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Research Document - 2002/079

A brief history of scallop fishing in Scallop Fishing Area 29 and an evaluation of a fishery in 2002

By S.J. Smith and M.J. Lundy


Scallop Fishing Area (SFA 29) in the context of this report encompasses the area south of latitude 43° 40´ N continuing east from Scallop Production Area 3 (Brier Island and Lurcher Shoal area) to longitude 65°´ 30 W. Scallop fishing in this general area has been allowed in a limited manner for the Full Bay Fleet only in recent years. In 2001, the Full Bay Fleet was granted expanded access within this area, landing 400 t (meats). Other licence holders in the area have requested access to the area in 2002. Discussions prior to the opening of the fishery in 2002 raised questions about previous scientific advice to close some of this area to protect scallop broodstock and the current status of the scallop stock. Previous work on broodstock areas was reviewed here and data from the 2001 fishery was evaluated to determine stock status. Resource Allocation has recommended a TAC of 800 t for the 2002 season. This catch level was estimated to result in a fishing mortality that does not exceed those for the other scallop stocks in the Bay of Fundy or Georges Bank.

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