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Research Document 1997/106

Status of witch flounder in Division 4VWX in 1997

By J. McRuer, R.G. Halliday, R.M. Branton, M.A. Showell, R. Mohn


Research vessel surveys show that witch flounder in Div. 4VWX declined in abundance from the mid 1980s to the early 1990s but improved strength of year classes spawned since about 1990 has resulted in an increase in total population estimates in the last few years. This increase in abundance should be reflected in higher abundance of fishable sizes in the next year or two, but the extent to which this might improve fishing success in presently exploited areas is not known. The split in management units between Div. 4VW and Div. 4X is supported by witch distributional data, but associations with witch in adjacent Divisions to the north and south of Div. 4VWX need to examined. Managerial control of exploitation level would be enhanced if witch were managed separately from the other small flatfish species.

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