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2007 Survey of the Recreational Cod Fishery of Newfoundland and Labrador

Sex Profile

Males made up less than 49% of the population of NL (Table 5). About 11% of all cod anglers were < 16. In all residence areas except two, male and female anglers had lower representation than at the provincial level. For the two residence areas where this was not the case, Central-NE Coast and Bonavista-Trinity, the representation of male and female anglers was considerably higher than at the provincial level.

Table 5 : Angler numbers and their representation in the population, by residence area.
Residence area Males Females
Population Anglers % Population Anglers %
Avalon Peninsula 120,229 19,244 16 129,395 11,397 8.8
Burin-South Coast 19,772 3,632 18.4 20,403 1,748 8.6
West NL- N. Peninsula 39,126 4,751 12.1 41,313 1,944 4.7
Central-NE Coast 36,920 10,328 28 38,586 6,230 16.1
Bonavista-Trinity 17,480 7,525 43 18,193 4,225 23.2
Labrador 12,208 1,472 12.1 11,844 929 7.8
Total 245,735 46,952 19.1 259,735 26,473 10.2
% 48.6 - - 51.4 - -

Of all anglers who fished for cod in 2007 almost 64% were male (Table 6). The highest representation of male anglers compared to female anglers was in the West NL-N. Peninsula residence area of the province. Other than in this residence area, the proportions of male and female anglers in the other residence areas were closer to the provincial levels.

Table 6 : Number of anglers fishing for cod, by age category and sex, by residence area.
Residence area Males Females All anglers
< 16 16+ Total < 16 16+ Total
Avalon Peninsula 2,028 17,216 19,244 1,419 9,977 11,397 30,641
Burin-South Coast 255 3,377 3,632 176 1,571 1,748 5,380
West NL- N. Peninsula 538 4,213 4,751 201 1,743 1,944 6,695
Central-NE Coast 1,234 9,093 10,328 708 5,523 6,230 16,558
Bonavista-Trinity 740 6,785 7,525 412 3,814 4,225 11,750
Labrador 193 1,280 1,472 78 851 929 2,401
Total 4,988 41,964 46,952 2,994 23,479 26,473 73,425
% 10.6 89.4 63.9 11.3 88.7 36.1 -

As noted above, the greatest number of anglers who fished for cod in 2007 in NL, fished in NAFO sub-division 3L.  This behaviour was consistent among all four age-sex groups of anglers. The lowest number of participants in 2007 was in NAFO sub-division 3Pn, the smallest in area of all sub-divisions in NL (Table 7). And despite the vast area covered by NAFO sub-division 2J, as would be expected due its remoteness and the low population in areas adjacent to the sub-division, the number of participants was just marginally higher than in sub-division 3Pn.

Table 7 : Number of anglers fishing for cod, by age category and sex, by NAFO sub-division of activity.
NAFO Sub-Division Males Females All anglers
< 16 16 + Total < 16 16 + Total
2J 83 646 728 26 400 426 1,155
3K 1,336 10,078 11,414 816 6,418 7,234 18,648
3L 2,862 22,730 25,592 1,676 13,281 14,957 40,549
3Pn 69 703 773 17 261 278 1,051
3Ps 327 4,343 4,670 273 1,546 1,819 6,489
4R 310 3,464 3,775 186 1,573 1,759 5,533
Total 4,988 41,964 46,952 2,994 23,479 26,473 73,425


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