2017-2018 Sea Cucumber (Scotian Shelf)

The 2017-18 Sea Cucumber fishery on the Scotian Shelf occurs along the Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia, in fishing areas that correspond to subdivisions 4Vs, 4W and 4X (referred to as Areas of Access in 4Vs) of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). The coordinates for each of the zones are provided in licence conditions.

Dates of season (subject to change)

The 2017-18 Scotian Shelf Sea Cucumber fishery operates from May 1st – March 31st.

Total Allowable Catches

Total Allowable Catches
Area 2017/18 Controls
4X Inshore Zones 1-5: Not yet determined for the 2017-18 season.
4W Midshore Zones A-C and E-J: Maximum of 45 days, or 800 t
Zone D: Closed
4W Offshore Zones 1-2: Maximum of 50 days fishing, or 880 t

4Vs Offshore

Areas 1-5 & 7: Maximum of 45 days, or 800 t
Areas 6 & 8: Closed

For Area 4Vs and the two 4W Areas, the TACs established are stable from the 2016-17 fishing season.

Management Measures

For more information, please contact your regional DFO office:

(902) 407-8153 / DFO.MAR-FM-GP.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Single or Multi-year Planning

The information provided is applicable to the 2017 fishery only.

Links to other information

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