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Research Document - 2000/112

Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stock status summary for 1999, and methods to address possible causes for continuing low abundance and survival.

By J.B. Dempson and D.G. Reddin


The status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stocks of Newfoundland and Labrador was determined using information on annual returns to rivers and spawning escapements relative to conservation requirements, abundance of smolts, and trends in marine survival. Overall, of 22 rivers in insular Newfoundland assessed relative to conservation requirements, 14 stocks met or exceeded their requirements, one river was at 65% of conservation, while 7 rivers were at 50% or less than their spawning requirements. Of the latter rivers, three were located in Bay St. George (SFA 13), while three others were enhanced stocks that have been, or are undergoing colonization programs. Some salmon populations continue to remain at low levels of abundance, while others that have experienced increased spawning escapements, have shown no enhanced adult production resulting from this increase in the number of spawners. Marine survival remains low. Limited information from Labrador indicated that while salmon runs were generally low overall, numbers increased over previous years as evidenced by returns to two counting facilities. Factors potentially contributing to low abundance of some stocks and overall poor marine survival are identified along with suggestions as to how some of the factors could be further investigated.

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