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Publications from scientists at Fisheries and Oceans Canada research institutions

The bibliography for staff publications is a citations database of science and research work published by staff affiliated with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The database contains documents published prior to March 2013.

Bibliography for all staff publications

Search the citation database to retrieve published scientific works written by Fisheries and Oceans Canada science staff from our 3 research institutes.

Bibliography for the St. Andrews Biological Station

Find citations and abstracts for technical reports and peer-reviewed publications by staff at the St. Andrews Biological Station. The documentation includes books and book chapters, articles and proceedings beginning in 1900.

Bibliography for the Bedford Institute

Find citations for:

  • books
  • reports
  • conference proceedings
  • papers published in scientific journals

These citations were authored by staff at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography from 1962 to 2010. The citation database was launched to commemorate 40 years of scientific research at the institute.

Bibliography for the Maurice Lamontagne Institute

Find papers published in:

  • bulletins
  • scientific reports
  • scientific journals
  • popular scientific articles
  • books and book chapters
  • published conference proceedings

Publications were authored by scientists at the Maurice Lamontagne Institute from 1986 to 2012.

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