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Work Plans for fiscal 2018-19

Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Work Plans Results for fiscal 2018-19 in Response to Recommendations 2.28, 2.63 and 2.65 in the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development’s (CESD) October 2016 Report 2 - Sustaining Canada's Major Fish Stocks - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

The following represents the results of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Work Plans for fiscal 2018-19 in Response to Recommendations 2.28, 2.63 and 2.65 in the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development’s (CESD) October 2016 Report 2 - Sustaining Canada’s Major Fish Stocks – Fisheries and Oceans Canada.


All deliverables in the three work plans were assigned a completion status as of March 31, 2019. One of three following completion statuses were assigned to each deliverable:

  1. Complete: A tangible deliverable is complete and available as a result.
  2. Met: The commitment or action as defined in the Description of Deliverables (2018-19) is complete without a tangible deliverable.
  3. Delayed: Deliverable not completed by deadline date as indicated in the Description of Deliverables (2018-19).
  4. N/A: The commitment or action as defined in the Description of Deliverables (2018-19) was not pursued for reasons including no longer being required.

A deliverable may be complete or met without being publically available unless otherwise stated in the Description of Deliverables (2018-19).

Work Plan 1: Precautionary Approach Reference Points and Harvest Control Rules

(A) Precautionary Approach Limit Reference Points (LRP) to be developed in fiscal year 2018-19
# Region Fish Stock Description of Deliverables (2018-19) Status of Deliverable
1 Newfoundland and Labrador 3Ps Witch Flounder Develop limit reference points by March 31, 2019. Complete
2 Newfoundland and Labrador 2J+3KL Witch Flounder Develop limit reference points by March 31, 2019. Complete
3 Central & Arctic Arctic Char – Jayko Lake and Halovik River Develop limit reference points by March 31, 2019. Complete 
4 Quebec Greenland Halibut - 4RST The limit reference point is established and an upper stock reference point is suggested by science. The latter will be set in FY 2018-19 following discussions with fisheries management and industry. Delayed
5 Maritimes Herring Development of upper stock reference in 2018-19. Delayed
(B) Other work scheduled in fiscal year 2018-19 to update and revise or begin to develop Limit Reference Points (LRP)
# Region Fish Stock Description of Deliverables (2018-19) Status of Deliverable
1 Newfoundland and Labrador Northern Shrimp (SFA 4-6) Ongoing evaluation and potential revision of LRPs in FY 2018-19. Met
2 Newfoundland and Labrador 3Ps Haddock Ongoing evaluation and potential development of LRPs in FY 2018-19. Complete
3 Newfoundland and Labrador 2J3KLPs Capelin Ongoing evaluation and potential development of LRPs in FY 2018-19. Met
4 Newfoundland and Labrador 2J 3KLNO 3Ps Snow Crab Ongoing evaluation and potential development of LRPs in FY 2018-19. Complete
5 Newfoundland and Labrador 3LNOPs Thorny Skate Ongoing evaluation and potential development of LRPs in FY 2018-19. Met
6 Newfoundland and Labrador 3LNOPs Monkfish Ongoing evaluation and potential development of LRPs in FY 2018-19. Met
7 Newfoundland and Labrador 3KLPs Lumpfish Ongoing evaluation and potential development of LRPs in FY 2018-19. Met
8 Newfoundland and Labrador 2+3KLMNO Greenland Halibut (turbot) Ongoing evaluation and potential development of LRPs in FY 2018-19.  Met
9 Pacific Green Sea Urchin Analysis of provisional limit reference points in FY 2018-19 for better alignment with the PA. Ongoing evaluation for fully PA compliant LRP possibly in 2020. Complete
10 Maritimes  Spiny Dogfish Update to limit reference points (for Atlantic Canada), if Science determines that a change needs to be made (LRP will be reviewed by Science in FY 2018-19). Complete
11 Maritimes Atlantic Cod (4X5Y) Update to limit reference points, if Science determines that a change needs to be made (LRP will be reviewed by Science in FY 2018-19). Complete
12 Maritimes Offshore Lobster Update on progress in developing the precautionary approach framework; update to reference points. Some minor updates and corrections.Footnote 1 Complete
13 Quebec Snow Crab Coastal (12A, 12B, 12C, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16A, 17) Preliminary work on the development of reference points will be re-examined and a new analysis of the dynamics of abundance cycles will be performed on units where biological information is more complete (i.e. Area 17). The analysis will be used to define the indicators used to determine reference points. The reference points will be determined in FY 2019-20.  Delayed
14 Gulf Scallop - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (SFA 21a, b, c, 22, 23, 24) FY 2018-19: Stock assessment schedule for May 2018. Present stock assessment and reference points to industry.  Stock assessment completed; Reference points delayed
(C) Work scheduled in fiscal year 2018-19 to develop or evaluate Precautionary Approach Harvest Control Rules (HCR)
# Region Fish Stock Description of Deliverables (2018-19) Status of Deliverable
1 Newfoundland and Labrador 2J3KL Atlantic Cod Continued evaluation of HCR.Footnote 1 Delayed
2 Newfoundland and Labrador 2+3KLMNO Greenland Halibut (turbot) Development of exceptional circumstances protocol (within NAFO) to monitor performance of recently adopted HCR. Complete
3 Gulf Lobster Southern Gulf LFA 23,24,25,26A,26B HCR to be implemented in FY 2018-19 pending approval.Footnote 1 Complete
4 Gulf Herring 4T (Fall Spawner) (Mobile Gear) FY 18-19: implement HCR compliant with precautionary approachFootnote 1 Met
5 Gulf Herring 4T (Fall Spawner) (Fixed Gear) FY 18-19: Meetings with working groups are planned to reconvene and to revisit HCR with stakeholders.Footnote 1 Met
6 Gulf Herring 4T (Spring Spawner) FY 18-19: Meetings are planned with stakeholders to develop HCR.Footnote 1 Met
7 Pacific Southern Inside Coho Salmon Management reference points will be evaluated and implemented by March 31, 2019.  Complete
8 Pacific Herring Development of upper stock reference points and evaluation of PA aligned HCR for West Coast of Vancouver Island and Strait of Georgia stocks in FY 2018-19.  Met

Work Plan 2: Fish Stock Rebuilding Plans

DFO has prioritized the development of rebuilding plans for 19 fish stocks.
# Region Fish Stock Expected Date of Completion (fiscal year) Description of Deliverables (2018-19) Status of Deliverable
1 Pacific Yelloweye Rockfish, inside/outside By end of 2017-18 Completed in 2017-18. Complete
2 Maritimes Atlantic Cod – 4X5Y By end of 2017-18 Completed in 2017-18. Complete
3 National Capital Region Redfish Unit I By end of 2018-19 Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) and rebuilding plan will be completed in 2018-19. N/A
4 National Capital Region Redfish Unit II By end of 2018-19 Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) and rebuilding plan will be completed in 2018-19. N/A
5 Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Cod -2J3KL By end of 2018-19 Continue to evaluate model and HCR to inform 2018 management decision. Rebuilding plan to be completed by end of 2018-19. Delayed
6 Maritimes Atlantic Cod – 5ZjM By end of 2018-19 Continue to work with U.S. and draft rebuilding plan by end of 2018-19.  Complete
7 Maritimes Yellowtail Flounder – 5Z By end of 2018-19 Current rebuilding measures are included in the overarching Groundfish IFMP, developed in FY 17-18. Refinement analysis ongoing. Complete
8 Gulf Cod, Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence - 4TVn By end of 2020-21 2018-19 Meetings with industry to discuss rebuilding objectives. Draft rebuilding plans will be prepared. Delayed
9 Gulf Herring 4T (Spring Spawner)  By end of 2020-21 2018-19 Meetings with industry to discuss rebuilding objectives. Draft rebuilding plans will be prepared. Met
10 Gulf Plaice (American), Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence - 4T By end of 2020-21 2018-19 Meetings with industry to discuss rebuilding objectives. Draft rebuilding plans will be prepared. Delayed
11 Gulf White Hake 4T By end of 2020-21 2018-19 Meetings with industry to discuss rebuilding objectives. Draft rebuilding plans will be prepared. Delayed
12 Gulf Winter Flounder 4T By end of 2020-21 2018-19 Meetings with industry to discuss rebuilding objectives. Draft rebuilding plans will be prepared. Delayed
13 National Capital Region Northern Shrimp – SFA 6 By end of 2017-18 Completed in 2017-18. Complete
14 National Capital Region Mackerel (Atlantic) NAFO 3-4 By end of 2019-20 Two meetings are planned with the working group to develop objectives and other components for testing within a management strategy evaluation model for mackerel. Met
15 Quebec Iceland Scallop - SFA 16ef, 18a By end of 2020-21 A scientific survey will be carried out in the management units. A choice of indicators to determine reference points will be made based on the analysis of available biological data and the precautionary approach developed for scallop of an adjacent management unit. Delayed
16 Quebec Northern Beluga (Nunavik) By end of 2020-21 Two meetings are planned with Aboriginal communities to discuss the development of the rebuilding plan. Met
17 Pacific WCVI Chinook By end of 2020-21 Hold workshops to determine issues and potential actions for Clayoquot chinook. Address knowledge gaps in outmigration and hatchery return information (field studies, data collection and reporting) Met
18 Pacific Herring Haida Gwaii (Pacific QCI) By end of 2020-21 Expected date of completion revised from 2018-19 to 2020-21. Draft rebuilding plan developed preliminary simulations to evaluate draft objectives to begin. Hold meetings with Haida to discuss results of simulations and refine objectives.  Met
19 Newfoundland and Labrador 3Ps Cod By end of 2020-21 Benchmark assessment process in advance of rebuilding plan development. HCR to inform 2020 management decision. Rebuilding plan to be completed by 2020-21. Met

Work Plan 3: Integrated Fisheries Management Plans (IFMPs)

(A) New Integrated Fisheries Management Plans (IFMP) to be completed in fiscal year 2018-19
# Region Fish Stock Description of Deliverables (2018-19) Status of Deliverable
1 Newfoundland and Labrador 2J+3KL Cod
2GH cod
3LNO Haddock
2+3K Redfish
2+3K and 3NLO American Plaice
3NLO Yellowtail
2+3KL Witch
2+3K Greenland Halibut (Turbot)
3LMNO Greenland Halibut (Turbot)
2+3KL Grenadier
3LNO Skates
2+3KL Winter Flounder
2GHL & 3KL Lumpfish
Groundfish 2+3KLMNO IFMP will be completed and posted by end of 2018-19.  Complete
2 Newfoundland and Labrador Recreational Salmon in NL Recreational Salmon IFMP will be completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
3 Newfoundland and Labrador 3Ps Sea Cucumber 3Ps Sea Cucumber IFMP will be completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
4 Newfoundland and Labrador Sea Urchin in NL Completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
5 Quebec Lobster – 19, 20 and 21 Lobster – 19, 20 and 21 IFMP be completed and posted by end of 2018-19.Footnote 2 Complete
6 Quebec Snow Crab Coastal areas 13 to 17, 12ABC and 16A Snow Crab Coastal areas 13 to 17, 12ABC and 16A IFMP will be completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
(B) Integrated Fisheries Management Plans (IFMP) to be updated in fiscal year 2018-19
# Region Fish Stock Description of Deliverables (2018-19) Status of Deliverable
1 Newfoundland and Labrador Snow crab in NL Region Updated and posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
2 Newfoundland and Labrador Scallop in NL Updated and posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
3 Gulf Lobster, Southern Gulf - LFA 23, 24, 25, 26A and 26B Gulf of St. Lawrence Lobster, Southern Gulf - LFA 23, 24, 25, 26A and 26B IFMP will be updated by end of 2018-19. Delayed
4 Central & Arctic Greenland Halibut NAFO Division 0A/0B Updated and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
5 Maritimes Offshore Clam Update to be completed by end of 2018-19.  Delayed
6 Maritimes  Spiny Dogfish Update to limit reference points (for Atlantic Canada), if Science determines that a change needs to be made (limit reference points will be reviewed by Science in 18/19). N/A
7 Maritimes Atlantic Cod (4X5Y) Update to limit reference points, if Science determines that a change needs to be made (limit reference points will be reviewed by Science in 18/19). N/A
8 Maritimes Inshore Lobster (LFAs 27-33) Update on progress in developing the precautionary approach framework; update to reference points. Some minor updates and corrections. Delayed
9 Quebec Greenland Halibut Updated and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
10 Quebec Herring 4S Updated and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
(C) Integrated Fisheries Management Plans (IFMPs) that will be made accessible via the DFO website in fiscal 2018-19
# Region Fish Stock Description of Deliverables (2018-19) Status of Deliverable
1 National Capital Region Northern Shrimp Posted online by end of 2018-19. Complete
2 Newfoundland and Labrador Lobster LFAs 3-14c Posted online by end of 2018-19. Complete
3 Newfoundland and Labrador Snow Crab in NL Updated and posted by end of 2018-19.  Delayed
4 Newfoundland and Labrador Scallop in NL Updated and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
5 Newfoundland and Labrador Groundfish 2+3KLMNO  Completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
6 Newfoundland and Labrador Recreational Salmon Completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
7 Newfoundland and Labrador 3Ps Sea Cucumber Completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
8 Newfoundland and Labrador Sea Urchin in NL Completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
9 Gulf Rock Crab - LFA 24,25, 26A and 26B Posted online by end of 2018-19. Delayed
10 Gulf Scallop - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (SFA 21a, b, c, 22, 23, 24) Posted online by end of 2018-19. Delayed
11 Gulf Atlantic Salmon Posted online by end of 2018-19. Delayed
12 Gulf Gulf of St. Lawrence Groundfish IFMP Posted online by end of 2018-19.Footnote 3 Delayed
13 Gulf Herring 4T - (Spring Spawner)

Herring 4T (Fall Spawner) (Fixed Gear)
Herring 4T (Fall Spawner) (Mobile Gear)

Posted online by end of 2018-19.Footnote 3 Delayed
14 Central & Arctic Greenland Halibut NAFO Division 0A/0B Updated and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
15 Central & Arctic North Slope Dolly Varden – Big Fish, Firth, Babbage, Vittrekwa Posted online by end of 2018-19.  Delayed
16 Central & Arctic  Narwhal – High Arctic and Northern Hudson Bay Completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
17 Quebec Lobster – 19, 20 and 21 Completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
18 Quebec Greenland Halibut Updated and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
19 Quebec Snow Crab Inshore (13 to 17, 12ABC, and 16A) Completed and posted by end of 2018-19. Delayed
20 Quebec Herring 4S Updated and posted by end of 2018-19.  Delayed

Additional Work

Additional work completed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada that was not captured as a 2018-19 deliverable in the Work Plan.
# Region Fish Stock Description of Deliverables (2018-19) Status of Deliverable
1 Maritimes American Eel (Adult) Develop Removal Reference by March 31, 2019. Complete
2 Maritimes American Eel (Elvers) Develop Removal Reference by March 31, 2019. Complete
3 Pacific Southern Inside Coho Salmon Undertake work to refine reference points based on new science information.  Met
4 Newfoundland and Labrador 2J+3KL Witch Flounder Initiate discussion in 2018-19 with industry on rebuilding plan development.  Met
5 Newfoundland and Labrador & Quebec Cod 4RS3PN Rebuilding plan ended on May 31, 2018. Review terms of reference in the fall of 2018. Met
6 Quebec Gulf Shrimp – SFA 8, 9, 10, 12 IFMP will be posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
7 Quebec Lobster LFA 22 IFMP will be posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
8 Maritimes Sea Scallop – Offshore SFA 26, German, Browns
Sea Scallop – Offshore SFA 27, Georges
IFMP will be posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
9 Maritimes Inshore Lobster (LFAs 27-33) IFMP will be posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
10 Maritimes Atlantic Canada Dogfish - 4VWNX -5
Atlantic Cod - 4X5Y
Atlantic Cod - 5Zjm
Atlantic Halibut - 3NOPs4VWX+5
Haddock - 4X5Y
Haddock - 5Zjm
Pollock - 4X5 (Western component)
Redfish Unit 3
Silver Hake - 4VWX
Yellowtail Flounder - 5Z
IFMP will be posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
11 Maritimes Elvers IFMP will be posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
12 National Capital Region Bluefin Tuna – Western Atlantic IFMP will be posted by end of 2018-19. Complete
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