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Research Document - 2003/056

Tagging Studies on Eastern Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder

By Stone, H.H., and Nelson, C.


A joint DFO Science/Industry tagging project was initiated in 1999 to obtain up-to-date information on transboundary migration patterns, seasonal geographic distribution, stock structure and growth rates of eastern Georges Bank yellowtail flounder. In 1999, 2,155 yellowtail were tagged and released in Canadian waters in the “Yellowtail Hole” on southeastern Georges Bank. In 2002 and 2003, 452 and 364 tagged fish were released in US waters within Closed Area II near the Canada/USA International Boundary Line. Of 108 recaptures with location information from the Yellowtail Hole releases in 1999, nearly all (106) were caught in the Yellowtail Hole over a four year period from 2000-2003. One moved to the northeast peak of the Bank, and one moved to the northern edge of the Bank in US waters. Nineteen yellowtail flounder recaptures were reported from the Closed Area II releases in 2002 and 2003. All were from Canadian yellowtail directed trips in the Yellowtail Hole area during the 2002/2003 commercial fishery. Results from these studies support findings from earlier tagging experiments, and indicate that yellowtail flounder on eastern Georges Bank undertake limited movements with a possible seasonal component. They also undertake transboundary movements to the east and west across the international boundary, confirming that the current 5Zhjmn management unit recognized by both Canada and the USA is appropriate for this stock.

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