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Pacific region

To report suspicious fishing activity or habitat violations, please contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office, email us at, or call the 24-hour, toll-free "Observe, Record Report line" at  1-800-465-4336.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Acronyms of Legislations/Regulations
Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations
B.C. Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996
Canada Criminal Code
Canada Shipping Act
Fisheries Act
Fishery (General) Regulations
Management of Contaminated Fishery Regulations
Marine Mammal Regulations
Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations
Pacific Aquaculture Regulations
Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations, 2007
Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993
Species At Risk Act
Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations
Pacific region convictions under the Fisheries Act
Name Charge information (Date, location of the offence, sections and description) Species and fishery(ies) Fines, penalties, forfeitures, prohibitions or orders Dates of conviction
Robinson, Devin MacLean November 18, 2021, Ucluelet, B.C.
FA 63(1) false statements to Fishery Officer
Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program - Clams $3,000 Fine 2024-09-09
November 18, 2021, Ucluelet, B.C.
MCFR 3(2) fish or catch/retain prohibited species of fish
Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program - Clams $3,000 Fine 2024-09-09
Pacific Region Contravention Act Tickets Multiple Offences
Total of 979 charges
Multiple Species Total $444,010.00 2024-07-01 to 2024-09-30
West Coast Fishculture Ltd June 2, 2021 and September 27, 2022, Powell River, B.C.
PAR 7 engage in aquaculture without licence
Fresh water fin fish $350,000 Fine 2024-08-22
Allam, Rosemarie Dalum May 25, 2024, Union Bay, B.C.
BCSFR 36(2) catch and retain, in a day, more than 75 clams
Clams and Oysters $1,500 2024-08-22
May 25, 2024, Union Bay, B.C.
BCSFR 35(1) catch and retain in a day more fish of a species, from any subarea, than the daily quota allows
Clams and Oysters $1,500 2024-08-22
May 25, 2024, Union Bay, B.C.
FA 43.4(1) fail to compy with terms and conditions of lease/licence
Clams and Oysters $1,500 2024-08-22
Griffin, George Marcus Between July 28, 2023 and August 15, 2023, Port Hardy, B.C.
FA 78(a) did commit an offence of contrevening Act/regulations
Tuna Commercial $6,000 Fine 2024-07-15
River Road Films Ltd. August 13, 2021, Telegraph Cove, B.C.
MMR 7.2(1) operating at less than 304.8m within .5 NM of a marine mammal shall not perform a flight manoeuvre for the purpose of bringing the aircraft closer to the marine mammal
Orca $25,000 Fine 2024-07-02
Coldfish Seafood Company Inc Between July 28, 2023 and August 15, 2023, Port Hardy, B.C.
FA 33 unlawfully possess fish thereby commiting an offence contrary to section 78(a) of the Fisheries Act
Tuna Commercial $6,000 Fine 2024-06-20
Lam, Han Van September 10, 2021, Surrey, B.C.
FGR 65(1) Fish in waters under the authority of a licence
Crab Commercial $20,000 Fine 2024-06-10
Bayliff, Bryce David Between June 1, 2019 and September 3, 2019, Kleena Kleene, B.C.
FRPA 52(1) Cut/damage Crown timber without authorization
Habitat $10,000 Fine 2024-05-28
Between June 1, 2019 and September 3, 2019, Kleena Kleene, B.C.
FRPA 46(1.1) Unlawfully engage in any activity on crown land
Habitat $10,000 Fine 2024-05-28
Between June 1, 2019 and August 27, 2019, Kleena Kleene, B.C.
FFA 35(1) Harmful alteration of fish habitat
Habitat $60,000 Fine 2024-05-28
Belveal, Brent Nilo Between April 4, 2020 and April 5, 2020, Bella Bella, B.C.
FA 25(1) place or set gear or apparatus during close time
Halibut Commercial $33,596 Fine 2024-05-24
Lao, Ya Chung August 26, 2023, Deep Bay, B.C.
FA 62 Obstructing or hindering a fishery officer, guardian or inspector carrying out duties or functions
Oysters $4,000 Fine 2024-05-23
August 26, 2023, Deep Bay, B.C.
FA 33 Purchase, sell or posses illegally caught fish
Oysters $3,000 Fine 2024-05-23
Tu, Chun Shui August 26, 2023, Deep Bay, B.C.
BCSFR 18(1)(a) Fish without holding a licence
Oysters $500 Fine 2024-05-23
August 26, 2023, Deep Bay, B.C.
FA 33 Purchase, sell or posses illegally caught fish
Oysters $ 2,500 Fine 2024-05-23
Zhu, Yilai August 26, 2023, Deep Bay, B.C.
BCSFR 18(1)(a) Fish without holding a licence
Oysters $500 Fine 2024-05-23
August 26, 2023, Deep Bay, B.C.
FA 33 Purchase, sell or posses illegally caught fish
Oysters $3,000 Fine 2024-05-23
Qi, Xin April 29, 2022, Powell River, B.C.
BCSFR 35(1) Catch and retain over daily quota
Sea Cucumber $10,000 Fine 2024-05-15
April 29, 2022, Powell River, B.C.
BCSFR 38 Fishing using prohibited gear or method
Sea Cucumber $5,000 Fine 2024-05-15
April 29, 2022, Powell River, B.C.
FA 33 Purchase, sell or possess illegally caught fish
Sea Cucumber $5,000 Fine 2024-05-15
Tan, Zi Xuan April 29, 2022, Powell River, B.C.
BCSFR 13(1) Posses more than twice the daily quota of fish
Sea Cucumber $2,000 Fine 2024-05-15
April 29, 2022, Powell River, B.C.
FA 33 Purchase, sell or possess illegally caught fish
Sea Cucumber $2,000 Fine 2024-05-15
Chamberlin, Steve Kenton July 6, 2023, Comox, B.C.
BCSFR 49 Fishing with prohibited gear
Salmon Recreational $1,500 Fine 2024-04-30
July 6, 2023, Comox, B.C.
FGR 36(1)(a) Possess fish, species cannot be readily determined
Salmon Recreational $1,000 Fine 2024-04-30
July 6, 2023, Comox, B.C.
BCSFR 44 Catch and retain salmon above daily quota
Salmon Recreational $2,000 Fine 2024-04-30
July 6, 2023, Comox, B.C.
FGR 11 Fail to produce licence
Salmon Recreational $1,000 Fine 2024-04-30
July 6, 2023, Comox, B.C.
BCSFR 22 Failing to maintain catch records
Salmon Recreational $1,000 Fine 2024-04-30
Trites, Norman Bruce

June 20, 2023, Bamfield, B.C.

FA 25(1) place or set gear or apparatus during close time

Salmon $10,000 Fine 2024-04-17
Strandberg, Randy Caley October 13, 2022, Duncan, B.C.
FA 63(1) False statement to a fishery officer
Salmon Recreational $1,000 Fine 2024-04-17
October 13, 2022, Duncan, B.C.
BCSFR 43 Fish for a species of salmon during closed time
Salmon Recreational $3,000 Fine 2024-04-17
October 13, 2022, Duncan, B.C.
BCSFR 10(1)(c) Willfully foul hook any fish
Salmon Recreational $1,000 Fine 2024-04-17
Conocido, Vincente February 4, 2024, Prince Rupert, B.C.
SARA 32(2) illegally possess/buy/sell a threatened species
Abalone $10,000 Fine 2024-04-17
Harris, Brian Charles June 20, 023, Bamfield, B.C.
FA 25(1) Place or set gear or apparatus during closed time
Salmon Commercial $5,000 Fine 2024-04-10
Chen, Wei January 25, 2023, Victoria, B.C.
BCSFR 24(1) Fish for species during closed time thereby committing an offence contrary to section 78 of the Fisheries Act
Rockfish - Yellowtail 2 Year Probation Order
January 25, 2023, Victoria, B.C.
FA 62 Obstructing or hindering a fishery officer, guardian or inspector carrying out duties or functions
Rockfish - Yellowtail 2 Year Probation Order
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