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Research Document - 2010/020

An assessment framework and review of Newfoundland east and south coast herring stocks to the spring of 2009

By J. P. Wheeler, B. Squires, and P. Williams


Newfoundland east and south coast herring stocks have been assessed biannually since 2002. This document describes a special assessment conducted in the fall of 2009. The purpose of the assessment was two-fold: 1)  to review the current state of scientific knowledge of the population dynamics of these herring stocks and to develop an assessment framework for the five-year period from 2010 to 2014; and 2)  to assess the stocks to the spring of 2009. Each of the following components were reviewed and recommendations were made: stock structure, commercial catch data, commercial sampling protocols, aging protocols, growth and maturation, indices of abundance, models to assess stock status, precautionary approach, and ecosystem approach to fisheries. Performance reports were used to describe current stock status and short term prospects. For White Bay Notre Dame Bay, stock status improved from 2002 to 2005 and has remained stable since then. For Bonavista Bay – Trinity Bay, stock status improved from 2002 to 2007 but deteriorated in 2008 and again in 2009. For St. Mary’s Bay – Placentia Bay, stock status deteriorated from 2001 to 2004, and has remained stable since 2005. For Fortune Bay, stock status deteriorated from 2001 to 2006, and has remained stable since then.

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