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Research Document 1997/49

Scallop stock status for 1996 - eastern Scotian Shelf and German Bank

By G. Robert, M. Butler


Scallop beds on the Scotian Shelf offer an alternative to Georges Bank for the offshore scallop fleet although catch-rates are lower on the Shelf.

Fishing grounds on the eastern Scotian Shelf (Middle Grounds, Sable Island Bank, and Western Bank) have been grouped under one allocation plan. Most landings come from Sable/Western. The 1996 TAC was 175 t. The most recent catch-rates are the highest recorded since 1980. The 1996 recruited densities are down slightly from 1995 on Sable/Western. Catches should be maintained at current levels. The resource potential is limited on Middle Grounds. Recruitment appears to be sporadic. Catch levels should be kept to a minimum.

A scallop fishery resumed on German Bank, at the western end of the Scotian Shelf, in 1993. There had been a seven year interruption in the commercial exploitation. The 1996 fishery operated under a 100 t TAC. Catch-rates remained low throughout the season. The catch composition showed a greater contribution of small meats compared to previous years. Survey catch-rates dropped considerably. Given the short term (1993 - 1996) and long term (1979 - 1996) history of the German Bank scallop grounds, it would appear that irregular recruitment and slow growth make it difficult to sustain a fishery at catch levels greater than 100 t.

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