.). 2013. Review and Evaluation of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) Initiative. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3025: xii + 95pp.
- Naug, J. Developing an Environmental Management Plan for the Bras d’Or Lakes – An Analysis of its Scope and Approach for Addressing Issues. Masters of Urban and Rural Planning Thesis. Dalhousie University. 2007. 217 pp.
- Walmsley, D. 2006. Approaches to the evaluation and assessment of progress and performance of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) Initiative. Oceans and Coastal Management Report. 2006-03: 46 pp.
- Walmsley, D., and Arbour, J. 2005. Report to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. Application of the IOC handbook for measuring the progress and outcomes of integrated coastal and ocean management. The Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management Area: a Canadian test case. Oceans and Coastal Management Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Dartmouth, NS, 13 pp.
- Walmsley, J. 2005. Developing objectives and indicators for marine ecosystem-based management: international review of marine ecosystem-based management initiatives throughout the world. Oceans and Coastal Management Division Report. 2005-09: 63 pp.
For questions or inquiries, please contact:
Oceans and Coastal Management Division Ecosystem Management Branch
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Maritimes Region 1 Challenger Drive
PO Box 1006
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2
Telephone: (902) 426-9919
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