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Research Document - 2002/105

Assessment of cod in Division 4X in 2002

By D.S. Clark, S. Gavaris and J.M. Hinze


Landings for 4X cod have been restricted by total allowable catch to 6,000t for the 2000 -2002 fishing years to promote increase in population biomass. Recruitment to the fishery has improved starting with the 1998 yearclass, and growth rate and condition remain at or above average, providing good opportunity for biomass increase. The extent of biomass growth, however, has been less than anticipated due to higher than expected mortality. The high mortality does not appear to indicate increased natural mortality, but is consistent with anecdotal reports of discarding and unreported landings. Spawning stock biomass (age 3+) has improved as the 1998 and later yearclasses have recruited, and at current mortality levels should continue to improve in the next 2 years due to improved recruitment. Longer-term biomass increase and improvements in age structure for this stock are dependent on reductions in mortality rate.

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