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Research Document - 2009/102

Time of spawning in Subdivision 3Ps cod (Gadus morhua)

By M.J. Morgan and R.M. Rideout


This study examined data from the DFO ecosystem survey of Subdiv. 3Ps to determine if there has been a change in spawning time that might make the fisheries management closure for spawning unsuitable. Data from 1972 to 2009 were analysed for the offshore and inshore strata of the survey separately. In addition the proportion of female fish in various maturity stages in April was calculated for inshore and offshore strata separately. The data do not show any trends that would indicate a shift in spawning time. The current spawning closure in the offshore appears to encompass most of the spawning period.  Spawning time could not be estimated from the inshore but previous studies have found spawning fish from March to August.

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