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Research Document 1997/120

Plankton and nekton of the northeast Newfoundland Shelf and Grand Banks in 1996 compared to 1994 and 1995

By E.L. Dalley and J.T. Anderson


A comprehensive broad-scale survey of temperature, plankton, and nekton of the marine pelagic environment was carried during late summer 1996 including inshore and offshore areas from southern Labrador to the southern Grand Banks. Conditions are compared among smaller subareas and with similar surveys carried out in 1994 and 1995. Area and/or year accounted for significant variation in 21 of the 22 variables examined. Area differences were generally associated with latitudinal or inshore/offshore clines. Surface and 50m temperatures in 1996 were intermediate between those of the two previous years. The mean total zooplankton dry weight biomass in 1996 was similar to that of 1995, both years being significantly higher than 1994. Total nekton was dominated by capelin and Arctic cod. Mean total nekton biomass significantly lower than the previous two years. Mean abundance of Arctic cod and capelin was similar in 1996 to 1995, both years being significantly lower than 1994. The abundance of pelagic 0-group Atlantic cod decreased significantly each of the past two years. Significantly higher abundances of white hake, sculpins and seasnails were taken in 1996 than the previous 2 years. Daynight differences accounted for significant variation in over 1/2 the biological variables examined. Longer time series will help clarify whether these changes represent natural year to year variability or if they represent longer term trends.

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